Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday dreams

"Best Fun" on a hot day


  1. Well, you can always tell how hot 'Woggy is by how much water she posts as first pic!

    How is everyone?

  2. Hi Froggy,

    I love that picture. It reminds me of when I was young and my parents would take our family to Long Beach, WA. Great memories. :)

    Today is my mother's 87th birthday. She and dad are celebrating the occasion by going to a quaint little bed and breakfast near Walla Walla, WA. :) I asked mom to bring her cell phone, and to turn it on. She asked me, why, was I planning to call them? I said no, in case of emergency. LOL. It's like our roles have reversed. Mom and dad are both 87. I feel better when I know I can reach them.

    Froggy, are you feeling good enough to get out and go to a park along the water? I know Puget Sound is very cold. You and Wog might find it refreshing to wade in it and cool off. It’s been so many years since I was in a park in your area. In my grade school years, we had many summer picnics south of Seattle at Salt Water Park down by Des Moines. Those were the days. :)

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

    Love from Paget

    1. No, I'm not quite well enough to go wading. 'Woggy and I did it in San Diego and she slipped on the moss in a tidal pool! Oh, my, how I laughed!

      Happy birthday to your mom!

  3. Happy Birthday to your Mom, Paget! It's so true how roles start reversing as we and our parents age. I'm impressed that they are still having fun at 87.

    Lovely picture today. I had wonderful nostalgic thoughts all day of living on the beach with hubs, raising our son together. Thank you!

    Expecting a major rainstorm, starting tonight and going all day tomorrow. Fine by me. It rarely rains here during July or August. We've been having rains on and off all summer. Everything is still green. This rain is supposed to drop the temp. down from near 100 to about 80. Color me happy!

    Froggy, I so wish you felt well enough to make a little beach visit. I'm guessing it would be hard to get there without a car, even if you did feel well enough. You and I can both visit the beach in our memories!

    Love you, Deer Ponders. See you tomorrow on TGIF!

    1. Hi Surfie,
      I love the beach too. To me, it's a peaceful place, a place of healing. A place of memories. It calms me, and makes me happy.

  4. We here on the west coast are 3 hours behind the east coast. It is only 6:45 here. Starting to cool off. It would be wonderfull to be at the waters edge Just like those guys. I absolutely love love love summer now that I don't go to work. I like being outside and I feel more healthy for it.

    Froggy, even a round trip ferry ride would be nice, eh?

    This weekend Val will be here with 5 of the grands. She will be house sitting across the valley from me for 2 1/2 weeks.
