Friday, November 2, 2012

Here's your Friday Wolf!

He's SOOO cute!!!


  1. Awwww. He is adorable.

    Peanut says "Put his picture on the refrigerator. Hubba Hubba!"

    Oh, and a good morning to all Ponders.

    1. How cute, Gloria. My goodness, if the 2 of them got together (and weren't fixed) they'd breed perfectly round fur basketballs! He's the sweetest guy, though--he just loves us--esp. 'Woggy (who doesn't love my Sis? LOL!)

  2. Good morning ladies. Pretty cat.

  3. Froggy, tell Wolfie I'm coming home soon just to feed him!

  4. Now that's what I call a good-looking cat! He also seems to know it. Good. All cats deserve to be pampered and petted and generally made much of!

    I'm being relentlessly cheerful today. I think the Pres. is sounding more and more desperate and Romney is sounding more and more presidential. I can hardly wait for election day!

  5. Hey everyone. Had a nice day. Went with a friend to hear a guest speaker at her church. The speaker was Cal Pierce who started the Healing Rooms Ministeries. Good teaching, good worship. Then we went out for lunch with another friend. Now that I am home I get to cook dinner for my poor neglected hubby.

  6. Good Evening Pond Friends,
    Glad you enjoyed seeing our little (big) Wolfie. Yes, he got a meal when I got home. He's now belly-up on the bed, taking a "post-meal" nap to be followed shortly by his "pre-next-meal" nap.

    It sounds like everyone had a nice least, a better day. The waiting for the final vote is so stressful this time around. And, of course, Biden made a typical biden-flubber:

    "Vice President Joe Biden earned ridicule from foes Saturday when he twice referred to the Democratic Virginia Senate candidate by the wrong first name.

    Biden began his remarks to an enthusiastic crowd of about 1,500 at the Lynchburg Armory by praising former Gov. Tim Kaine with the correct name but later declared two times that he is "a big Tom Kaine fan."

    And this biden could be the president if something happened to obama. What a nightmare that would be!

    1. I have thought for some time that Uncle Joe is in the early stages of Alzheimer's. There have been to many times when his behavior and statements have been ridiculous. He has someone with him all the time or we may be hearing about him wandering off and getting lost.

  7. I was just typing a post when the page looked like it refreshed and a page from September came up. Oh, well.

    Wolfie is a very handsome man! Those eyes, long whiskers, beautiful fur. What a beaut he is. Good going, Froggy and WOG. Is he a purr machine?

    Eva, have you heard from all of your family back east? The stories are heartbreaking. I'm happy Bloomberg was finally pressured into cancelling the marathon. I'm so sick and tired of politicians like him that I could cuss. But I won't.

    Still believe (and hope) there will be a Mitt landslide on 11/6. It might not be good of me, but I will RELISH watching the smug "elites" melt-down when the shock-and-awe force of we little people take it to them at the voting booth.

    Love you deer Ponders. TGIF!!!!!

  8. Gloria, we can't have a day without a biden-joke!
    Today we get two flubby's.

    "Joe Biden, at a campaign event today said, 'There's never been a day in the last four years I've been proud to be his vice president. Not one single day.'"

    Watch Flubber Video: YouTube...

    1. I was driving in the car when I heard that one. I laughed so hard, the car swerved. Truer words never spoken, even though he meant the opposite.

      Some good news on a couple of fronts. I heard from Joe's uncle who said he saw aerial pictures of his home and at least it's still there. I also heard from the owners of the house we plan to rent when we move to N.J., and they also saw pictures of their house which still stands. Both are anxious to be able to check out water damage, but the island is closed and there's no timetable as to when residents will be allowed back.

      The vet called today and told me that Bambu's blood test came back and all his numbers are normal. Yay!! She still doesn't know what his infection was, but the antibiotics knocked it out, so it's all good.

  9. Just been watching some of the TV special to raise money for the East Coast hurricane victims. The pictures are devastating. I don't know how they will ever fix those places. Tonight all I can do is pray for their safety.

    Love all of our Pond Family, and I'm glad that we are all safe. Eva, our hearts are with you, and with anyone who has family and friends back East.

    Goodnight Deer Family...
