Saturday, February 2, 2013

Saturday - Ponders want to know

        ~ Punxsutawney Phil predicts ~
He did not see his shadow today.
It will be an early Spring!


  1. Early Spring works for me! Seems like we're already having one here. We had thunderstorms last week, highs around 60 most days, above freezing at night. Couple of cold winter days sprinkled in here and there.

    Froggy, your post got me thinking about the history of Ground Hog Day. Here's a handy dandy link:

  2. Somehow I missed yesterday. I have to add my 2 cents about the Super Bowl. Neither team has my loyalty, so I'm just hoping for a good contest. It's always bittersweet, because it's the last football game for awhile. I go into football withdrawal.

    Gloria mentioned athletes who don't live up to their reputations or who end their careers in shame. I've always been (& still am) a Miami Dolphins fan. I was crazy about Dan Marino (I have a couple of his jerseys) and always so proud that there wasn't a hint of scandal in his life. Well, so much for that. This past week, the story came out that he has a love child. My hero goes down in flames. I guess I should know better. Can't anyone in the public eye get married, stay married and remain faithful? Apparently not.

  3. Hi gals! Well, 'Woggy and I were messing with my computer today and hooking up my speakers and the monitor stopped working. We tried everything. Turned out, it was those parts that had fallen out that I'd scotched-taped back in and forgotten to tell The 'Wog about... So, I needed a new one. The 'Wogster ran downtown and picked it up at Office Depot. Of course, it wouldn't fit my desk, so she traded me hers for it. She's spent all day switching 'em and making things go.

    I have the best tadpole! Sorry about Dan. I hope Elway doesn't flame out.

    1. Thank you, Sis! I'm a hopping-happy little 'WOG!

  4. Eva, Super Bowl..I really don't know many teams, but I enjoy football.
    So I just root-root-rooty for whichever one Froggy says is the team to root for. I'm disappointed in the men that can't stay faithful to their wives. I'm sad when I hear that a favorite is nothing but a liar and a cheat. It seems to be a "problem" with US senators and such too. If yo're not ready to stay faithful, don't get married.

    Hi Surfie, I'm ready for Spring, so I hope that cute, fat, little critter is right this year. We have seen a "flock??" of robins ouside of our building pulling worms out of the mud by the sidewalks. I've never ever seen more than one or two robins at a time. When I say "flock" I mean about twenty! I didn't know if a bunch of robins is called a flock.

    I'll check that groundhog website. I don't remember anything about the background.

    1. Wow, I've never seen more than one or two robins at a time. That must have been something to see so many! Somewhere there's a site that tells you what to call a bunch of animals or birds. I don't know what it is, though.
