Sunday, April 14, 2013

A day of reflection.


  1. Gad, we're on unemployment and Social Security--and we still owe $800 on our taxes. Don't know where that's gonna come from! Thanks Obama!

  2. Hi Froggy, That's unbelievable how that happens!

    There was a nice young man at my previous job whose only employment at age 26, was to clean our offices for 2 hours a day. He lived at home with his parents, and was able to file for earned income credit, somehow. He would get a nice refund every year! Crazy, huh?

    1. Paget, some people just know how to juggle the system. I would rather be Clark Howard who became a millionare in the travel industry in his twenties, I think.

  3. Hi Froggy. This year we only have Fed. taxes to pay. What tax program did you use? I've always used Taxact. They have a free downloadable Fed. tax program that allows you to E-file. Love ya!

    1. Hi Phooey, I have been using Free TurboTax. No matter how I changed things, it still came out to pay $800. We'll get it done somehow. And get on with new things. I didn't know about Taxact. I'll look at it later.

  4. Hi Ponders, Both Froggy and I are dragging. I started a sore throat yesterday afternoon, and decided I should just rest. I'll have some yummy, hot chicken noodle soup this afternoon.

    1. Prayers sent for Froggy and Woggy.

  5. Hi y'all. We haven't filed yet. SIL is a CPA. I will be over there tomorrow so I guess I will just have him file an extension for us. That will give us a little more time. It is not right that Social Security should be taxed ( was not intended to be that way.) We have Al Gore to thank for that. That was one of those times when the sitting Vice Prez was the tie breaking vote. Dang!

    Paget I have heard of people who deliberately take part time seasonal jobs that will get them laid off so they can draw unemployment in the off season.

    Last night Phooey said that he had been reading but not saying anything. I feel like that a lot.

    I woke up at 2am and found we have no water. It was sudden so I fretted about it for a while. I finally went to the website for the water assn. and found that there is a busted main pipe. I am so glad that I had 2 big jugs of emergency water.

    1. Thanks Gloria. Now I don't feel so alone with my emotions.

    2. Phooey, I read your post yesterday as well and wanted to be sure and let you know (as the others have said) that we just want you to let us know you're okay. It's always a treat to hear from you, but it's fine if you post a one-liner just to say hello. It's the unexpected silence that is upsetting.

      Froggy, 'Wog, there's just no way that it's right for you to have to pay $800 in taxes! How on earth can 47% of Americans not have to pay anything and you do?

      I'm going to try to be calm and reflective today as the picture above says. It's a gray day here.

    3. For next years taxes, I'm going to set aside $50 a month just in case. I don't have many places to get that extra money. But we'll be okay. Not to worry! As long as we have cat food, it's a good day. Going back to bed.
