Thursday, December 3, 2015

Blessings for Hanukkah

~Joyous Hanukkah to Our Pond Family~


  1. Happy Hanukkah, Deers. I read that the holiday is also called the Festival of Lights, celebrating rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem after the Syrians had plundered it. What a glorious event! (Those Syrians have been pesky for a verrrrrry long time!) I've been wondering what food to buy at the grocery store today. Think I'll roast a chicken with some vegetables. Then I can make chicken stock from the bones and make matzo ball soup later this week.

    This mother's heart skipped a few beats this week. My boy called. The conversation started with, "Mom I just want to say that I'm OK so don't freak out." Hearing that right off the bat, I FREAKED OUT!!

    He lives in a townhouse near Central Park and has a 2 block walk to the subway that takes him to work near Times Square. About a block from home, a black man about his age steps out from between buildings and started walking toward him. He said "Mom, I knew he was going to mug me but I'm bigger than him and started going toward him aggressively to take HIM down. Then a second guy walks out from between 2 cars, and he had a gun. So, I stopped."

    They shoved the gun into his crotch. He looked down at it and said, "Dude, that's a nice gun. What do you want?" Seriously? Dude, that's a nice gun? I'm laughing about it now because that is exactly what his father would have said.

    Long story short, they took his cell phone, wallet, and backpack. Told him to lay face down on the cement, and they calmly walked away. He watched from his face-down position as they did the same thing to a cab driver about a block away. While they were mugging the cabbie, he went back home and called the police. He said the street in front of his townhouse was swarming with police in less than 10 seconds.

    The rest of the day was like being in an episode of Law and Order. They threw him in a squad car and screamed around the neighborhood, hoping to find them. The crooks probably just disappeared into Central Park. He then was taken to the police station to make his statement and look at mug shots. The cabbie was at the police station, too. Both he and the cabbie gave the exact same description of both the criminals and the gun.

    There was a robbery at an armory in MA a few days earlier. Weapons issued only to our Special Forces were stolen. My boy looked at the gun and thought it was one of those (he knows guns). Sure enough it was. Amazing how a $3,000 stolen gun can get into the hands of street criminals in just a few days.

    At the end of the day, he is safe. Right now, I'm so grateful to God for answering my daily prayers for the safety of my "little boy." Thank You, Lord!!! I don't know how in the world my little boy became a 25 year old man so quickly, but I'm going to keep praying for him every day. He is still my little boy.

    Now I'm off to the grocery store. I'm going to cook Hanukkah food while putting up my Christmas tree!

    1. Deer Surfie; So thankful your son is okay! I truly believe God answers prayers, and a mother's prayers are especially powerful! May God continue to bless you and your family. Love and prayers to you and all the pond family.

    2. WOW...that was a scary story. I would be a wreck for days if that happened to me. Glad he is safe, Surfie.

      Paget, nice to hear from you. How are your Christmas plans going? We haven't done much yet. I'll get our little metal tree out this week and Froggy will help hang ornaments. As long as there is food, the 'WOG is happy!

      We just watched two football games and both of our teams won. Broncos and our Seahawks. Just love football!

  2. Deer Eva and Joe, Froggy and I and our Pond Family send Blessing for a splendid and Peace-filled Hanukkah. We all love you and wish you the best of everything.
