Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wednesday. Make it a good one.

~Love you!~



    "This week’s Muslim rioting in France was touched off when a policeman in the town of Trappes gave a ticket to a Muslim woman who was wearing a face veil, in violation of French law. Her husband, enraged at this affront to the family honor, attacked the cop and began trying to strangle him.

    His arrest in turn enraged his fellow Muslims, and now the rioting is entering its fourth day and has spread to nearby Elancourt, with so far twenty cars torched and Muslims shooting at police."



    "This could make for one odd family reunion: Barack Obama is a distant cousin of actor Brad Pitt and Hillary Rodham Clinton is related to Pitt's girlfriend, Angelina Jolie.

    Researchers at the New England Historic Genealogical Society found some remarkable family connections for the three presidential candidates.

    Democratic hopeful Obama has a prolific presidential lineage. He can claim kinship with six U.S Presidents including President George W Bush, his father George H. W. Bush, Gerald Ford, Lyndon Johnson, Harry Truman and James Madison.

    Obama has already learnt that he is distantly related to U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, according to Lynne Cheney, who said she discovered that her husband of 43 years is eighth cousins with the senator from Illinois.

    A spokesman for Obama, who wants to be the first black U.S.president, offered a tongue-in-cheek response: "Every family has a black sheep."

    Mrs. Cheney told MSNBC that it was "an amazing American story that one ancestor...could be responsible down the family line for lives that have taken such different and varied paths."


    1. Hi Wog,

      That's interesting! I know when I got the results of my DNA test through, it listed lots of people who were likely my 3rd - 6th cousins. There were quite a few, and they said they were 98% sure that they really were my relatives! Hmm. How do they know for sure? Someday when I get time, I’d like to contact some of those people. Maybe I’ve got some famous long lost relatives too! 

    2. Hi Paget,
      Nice to hear from you. Everyone at The Pond has been bus lately. In case you haven't heard, we gave up our Wolfie cat Sunday. It was getting too much for us to care for him. I took him back to the Seattle Animal Shelter where we found him. They will find him another home.

      Glad you enjoyed the ancestry article. I thought it was interesting to see who was related to whom.

      Getting kinda warm right now. Think it's time to put on shorts, and drink some ice tea or water. I'll be back later.

    3. Hi Wog,

      I've been remiss, and haven't posted much lately. Work has been very demanding. Between that, and stressing about the state of our country, my energy is gone by the end of the day. That's why I'm posting now, while my brain cells are still charged up. :)

      Yes, I did post a comment about Wolfie. I was so sorry you had to give him up. I know it broke your hearts. :( I hope you and Froggy are doing better. He will find another good home. :)

      You and Froggy stay cool over there! I would be lost without my air conditioner! Today they're predicting another 100 degree day.


    "As the Senate prepares for confirmation hearings Wednesday to decide whether Samantha Power will be the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, there are some controversial criticisms of America from her past that may be called into question.

    Power, a former journalist turned political activist, once connected some of the tactics in the U.S. war on terror to French military support for the Hutu militia, which killed 800,000 people in the Rwandan genocide. She also has called Americans “stingy on foreign aid,” declared that the U.S. should apologize for slavery, and even made indirect references comparing U.S. involvement in the world to that of Nazi Germany.

    At a 2002 discussion of her book at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Power questioned the U.S. cooperation with other countries in the war on terror, saying “we’re about to partner with regimes that if they’re not committing genocide they are certainly committing systematic atrocities against their people.”


  4. I'm on a roll today. Too many interesting articles. Sometimes in the night, I listen to Mark Levin or Michael Savage on the radio. They give me a lot of good ideas.

    Still haven't got on my shorts or poured the ice water. And I'm starting to sizzle!

    1. Mark Levin is my very favorite! Sometimes he delves so deeply into his subject that he loses me, but most of the time I'm following right along. I'm looking forward to his new book which comes out August 10th.

      I've about given up on Michael Medved, who was also a favorite talk show host. He is SO excited about the gang of 8's immigration bill. I'm not happy with that at all.

      Woggie, you need to cool off! Seattle heat is hard to deal with due to the humidity, and then very few people have air conditioning. My daughter was very surprised to see that they have air conditioning in her house in Anacortes. They didn't even know they had it until after they'd bought the house.

    2. Yes, the last few days we have needed A/C. How have you been, Paget, on-the-other-side?

      Phooey, how are your gals doing?

    3. Hi Froggy.:) Try to stay cool! How are you doing otherwise? Hope you're feeling better. :)

      Yes, Phooey, I meant to say the other day, that I really sympathize with Page. I've had that procedure several times and it isn't fun. Hope she and your daughter are better now.

  5. Hey there Wog and Froggy,

    Did someone change the Wednesday picture, or am I losing it completely? I like it regardless. :)

    Hope everyone is having a good day. :)

    Love to all you deer people. :)

    1. Yes, Froggy changed the picture. Must have been a surprise for you. LOL

  6. So much news! I'm home from work and too tired to muster up a comment, but loved reading it all.

    Today's picture is wonderful. Thank you!

  7. Thanks to everyone for dropping by today.

    The news is rolling by too quickly. I try to pick up a couple interesting articles...and keep them short, so that it's not too much reading. Until last night, when I was listening to the radio, I never heard of Samantha Power. Froggy does all the reading. She reads many, many stories, blogs, comments, and essays every day.

    We are feeling better about Wolfie. I can't really talk much about him. Just miss him.

    Love to all... Stay cool... Enjoy your evening
