Mags, you know you are in our hearts, minds, and prayers. Everyone here is thrilled that you've become part of our family. We are few but we are mighty! You are a powerful woman, and God will bring you through this. Of that, I am sure.
Phooey, glad you got to play in the dirt. Gardening is good for the soul.
My computer battery died last week (or so I thought). I went into panic mode at first because a new battery is $140 and would take a week to get here. A new laptop would be at least $250, plus Windows Office, plus a power cord. Took it into Office Depot and found out it was only the power cord that had died. I'm back up and running. Still ticks me off that a power cord costs $55.
At the end of the day, I'm grateful it was only a power cord and not a huge expense. I realized how much I depend on my laptop for information, bill paying, banking, and hanging out with friends I've met online (that would be you, Deers). Interesting to me was what I did with the time I would normally be online. Got a lot of things done around here!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day today. Surfie Smooches to all.
PS: If I had not panicked, I would have known it was only the power cord from the get-go. A laptop will function with no battery at all so long as it is plugged into an electrical outlet. NOTE TO SELF: Don't fear the worst and be a ninny. Calm down and think things through!
Hope some Deers show up so I'm not talking to myself.
Today would have been my husband's 65th birthday. I imagine he's up in Heaven with my Father. They loved each other. Boats and an ocean will be involved. After 6-1/2 years, I'm over the crushing grief and into remembering all the wonderful things.
Well, Surfhut, some times the only way to get an intelligent response, IS to talk to yourself ! LOL You have overcome much, the move to OKC, letting your son make his own life after your wonderful upbringing. Your DH and Dad and their "Father" are smiling down on you, and are proud.
Hi Surfie and Pond Gang., You aren't talking to yourself. I was just being lazy this morning. Kept falling asleep on the sofa. Finally got dressed and did some dishes. Going to walk to hospital (one block) and check cafeteria for lunch.
Ah, the mighty Prayer Warriors are on the job, Mags, no fear, we are with you. Eva, I don't know about cats, but my dogs talk back. They let me back in the house at feeding time !
Exactly! Lately, Bambu has been making a real ruckus around 5am every morning. If I pull the covers over my head, he burrows underneath. Since Joe is the one who actually goes to work every day, I get up and drag myself downstairs to feed him. By the time I get back upstairs and try to get back into bed (assuming I can even fall asleep again, which I usually can't), Bambu is already there, under the covers.
Frankly, I don't think he was really hungry in the first place. He just wants to take my place in a warm bed next to Joe. He's his Daddy's cat and I miss my Puffin!!
Waiting to hear the good word, I forget you ladies are 2,3 or 4 hours behind Phooey and I on the East coast. Phoo, I love those girls and this was so appropriate. Hugs to all, I hope Mags DH or son can post, but that might be selfish since they have better things to do for Mag. I am known to be impatient, blessing and prayers for Mags.
for a laugh during today's tense wait, even if you don't have time to read, look at the pictures Jo posted: Dare you not to laugh !
Dang! wrote a post and it disappeared before I could post it. First, I wagged my finger at Surfie for not checking her email today! I tried to post this morning on the way to the hospital, but my phone would not let me log in or post anonymously. So I sent my comment to her to convey to y'all. Most of all I wanted you to know that I had no apprehension or anxiety or fear going in this morning. The surgery went great, very little blood loss and came out of anesthesia with no nausea. Came up to the room, came out of the fog and was starving. Ate a bunch of snacks, drank coffee, joked with the nurses, and got on Facebook for a bit. I hadn't looked in here because I figured Surfie would have given you the news from my second email which said everything was fine. :P So, all's well and hoping all's well with all the Ponders. Love and many thanks. Mags
Mags, so happy to know that all is well. I keep returning for a little news about you. Really, your pond friends are a powerful group to have support you in prayer. You have the added benefit of knowing our Surfie in person. Be blessed Mags.
Going home today. Didn't get much sleep; par for the course in a hospital. Doc just came in as I was writing, says everything looks good. Again, thanks.
I hereby declare that this day, the 20th day of May 2014 is a GREAT DAY for all of God's people! This means you too, Miss Froggy. After the wonderful news about Mags it has to be a great day.
Fantastic Mags, you will sleep better at home. What an awesome God that listens to all our prayers, I am jumping around my office in joy. I also did prayers for your DH that he would have the strength of the Holy Spirit to help you. Oh what a joyous day. Your pond friends are so happy for you. Pain meds might be a trial, but we will help you.
Here is Mags 1st post from yesterday morning: Hi Deb Tried to post to the Pond from my phone & couldn't. Would you post this for me? "Hi Ponders! On the way to the hospital now and thought I'd check in. Thank you for all your prayers. Just want you to know I have perfect peace. No fear or anxiety. All will be well. Love you all. Thanks for the call, Surfie, means the world. Mags"
And here is the one from after surgery: Went fine, resting now. Tell Pond. Love you Mags
Things always happen for a reason! The post you wrote here yourself was so incredible and inspiring. You have touched my life in more ways than I can ever say through witnessing your faith, your strength, and your sense of humor through all that comes your way. THANK YOU!
At home now, getting ready to kick back in the recliner and get some sleep. Hubs curled up on the couch beside me. Surfie, you made me blush (in a good way). I'm humbled by the love I feel from all of you, and I am so so so blessed to have such an incredible cloud of witnesses supporting me, I felt positively buoyed up and floating on your prayers. Here is my verse for the day: I Thessalonians 5:18 says, give thanks in ALL circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. ALL circumstances. I am thankful tonight.
Magdalene, You are a marvel. Can't believe you are already home. I like to think that Prayers from The Pond helped your recovery. May I add Hugs to the Prayers!
Good Morning Pond Family, Are you up and hopping today? How's the heat over your way? Seattle is trying to stay cool. I am running for the bus. See ya this afternoon.
Awakened by huge thunder and much lightening this morning. Boy, is this different from Los Angeles weather! I like it. Bambu & Joe are still under the covers (Joe is sound asleep and Bambu is watchful).
Mags, I'm just so thrilled that you're home and resting comfortably. You went through some major surgery. Now do you see why I say you're so strong? You really are a role model. I doubt I'd be able to post anything, much less with humor.
Good Morning Eva, I thought that I would be the first poster this morning, but you beat me to it. We don't get much thunder around Seattle. You'd think with all the rain up here, there would be a lot of thunder and lightening. Yes, our Mags is amazing, and as you said, she is healing with humor. I wouldn't be smiling for a long time. The Pond is blessed to have her join our little, happy family.
I am thankful that Mags is home and resting. Prayers work. Off topic, but I got rid of cable several years ago and dust my TV. BUT, listening in here, heard mention of NCIS and I watch BlueBloods on CBS internet. Well, NCIS is also listed, and you have created an addict !! Have gone back through the full episodes and I am hooked, love it. Also watch the GoodWife, Mentalist, and disappointed they won't bring back Intelligence.
Just checking in. All's well. Stepped outside and clipped half a dozen Queen Elizabeth roses off my bush. Not really sleeping but I do get plenty of rest. Just not a recliner-sleeper and I can't rake a chance on sleeping in a bed yet. Phooey, close your ears a minute, this is girl stuff. My cancer is positive for estrogen and progesterone receptors, so I had to quit HRT several weeks ago, and now I'm having hot flashes again. Dang! I thought I was done with all that!
I took HRT and reading up on it, cancelled the Mare's urine stuff. eek, that Prem/ Pro stuff. I changed to Activella !! a plant based estrogen replacement, but you need to talk to Dr about it. No side effects here, check it out. No fun changing wet sheets and nighties every day, the Activella changed all that. Hugs,
Unfortunately because my cancer is positive for hormone receptors, I can't EVER have estrogen or progesterone again, because that is what was feeding it. That means, not only HRT, but no plant-based hormones either. No black cohosh, evening primrose, no soy of any kind. None, nada, nichts, ever. Since we know it was in the lymph system, I could have a cell or two lurking somewhere and I don't want to take the chance of feeding it. Trust me, if there was something, I'd have found it. :)
Hahaha ! You're right, Gloria. The most remembered and used of any quote from Bugs. They really were 'good ole days'. What a crying shame America lost it's moral values.
oh dear, I forgot about our gentleman. Ears open deer one. I quit all that stuff years ago, just vitamins and minerals now. The DH gets testosterone shots since the removal of his prostate from cancer.
Thanks ladies ! For awhile there could only hear my own thoughts..... depressing. At least I don't worry about anyone wanting to 'harvest' my organs...... Nobody wants them !!!
Mags, I'm so glad your surgery was successful and that you're doing so well! I don't check in often like the others, but I wanted you to know, I've been praying for you too.
You have such a positive attitude, that has to be half of the battle! Nice to hear that you're enjoying your roses. :)
On the local front, we're taking off today to get ready for a trip across the state tomorrow, to Anacortes. I'm so excited to see my grandson who is now 17 months old. The last time we saw him was at Christmas, and at this age they change so fast! Daughter says grandson is starting to get an olive complexion. He has blond hair and blue eyes too. She says he is beginning to look like a little surfer dude!
Froggie , Wog and Gloria, I'll wave in your direction as we drive bypass Seattle. :)
Hope everyone has a safe and fun memorial day weekend. Love and prayers to all of you.
I didn't know that his name was "Leroy." All you ever hear is "Jethro." I had to Google his name. found out he's married to Pam Dawber, and his sister married Rick Nelson.
OMG, my Grandmother used to use that expression. That's right my Mom's Mom. As a teenager I thought it was gross. Now I totally understand. Trey Gowdy too! Yep.
OK, ladies. Here's some swoon material. Back in my days living in Malibu I ran into Sam Elliott probably 2 times a month in the produce section of our local store, but never during tourist season. He knew I was a local and we just chatted about food and picked out vegetables together.
Sean Connery had a meeting with my boss at Orion Pictures. I was in and out, doing paperwork for them. I've met a lot of celebrities in my day, and he is the only one who rattled me. He asked me for a cup of tea, and it took every ounce of strength to keep that cup and saucer steady.
Both of those men are waaaaay more handsome and charming in person than in their very best movie scene.
Long story short, I had breakfast with Marlon Brando at Neverland. Just he and I at the table. He loved the simple little cross necklace I was wearing, which started a discussion about personal things. At the time, he was old and fat and obviously a disturbed man. Once he started talking, all I could see was the handsome man God intended him to be. I can't explain it, really. There was just something about him.
Phooey! Amen to Trey Gowdy. I think/hope/believe we finally have a politician who won't fold like a $2 suit.
Sheesh ... I might need to get a platform bed so more awesome men can fit underneath!
Surfie, We don't want the men under the bigger bed, only the shoes!
I love Hollywood stories. You certainly met some handsome men. I really like Sam Elliot. Kind of a rugged, manly type. The only one I ever saw in a market in Westwood was Dean Jagger. All I remember was how tall he was.
THIS MADE FROGGY LAUGH. She said, "Lucianne was a hoot today!" Someone said under this article Obama admits the job has been´ wearing me down ... but Michelle still thinks I´m cute´
Reply 14 - Posted by: ladydawgfan, 5/23/2014 3:45:36 PM The "great puckered eye" that resides beneath my cats tail is cuter than this buffoon and smells better too, although they do both spew the same thing from their main orifices!!!
I think Gram may pay a visit, yeah, sent me a note. O/T ditto on puckered eye, yikes, don't have a cat but two dogs also qualify. I know we don't discuss politics here, but I am a life member of the Disabled American Veterans, and am so hot, there is steam coming out of my ears. Hey big ears, wearing you down,? KMA, we have real American's that gave all.
EC, It's okay to talk politics here. It's just that no one has been commenting about it lately. Every now and then I put up a short post of something interesting. Just seems like everyone has been busy with family things, and trying to stay cool.
Gloria, I love "I can Haz" It's based in Seattle somewhere but I have never been able to find an address. Very fun and funny pictures.
for Memorial Weekend" Tissue alert for our Uncle Bud at Normandy, Uncle Andy in Africa, Uncle Leo in France and all that did not make it home, and DH home from Nam
I don't check in for a bit and miss all the good stuff!
Mags, yay on being able to get out and clip roses. You sound great. Not so good on the HRT stuff. I'm sorry about that and completely over my head when those discussions arise. I'll leave it to you experts.
Paget, sorry I missed saying 'hi' when you checked in. Hope you're enjoying you're trip.
Phooey, I love you. Joe & I are constantly quoting Bugs. It helps us get through the news of the day.
My big weekend (so far, anyway) included meeting Chris Christie on the Seaside Heights boardwalk Friday. It was totally cool. He hugged me, but Joe missed getting a picture. There were several vets around and Christie took as much time as they wanted to talk. He was so respectful. He took pictures with anyone who wanted one. He told one woman how much he liked her NoBama tshirt. Kids came up to him. It was just nice. I was talking to one of the state troopers who was with him and we were laughing at how Hillary would never just walk into a crowd of ordinary citizens like this.
Surfie, I envy your Sam Elliot, Sean Connery and Marlon Brando! Here's one of my cool guys: I was at a play rehearsal in the early 1980's (I think). A friend of the director's came by to watch. His name was Scott Newman. Really, he looked just like his father. He and I started talking. Usually, I would catch a ride home from someone in the cast, but Scott offered to take me this night. It was after midnight when we left the theater. Scott said he had to stop by his place to get something on the way. I waited in the car. It was a lovely warm night and this was in Beverly Hills, but after waiting for half an hour, I started to get annoyed. Finally, I overcame my embarrassment and knocked at the front door. Who opens it? Paul Newman in a bathrobe (obviously having been asleep)! I stammered my story and he invited me inside. He left to go to the back of the house. When he came back, he told me Scott was passed out on the bed and he called me a cab. Of course, he apologized and he gave me the money for the taxi. He kept me company while I waited. Sheesh! Scott was a very troubled young man and he OD'd not long after that, but I can never think of Paul Newman without getting red and feeling humiliated that I wasn't interesting enough to keep his son awake.
Here's to the men who are responsible for our living in the greatest nation on G-d's earth, including two I love: my father and father-in-law!
Here I am, late to the party again! Is anyone still up?
We returned yesterday evening from a great visit with my daughter and family. Grandson Kaden is a happy, busy, adorable boy! (don't I sound like a grandma!) I had forgotten how active they can be at 17 months! I can see why you have children when you're young! We're lucky that they will be travelling to our house at the end of June. My niece is getting married on June 28th, and they will be here for the happy occasion. I need to really childproof my house!
I so enjoyed reading the posts from the last two days! I loved hearing about all the brave heroes in your lives, and I'm so thankful for them and all of our veterans! Phooey, that includes you. Thank you so much for your service! Also, thank you for your nice comment to me the other day. I love you and the pond family too!
My family doesn't have a large number of veterans, but my dad and my uncle are WWII veterans, and I couldn't be prouder of them! My dad joined the navy in 1943, right before he turned 18. He and my uncle were (and still are) very proud to have served our country. When the war was over, my dad took the bus home to Portland, OR. My dad is about 5'5. Back then, he had blond, wavy hair, and was very cute in his uniform. (yes, I am biased) When he got off the bus, a very tall, unattractive woman saw him, and chased him down the street yelling, "a sailor, a sailor!" Luckily, my dad was a fast runner!
EC, I got a real kick out of all the movie stars who could put their shoes under your bed! You crack me up! Let me tell you, I feel the same way about all of them!
Eva, so you met Chris Christie! That must have been very cool! And Paul Newman - swoon - what an amazing experience! He was probably very embarrassed that his son had passed out. Such a sad ending for Scott.
Surfie, I've always loved Sam Elliot. I enjoy hearing about your real life encounters. My daughter is hooked on that Kardashian series. Blah. To me those people are just famous for being famous.
Gloria, I look at the Cheezeburger website all the time. My son teases me because he says Facebook is just a place to see cute cat pictures. Ha! I don't tell him all the right-wing news I get there too. He couldn't handle it.
Magdalene, I hope you are recuperating and getting your strength back.
Froggie and Wog; thank you for all you do here at the pond. It is a pleasure to be back.
Mags, you know you are in our hearts, minds, and prayers. Everyone here is thrilled that you've become part of our family. We are few but we are mighty! You are a powerful woman, and God will bring you through this. Of that, I am sure.
ReplyDeletePhooey, glad you got to play in the dirt. Gardening is good for the soul.
My computer battery died last week (or so I thought). I went into panic mode at first because a new battery is $140 and would take a week to get here. A new laptop would be at least $250, plus Windows Office, plus a power cord. Took it into Office Depot and found out it was only the power cord that had died. I'm back up and running. Still ticks me off that a power cord costs $55.
At the end of the day, I'm grateful it was only a power cord and not a huge expense. I realized how much I depend on my laptop for information, bill paying, banking, and hanging out with friends I've met online (that would be you, Deers). Interesting to me was what I did with the time I would normally be online. Got a lot of things done around here!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day today. Surfie Smooches to all.
PS: If I had not panicked, I would have known it was only the power cord from the get-go. A laptop will function with no battery at all so long as it is plugged into an electrical outlet. NOTE TO SELF: Don't fear the worst and be a ninny. Calm down and think things through!
DeleteHope some Deers show up so I'm not talking to myself.
ReplyDeleteToday would have been my husband's 65th birthday. I imagine he's up in Heaven with my Father. They loved each other. Boats and an ocean will be involved. After 6-1/2 years, I'm over the crushing grief and into remembering all the wonderful things.
Well, Surfhut, some times the only way to get an intelligent response, IS to talk to yourself ! LOL
ReplyDeleteYou have overcome much, the move to OKC, letting your son make his own life after your wonderful upbringing. Your DH and Dad and their "Father" are smiling down on you, and are proud.
Yep! That is all I can add.
DeleteHi Surfie and Pond Gang.,
ReplyDeleteYou aren't talking to yourself. I was just being lazy this morning. Kept falling asleep on the sofa. Finally got dressed and did some dishes. Going to walk to hospital (one block) and check cafeteria for lunch.
Prayers for our dear Magdalene, EC, and Phooster who are all suffering health trials. W e all love you so!
ReplyDeleteHi babe !
Deleteand so are you, Froggy ! We have not forgotten you !
DeleteGood girl, Surfie--I am so proud of you! Yes, remember the good things!
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong with talking to yourself? I do it all the time. Or, I talk to Bambu. I get the same reaction... yawns.
ReplyDeleteWe know, Eva, we know ! It's just that no one wanted to say anything about it...( yawn )... :)
Deletegiggle. You really tickle my funny bone, Phooey. It's why I think you're such a treasure!
DeleteGee, ain't I a stinker? - Bugs Bunny
DeleteMags, you're in my thoughts and in my prayers. And always in my heart. Don't be scared.
ReplyDeleteAmen Sister !
DeleteMags, stay in touch with us as best you can. God speed your recovery.
ReplyDeleteAh, the mighty Prayer Warriors are on the job, Mags, no fear, we are with you.
ReplyDeleteEva, I don't know about cats, but my dogs talk back. They let me back in the house at feeding time !
Exactly! Lately, Bambu has been making a real ruckus around 5am every morning. If I pull the covers over my head, he burrows underneath. Since Joe is the one who actually goes to work every day, I get up and drag myself downstairs to feed him. By the time I get back upstairs and try to get back into bed (assuming I can even fall asleep again, which I usually can't), Bambu is already there, under the covers.
DeleteFrankly, I don't think he was really hungry in the first place. He just wants to take my place in a warm bed next to Joe. He's his Daddy's cat and I miss my Puffin!!
Eva, do cats have spring fever? Our Kitty has certainly been showing some weird behavior.
ReplyDeleteDeer Phooey,
DeleteWhat a perfect song for today. It was so beautiful, it made me cry..
Waiting to hear the good word, I forget you ladies are 2,3 or 4 hours behind Phooey and I on the East coast. Phoo, I love those girls and this was so appropriate. Hugs to all, I hope Mags DH or son can post, but that might be selfish since they have better things to do for Mag. I am known to be impatient, blessing and prayers for Mags.
ReplyDeletefor a laugh during today's tense wait, even if you don't have time to read, look at the pictures Jo posted:
Dare you not to laugh !
EC..Was great! Thanks for the link. Hope not, but we may have to wait a couple days to find out how the surgery went.
DeleteI don't want to be impatient and intrude, but think I'll txt Magdalene tomorrow evening. Prayers!
ReplyDeleteOh good. Thanks for doing that, Surfie. We're all impatient to hear. Prayers!
DeleteDang! wrote a post and it disappeared before I could post it.
ReplyDeleteFirst, I wagged my finger at Surfie for not checking her email today! I tried to post this morning on the way to the hospital, but my phone would not let me log in or post anonymously. So I sent my comment to her to convey to y'all.
Most of all I wanted you to know that I had no apprehension or anxiety or fear going in this morning. The surgery went great, very little blood loss and came out of anesthesia with no nausea. Came up to the room, came out of the fog and was starving. Ate a bunch of snacks, drank coffee, joked with the nurses, and got on Facebook for a bit. I hadn't looked in here because I figured Surfie would have given you the news from my second email which said everything was fine. :P
So, all's well and hoping all's well with all the Ponders. Love and many thanks.
Mags, so happy to know that all is well. I keep returning for a little news about you. Really, your pond friends are a powerful group to have support you in prayer. You have the added benefit of knowing our Surfie in person.
DeleteBe blessed Mags.
DeleteWhat wonderful news. We are all happy-hopping for you. I am impressed by your positive attitude. We have prayers for you anytime you need 'em.
Hanging my head! I really do need to get better about checking my email. Super news! Any idea when you get to go home?
DeleteWhat a relief! Ah, the power of prayer. So glad to hear from you we'll just let Surfie slide on this :)
DeleteGoing home today. Didn't get much sleep; par for the course in a hospital. Doc just came in as I was writing, says everything looks good.
DeleteAgain, thanks.
I hereby declare that this day, the 20th day of May 2014 is a GREAT DAY for all of God's people! This means you too, Miss Froggy. After the wonderful news about Mags it has to be a great day.
ReplyDeleteI second the motion.
DeleteFantastic Mags, you will sleep better at home. What an awesome God that listens to all our prayers, I am jumping around my office in joy. I also did prayers for your DH that he would have the strength of the Holy Spirit to help you. Oh what a joyous day. Your pond friends are so happy for you. Pain meds might be a trial, but we will help you.
ReplyDeleteHere is Mags 1st post from yesterday morning:
ReplyDeleteHi Deb
Tried to post to the Pond from my phone & couldn't. Would you post this for me? "Hi Ponders! On the way to the hospital now and thought I'd check in. Thank you for all your prayers. Just want you to know I have perfect peace. No fear or anxiety. All will be well. Love you all.
Thanks for the call, Surfie, means the world.
And here is the one from after surgery:
DeleteWent fine, resting now. Tell Pond.
Love you
Things always happen for a reason! The post you wrote here yourself was so incredible and inspiring. You have touched my life in more ways than I can ever say through witnessing your faith, your strength, and your sense of humor through all that comes your way. THANK YOU!
Whew !!! Good night, ladies.
ReplyDeleteAt home now, getting ready to kick back in the recliner and get some sleep. Hubs curled up on the couch beside me.
ReplyDeleteSurfie, you made me blush (in a good way). I'm humbled by the love I feel from all of you, and I am so so so blessed to have such an incredible cloud of witnesses supporting me, I felt positively buoyed up and floating on your prayers.
Here is my verse for the day: I Thessalonians 5:18 says, give thanks in ALL circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
ALL circumstances.
I am thankful tonight.
DeleteYou are a marvel. Can't believe you are already home. I like to think that Prayers from The Pond helped your recovery. May I add Hugs to the Prayers!
Good Morning Pond Family,
ReplyDeleteAre you up and hopping today? How's the heat over your way? Seattle is trying to stay cool. I am running for the bus. See ya this afternoon.
Awakened by huge thunder and much lightening this morning. Boy, is this different from Los Angeles weather! I like it. Bambu & Joe are still under the covers (Joe is sound asleep and Bambu is watchful).
ReplyDeleteMags, I'm just so thrilled that you're home and resting comfortably. You went through some major surgery. Now do you see why I say you're so strong? You really are a role model. I doubt I'd be able to post anything, much less with humor.
Good Morning Eva,
DeleteI thought that I would be the first poster this morning, but you beat me to it. We don't get much thunder around Seattle. You'd think with all the rain up here, there would be a lot of thunder and lightening. Yes, our Mags is amazing, and as you said, she is healing with humor. I wouldn't be smiling for a long time. The Pond is blessed to have her join our little, happy family.
I am thankful that Mags is home and resting. Prayers work.
DeleteOff topic, but I got rid of cable several years ago and dust my TV. BUT, listening in here, heard mention of NCIS and I watch BlueBloods on CBS internet. Well, NCIS is also listed, and you have created an addict !! Have gone back through the full episodes and I am hooked, love it.
Also watch the GoodWife, Mentalist, and disappointed they won't bring back Intelligence.
Just checking in. All's well. Stepped outside and clipped half a dozen Queen Elizabeth roses off my bush. Not really sleeping but I do get plenty of rest. Just not a recliner-sleeper and I can't rake a chance on sleeping in a bed yet.
ReplyDeletePhooey, close your ears a minute, this is girl stuff.
My cancer is positive for estrogen and progesterone receptors, so I had to quit HRT several weeks ago, and now I'm having hot flashes again. Dang! I thought I was done with all that!
I took HRT and reading up on it, cancelled the Mare's urine stuff. eek, that Prem/ Pro stuff. I changed to Activella !! a plant based estrogen replacement, but you need to talk to Dr about it.
DeleteNo side effects here, check it out. No fun changing wet sheets and nighties every day, the Activella changed all that. Hugs,
Unfortunately because my cancer is positive for hormone receptors, I can't EVER have estrogen or progesterone again, because that is what was feeding it. That means, not only HRT, but no plant-based hormones either. No black cohosh, evening primrose, no soy of any kind. None, nada, nichts, ever. Since we know it was in the lymph system, I could have a cell or two lurking somewhere and I don't want to take the chance of feeding it.
DeleteTrust me, if there was something, I'd have found it. :)
Will someone let me know when I can open my ears again. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHey, Phoo, your quote the other day from Bugs Bunny (ain't I a little stinker) reminded me of my favorite - What a maroon!
DeleteHahaha ! You're right, Gloria. The most remembered and used of any quote from Bugs.
DeleteThey really were 'good ole days'. What a crying shame America lost it's moral values.
Oh, sorry, Phooey. Forgot the all-clear.
ReplyDeleteALL CLEAR!!!!!
oh dear, I forgot about our gentleman. Ears open deer one. I quit all that stuff years ago, just vitamins and minerals now. The DH gets testosterone shots since the removal of his prostate from cancer.
DeleteAin't it grand getting old? If you all want a good laugh come by our house and observe.
DeleteI think I have turned into my Mother. The good with the not so good.
Thanks ladies ! For awhile there could only hear my own thoughts..... depressing.
DeleteAt least I don't worry about anyone wanting to 'harvest' my organs......
Nobody wants them !!!
Hello pond friends,
ReplyDeleteMags, I'm so glad your surgery was successful and that you're doing so well! I don't check in often like the others, but I wanted you to know, I've been praying for you too.
You have such a positive attitude, that has to be half of the battle! Nice to hear that you're enjoying your roses. :)
On the local front, we're taking off today to get ready for a trip across the state tomorrow, to Anacortes. I'm so excited to see my grandson who is now 17 months old. The last time we saw him was at Christmas, and at this age they change so fast! Daughter says grandson is starting to get an olive complexion. He has blond hair and blue eyes too. She says he is beginning to look like a little surfer dude!
Froggie , Wog and Gloria, I'll wave in your direction as we drive bypass Seattle. :)
Hope everyone has a safe and fun memorial day weekend. Love and prayers to all of you.
Deer Paget, we all have missed you like crazy ! We will also be excited with you. God bless and Godspeed. Love from all of us !
DeleteFroggie and I will be waving back. Have a wonderful trip and visit with your family.
Paget, how wonderful that you get to spend the weekend with Kaden. this is a long weekend too. They sure do change fast.
DeleteYou guys are on a roll! I can't add much except to say:
ReplyDeletePaget, have a safe trip and wonderful time with your grandbaby.
EC, I've had a crush on Gibbs for years. My kinda man!
Love you deers.
Okay, I went back and read all the posts and find no mention of Gibbs. So he must be from NCIS, right?
DeleteLeroy Jethro Gibbs, the main character played by the actor Tom Harmon.
DeleteI didn't know that his name was "Leroy." All you ever hear is "Jethro." I had to Google his name. found out he's married to Pam Dawber, and his sister married Rick Nelson.
DeleteSurfie, Mark Harmon or Tom Selleck, either one can put their shoes under my bed, hard to chose. Good thing DH is not home to read this, LOL
ReplyDeleteEC, don't forget Trey Gowdy's shoes. Underneath your bed is getting crowded.
DeleteWe'll need bigger beds!
DeleteOMG, my Grandmother used to use that expression. That's right my Mom's Mom. As a teenager I thought it was gross. Now I totally understand. Trey Gowdy too! Yep.
DeleteOK, ladies. Here's some swoon material. Back in my days living in Malibu I ran into Sam Elliott probably 2 times a month in the produce section of our local store, but never during tourist season. He knew I was a local and we just chatted about food and picked out vegetables together.
DeleteSean Connery had a meeting with my boss at Orion Pictures. I was in and out, doing paperwork for them. I've met a lot of celebrities in my day, and he is the only one who rattled me. He asked me for a cup of tea, and it took every ounce of strength to keep that cup and saucer steady.
Both of those men are waaaaay more handsome and charming in person than in their very best movie scene.
Long story short, I had breakfast with Marlon Brando at Neverland. Just he and I at the table. He loved the simple little cross necklace I was wearing, which started a discussion about personal things. At the time, he was old and fat and obviously a disturbed man. Once he started talking, all I could see was the handsome man God intended him to be. I can't explain it, really. There was just something about him.
Phooey! Amen to Trey Gowdy. I think/hope/believe we finally have a politician who won't fold like a $2 suit.
Sheesh ... I might need to get a platform bed so more awesome men can fit underneath!
DeleteWe don't want the men under the bigger bed, only the shoes!
I love Hollywood stories. You certainly met some handsome men. I really like Sam Elliot. Kind of a rugged, manly type. The only one I ever saw in a market in Westwood was Dean Jagger. All I remember was how tall he was.
ReplyDeleteShe said, "Lucianne was a hoot today!" Someone said under this article Obama admits the job has been´ wearing me down ... but Michelle still thinks I´m cute´
Reply 14 - Posted by: ladydawgfan, 5/23/2014 3:45:36 PM
The "great puckered eye" that resides beneath my cats tail is cuter than this buffoon and smells better too, although they do both spew the same thing from their main orifices!!!
I think Gram may pay a visit, yeah, sent me a note.
DeleteO/T ditto on puckered eye, yikes, don't have a cat but two dogs also qualify.
I know we don't discuss politics here, but I am a life member of the Disabled American Veterans, and am so hot, there is steam coming out of my ears. Hey big ears, wearing you down,? KMA, we have real American's that gave all.
Hi ! Gram !
DeleteIt's okay to talk politics here. It's just that no one has been commenting about it lately. Every now and then I put up a short post of something interesting. Just seems like everyone has been busy with family things, and trying to stay cool.
Good morning everyone. Does anyone else look at I Can Haz I look every day just for laughs.
ReplyDeleteI'll check it tomorrow Gloria. Nitey nite.
DeleteI love "I can Haz" It's based in Seattle somewhere but I have never been able to find an address. Very fun and funny pictures.
for Memorial Weekend"
Tissue alert for our Uncle Bud at Normandy, Uncle Andy in Africa, Uncle Leo in France and all that did not make it home, and DH home from Nam
Well said, EC.
Delete"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
I don't check in for a bit and miss all the good stuff!
ReplyDeleteMags, yay on being able to get out and clip roses. You sound great. Not so good on the HRT stuff. I'm sorry about that and completely over my head when those discussions arise. I'll leave it to you experts.
Paget, sorry I missed saying 'hi' when you checked in. Hope you're enjoying you're trip.
Phooey, I love you. Joe & I are constantly quoting Bugs. It helps us get through the news of the day.
My big weekend (so far, anyway) included meeting Chris Christie on the Seaside Heights boardwalk Friday. It was totally cool. He hugged me, but Joe missed getting a picture. There were several vets around and Christie took as much time as they wanted to talk. He was so respectful. He took pictures with anyone who wanted one. He told one woman how much he liked her NoBama tshirt. Kids came up to him. It was just nice. I was talking to one of the state troopers who was with him and we were laughing at how Hillary would never just walk into a crowd of ordinary citizens like this.
Surfie, I envy your Sam Elliot, Sean Connery and Marlon Brando! Here's one of my cool guys: I was at a play rehearsal in the early 1980's (I think). A friend of the director's came by to watch. His name was Scott Newman. Really, he looked just like his father. He and I started talking. Usually, I would catch a ride home from someone in the cast, but Scott offered to take me this night. It was after midnight when we left the theater. Scott said he had to stop by his place to get something on the way. I waited in the car. It was a lovely warm night and this was in Beverly Hills, but after waiting for half an hour, I started to get annoyed. Finally, I overcame my embarrassment and knocked at the front door. Who opens it? Paul Newman in a bathrobe (obviously having been asleep)! I stammered my story and he invited me inside. He left to go to the back of the house. When he came back, he told me Scott was passed out on the bed and he called me a cab. Of course, he apologized and he gave me the money for the taxi. He kept me company while I waited. Sheesh! Scott was a very troubled young man and he OD'd not long after that, but I can never think of Paul Newman without getting red and feeling humiliated that I wasn't interesting enough to keep his son awake.
Here's to the men who are responsible for our living in the greatest nation on G-d's earth, including two I love: my father and father-in-law!
Hello Deer Pond Friends,
ReplyDeleteHere I am, late to the party again! Is anyone still up?
We returned yesterday evening from a great visit with my daughter and family. Grandson Kaden is a happy, busy, adorable boy! (don't I sound like a grandma!) I had forgotten how active they can be at 17 months! I can see why you have children when you're young! We're lucky that they will be travelling to our house at the end of June. My niece is getting married on June 28th, and they will be here for the happy occasion. I need to really childproof my house!
I so enjoyed reading the posts from the last two days! I loved hearing about all the brave heroes in your lives, and I'm so thankful for them and all of our veterans! Phooey, that includes you. Thank you so much for your service! Also, thank you for your nice comment to me the other day. I love you and the pond family too!
My family doesn't have a large number of veterans, but my dad and my uncle are WWII veterans, and I couldn't be prouder of them! My dad joined the navy in 1943, right before he turned 18. He and my uncle were (and still are) very proud to have served our country. When the war was over, my dad took the bus home to Portland, OR. My dad is about 5'5. Back then, he had blond, wavy hair, and was very cute in his uniform. (yes, I am biased) When he got off the bus, a very tall, unattractive woman saw him, and chased him down the street yelling, "a sailor, a sailor!" Luckily, my dad was a fast runner!
EC, I got a real kick out of all the movie stars who could put their shoes under your bed! You crack me up! Let me tell you, I feel the same way about all of them!
Eva, so you met Chris Christie! That must have been very cool! And Paul Newman - swoon - what an amazing experience! He was probably very embarrassed that his son had passed out. Such a sad ending for Scott.
Surfie, I've always loved Sam Elliot. I enjoy hearing about your real life encounters. My daughter is hooked on that Kardashian series. Blah. To me those people are just famous for being famous.
Gloria, I look at the Cheezeburger website all the time. My son teases me because he says Facebook is just a place to see cute cat pictures. Ha! I don't tell him all the right-wing news I get there too. He couldn't handle it.
Magdalene, I hope you are recuperating and getting your strength back.
Froggie and Wog; thank you for all you do here at the pond. It is a pleasure to be back.
Love and prayers to all, from Paget.