Friday, March 1, 2013

Good Morning, Ponders!


  1. ...AND THE NEWS IS...

    'Wog's eyes are rolling on this one: Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) attached this absurdity to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and sneaked it past both the Senate and the House.

    "The change would, in effect, decriminalize prostitution for minors, meaning the DOJ will encourage states to prohibit the charging or prosecution of a minor for engaging in or attempting to engage in prostitution.

    "While pimping would still be illegal if states decriminalize prostitution for minors, imagine what a great recruiting tool it will be for gangs to tell minors they don't have anything to fear, it's legal."

    Read more:

    1. Are you kidding me??? I'm speechless.

  2. I know I said how much I like the beautiful weather we're having in SoCal now, but today's temp is supposed to be 86!! That's a little silly on March 1. Backwards, really. I thought March was supposed to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb.

    1. Hi Eva, are you being beset by global warming? LOL

      In my heart I'm a California gal, but Froggy loves the season changes...the snow, the spring when things bloom, the beautiful falls. Summer in Denver can get a little steamy.

  3. Hi Froggies! Where's Phooster? I did my walking and 'Woggy just got back from the bank. Wolfie sure loves her (she's food mom') and he howls for her!

    A little cool out, 'Wog says, but it's not raining. I can't wait until our patio is decent to sit on--it's too cold yet. I want to be out in the sun.

    1. Hi Frog. Keep walking you need to exercise but increase your pace slowly. It's 20 degrees below normal here and will get worse the next two days. It's a bummer going out to have a smoke with the cold and wind. I guess that's a good thing. Some day I'll quit. Love you!

  4. Our government is so insanely out of control. I fantasize about writing a script about John Adams and Thomas Jefferson somehow coming back in time and witnessing what's going on. Adams and Jefferson fell out with each other during Adams' presidency and didn't speak for the rest of their lives. They both died on July 4, 1826 ... 30 minutes apart.

    I imagine the "enemies" who died so close together plopping down in D.C., fussing with each other until they realize what's going on, then joining forces to stop the madness. Anyway, I roll things around in my mind about what they might do.

    ANYWAY ... TGIF! I really need to work tomorrow but am not doing it. I'm worn out and seriously need a full weekend to get personal things done and take a mental/physical break. I work for the CFO. She told me that she's getting ready to throw some more of her responsibilities to me next week, told me to leave early and eat my Wheaties over the weekend! I love her. She's more like a girlfriend than a boss. Love my job!

    Eva, I remember so many times when SoCal weather wasn't what it was supposed to be for the season. The only thing I could ever count on was June Gloom!

    Froggy, I'm proud of you for doing your walks. Keep on keeping on! Imagine all of your sisters here walking with you. Go, girl!

    Now I'm going to quit talking and make my to do list for the weekend.

    1. Hi Surfie, I love to hear about your day, and about your job. You've got the best job. You were so lucky to get one that you truly love.

      About Adams and Jefferson, I didn't know that about them. Fascinating trivia.

      Enjoy your much-needed weekend! We'll be here for you anytime you want to drop in. It's kind of like friends who drop by and sit around the kitchen table with a cup of coffee.

  5. Hi Phooey, the halls in our building are wonderful for walking. When I got back from bank, Froggy said that she had walked. I'm so proud of her. She's a wonderful sister!

  6. Surfie, I LOVE that idea for a script! I think we're going to need something that extreme before things get straightened out. Obama is so arrogant. Honestly, we need to come up with another word. He's beyond arrogant.

    My friend, Steve, called this morning as he was getting ready for another job interview. He said it was with a landscaping company, but he didn't say what the actual job was. He was worried that he'd be the only person who spoke English. I said he should just hope an illegal applicant didn't get the job instead of him. that led into a discussion about how nuts Obama is about the sequester. We had a good laugh over Maxine Waters' statement that the sequester meant we'd lose 170 million jobs.
