Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Welcome to Tuesday at The Pond

Coffee! Check emails! Look busy!


  1. Deer Surfie, Froggy left you a lovey last night. Please, read last post from yesterday.

    1. You really touched my heart, deer Froggy. I've been dancing with him in my imagination all day. Thank you, dear friend.

  2. Happy NCIS day to everyone. It's been raining here all morning. Hopefully it will quit before I need to take the dogs out. Love to all.

    1. Good Morning Phoobers, what kind of dogs do you have, or are you dog-sitting today?

    2. Wog, I have a white lab and a black mutt (part dachshund I think).

    3. Sounds like you're feeling a little better, Phooey. You're always in my prayers.

  3. Hi everyone. Hope you are having a good day.

    1. How was Scott's first day, hon?

    2. Steve's first day was really good. He said he couldn't have found a better job for him.

      Scott is DH, Steve is son. :) I think a lot of people mix them up.

    3. Good news about Steve! I hope things continue to go well for him! :)

  4. Good evening friends,

    I'm not sure if anyone reads here this late. I'll give it a try anyway. :) I just finished making a Starbuck's chocolate cinnamon loaf/cake for a friend whose birthday is tomorrow. It took most of the evening, as I picked up the ingredients on my way home from work, and had to wait for the eggs and butter to warm up to room temp. It pays to plan ahead! :) I'm not a gourmet cook like Surfie, so I'm hoping it tastes good. At least my house sure smells nice. ;)

    Goodnight everyone. :)

    1. One more thing...Froggy, the cat picture today is so cute! I just love it. :) Thank you.

  5. Howdy Paget, I'm still around. Froggy went to lay down for a while. I'm staying up til midnite so I can watch last week's episode of Dance Moms.

    How do you make Starbuck recipes? Do they have a weekly recipe or a cookbook? I'm not a great cook either. I usually tell people that I can't cook. But I have a few special things that come out tasty enough that Froggy will try it.
