Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, Think good thoughts!

Together, with Friends
We can all have a wonderful day.


  1. Good morning, Ponders!

    I prayed for Mitt last night and I'll probably be praying up to and throughout the debate tonight. I think it'll be fine. The country has a pretty good take on him now and I don't think it'll change tonight. I'm just going to worry for the next 2 weeks about whatever the Obama Gang plan to do.

  2. And a lovely good morning to all. Pretty flowers.

    A few days ago I saw that thing about Gloria Allred's bomb. Just read that The Donald is coming out with his own bomb on Wednesday that will affect the Obama campaign in a big way. Should be an interesting week. Tit...For...Tat.

    One debate left. The only thing to be concerned about is the moderator.

    Everyone have a good day. I'll come back later.

  3. Good morning pond friends!

    Gloria, I'm glad your nephew's wedding went well! :)

    Eva, I'm joining in with you and Gloria and all the others here who are praying for Mitt Romney to win. I'm also praying for the senate races. We really need to take the senate. I heard today on Glenn Beck that has the senate still going to the dems. This confuses me. If people are sick of Obama's policies, why would they want to keep their democrat senators? In our WA state, one of the bluest of the blues, we have a senate race going against a very unpopular dem senator, Maria Cantwell. (Her name fits her, she CAN'T do anything WELL!) However, the republican nominee has hardly any ads out! I don't mean to interject local politics in here, but my point is that I sure hope we can change the senate too! I would so love to see less of Harry Reid!!! So, I will quit being a "downer debbie" (my daughter's name for me when she disagrees with me) and keep praying! Did you hear that Billy Graham came out with a full page ad endorsing Romney? That made me very hopeful! :D

    Sending love to the pond people!

    1. Paget, there is something about dem politicians in that many of them are VERY wealthy to begin with. Like Cantwell and Delbene. They usually do a very good job of hiding it but let a wealthy Republican run and their wealth and sucess is a bad thing. The majority of Democrats in DC have a background as lawyers. The majority of Republicans in DC are business men.

    2. Along those lines, my father told me long ago that, in general, the "best and brightest" Democrats go into politics and the "best and brightest" Republicans go into business. I think he meant that Democrats have more of a talent for the political life. It always struck me that Democrats run for office as if their lives depended on it and Republicans are more in the "I'd like to be elected because I think I have the answers to our problems, but if I lose, that's fine because there's more to life than political office" frame of mind.

  4. Did Froggy get her foot checked this morning? Good morning ladies.

  5. Hi Phooey, Yes, I went with Froggy for foot check. Looks great. They didn't wrap her leg up to the knee today. So she is happy about that. They only put a very large bandaid over the last spot to heal.

    We are having dreary weather so Froggy fell asleep. And Wolfie is eating and then he will fall asleep. I am going out for a bus ride downtown. Oh, we had hail yesterday afternoon. Quite a surprise.

    Paget and Gloria... I am so sad that we live in a Dem state. It's being run by a bunch of "mini-me" obamas! And you and I know that the first people to complain about the rules, and no jobs, and gas prices, and health care...are the same people that voted FOR it.

    Thank you Billy Graham for giving support to keep America.

    Eva...all we can do is keep voting for the "good guys" until someday we win. The debate tonight has me very anxious. Our country is in a mess, and it can get worse if we have another four years of pres o.

    this is what America is all about!

    "HONOLULU – A photograph of a 93-year-old World War II veteran casting what will likely be his last ballot has captured the hearts of tens of thousands of Internet users.

    The photo shows Frank Tanabe lying in a hospital bed at home as his daughter Barbara Tanabe helps him fill out his absentee ballot. A half-million people saw the picture on the website Reddit after his grandson posted it there on Thursday, making it one of the most popular items on the social media network for a day after.

    "True Patriotism," was the top rated comment on the post. "This is America. Amen," was next, followed by "Thank you, Citizen."

    Doctors diagnosed Tanabe with an inoperable cancer tumor in his liver two months ago. He's been in hospice care for the past three weeks at his daughter's home. His condition has been deteriorating, and he's been speaking little lately.

    He's been determined to vote regardless, eagerly asking when the ballot would be arriving in the mail, his daughter said. She kept telling him, "don't worry, it's coming. He filled it out immediately when it landed in the mailbox on Wednesday."

    Read more:

    Read more:

    1. Wog, I was just getting ready to ask where is Wog's Corner and the NEWS FROM THE NEWS? No joke - weird.

    2. Hi Gloria, I believe you. I try to find some interesting news clips that maybe is not on Lucianne or Drudge. Hope you enjoyed this one.

  7. Hi Ponders! I've been praying, too. NO WAY will Bob Schieffer give Mitt a fair shake tonight. Still, I pray that Mitt gets his message across and the voters watching the debate see what a good president he will be. I just pray for God's power to overwhelm everything that happens between now and 11/6 in favor of a Romney landslide.

    It's going to be a wild couple of weeks. Just keep praying, no matter what happens.

    1. Good prayer, I am in agreement with that.

    2. Hi Surfie and Gloria...Mitt seems to stay in control at all times. Important quality as a president. It would be hard to one-up him. I'm at The Pond, but I'm watching the clock to see when debate starts.

  8. Does everyone feel good about the outcome of the debate? I wonder about how they will try to spin this tomorrow.

    1. I do. It took me awhile to understand Mitt's strategy. I guess because I'm so angry with Obama, I think Mitt should attack him. His demeanor just proves how good a President he'll be. He never descended to Obama's level. Obama was so petty. Someone (I can't remember who) tweeted that Obama went after Romney as someone who knew he was behind and was trying desperately to catch up. Someone on CNN said Obama definitely lost Virginia tonight (the military vote).

      All in all, a good night for Mitt, I think.

    2. Hello, I thought the debate went well for Mitt. I really wanted to see him go after Obama, but as the debate went on, I was impressed with his presidential demeaner. OTOH, Obama seemed like a petulant child. I was impressed with Mitt's knowledge of the middle east, and could tell that Obama was angry that he couldn't call Mitt a warmonger.
