Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Happy Wednesday, Ponderers ;-)

Enjoy the day!


  1. Good Morning ladies.

    1. There's my Phoobers! I hope you're okay. I've missed hopping with you!

      I'm still recovering from our move and looking for things to put away. I can't seem to do much without 'Wog. She's at the old place get a couple of last boxes.

      How is everyone? I'm putting out all our pretty things...;-)

    2. Good Morning Ponders. So good to hear from Sir Phooey and Froggy.

      Froggy, I am not trying to meddle but I have a suggestion. It is Epsom Salt. If your new bathtub is set up to get in and out of safely (that is key). Scott and I both use it often. Epsom is not expensive. My naturopath says it takes 13 minutes for the magnesium to soak in. It really relaxes achey muscles and joints. With relaxed muscles you sleep better. It will absolutely do no harm. One heaping cup in a tub. Only don't get the scented stuff, I learned the hard way.

    3. I'd never think you were meddling, Gloria. Caring isn't meddling. I loved Epsom Salts, but I cannot get in and out of a bathtub and am confined to showers--they are hard enough!

  2. That lilly pad image is a nice one to think about while you're in the tub with the Epsom Salts. Sounds absolutely wonderful!

  3. Hey gals, what do they do to you if you miss Jury Duty? I forgot to call in time yesterday. I'd sent them a letter and doctor's note a month ago, but I didn't know for sure if I was excused...

    1. I don't know about WA, but in CA after sending in my excuse they never sent me a formal "you're excused" note. I looked up WA policy. Seems like if you don't respond (you did) you can be found guilty of a misdemeanor (you won't since you responded).

      Here's a handy dandy link.

    2. Froggy, I have done just what you have done and don't remember getting a response. I have also completely forgotten about jury duty and nothing happened either. I think I have actually served 4 times and found excuses for two more. The only court I haven't served on is Federal Court.

    3. It depends on your county in WA. A friend who lives in Walla Walla county reported that she didn't want to be on jury duty because she didn't trust the system. Her sister was murdered 30 years ago, and the case was never solved. She didn't think she could be an unbiased juror. They made her serve anyway.

      I think that was the exception, as I've forgotten to call in before in Benton county, and nothing happened.
