Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday, Monday. Isn't that a song?

Froggy thought it was still Sunday!


  1. Good morning pond friends!

    Wog, your comment about Froggy reminded me of the song by the Bangles - 'Just another manic Monday - Wish it was Sunday!' Boy, do I ever! I forgot to set my alarm for this morning, and barely got out of the door on time for work.

    I spent yesterday doing my taxes, and I feel drained and relieved that it's done.

    Still wearing my glasses that are the wrong prescription, because that's all I have at the moment. My contacts and my eyes are not cooperating, and so I still can't see straight. ;) But besides that I'm fine, and so I will quit grumbling.

    I just had a couple more things to say, then I will get out of here and back to work.

    Gloria - You are interesting! I've learned a lot from you! (I meant to say that the other day but didn't because my eyes were really bothering me)

    And Phoo - We love to hear from you whenever you feel like writing. But I agree; we worry about you when you're gone for a while.

    Gotta go now. :) I wish everyone a great day and week!

    Love to all you deer pond people! :)

    1. Sorry, I'm back already. I just saw the "Monday, Monday" comment. Yes, that's a song by the Mama's and the Papa's. It's one of my all time favorites. They also sang "California Dreaming", and I won $500. dollars once, as I was the 9th caller while that song was playing on the radio. I bought a new refrigerator with the money, so you can imagine how long ago that was! :)

    2. Yay! Paget saw my comment today. (Sometimes I put up the picture, but I don't know how to change my name on the posting.) I just started humming the "Monday, Monday" tune. Now I'll hear it all day. "California Dreaming"...what beautiful music we had. I try to like today's music, but I just don't hear anything memorable, or anything I'd like to hear again.

    3. Hi Ponders. Saturday night I was singing "it's another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody, i got some money 'cause i just got paid......"

      I am in eastern Washington. I was driving today so my head is a littly rummy. I listen to the radio while driving and heard about the marathon bombing. Unbelievable!

  2. Howdy folks. Sunny, nice and warm here today. Page is napping.... think I'll join her.

    1. Hi Phoobers, a nap sound good to me! Froggy has already picked out a lily pad for the afternoon snooze.

  3. You're probably heard about the bomb attacks today at the Boston Marathon.

    I don't know if the person/people who did this were foreign or domestic. I do know they are vile, evil. Two pictures made me ill. One was a man in a wheelchair with his left leg blown off below his knee. Another was a big, burly cop cradling a baby in his arms.

    God, please welcome those innocents killed into Your loving arms. Please bless, comfort and heal those injured. Please give Your strength to the first responders, medical staff, families of those harmed. Please give your wisdom to law enforcement to find those responsible and bring them to justice.

    I'm fed up with the evil going on in our world and don't know what else to do right now but pray. Oh, and continue to let my little light shine. When light shines, darkness ceases to exist.

    Love to our deer Pond family. Shine on!

    1. Thank you Surfie, for the prayers tonight. There is no explaining the evil. We will add our strength and prayers too. Bless the hurt and the wounded and the families that lost their loved ones.

  4. I agree. There's no explaining evil, so let's not try. We'll just ache for the families and pray.
