Monday, December 7, 2015

The Pond Family remembers Pearl Harbor



  1. Good Morning Ponders, the days are slipping away too quickly. I have Weds and Thurs off this week. Will be a treat to stay home because it's a bit rainy in Seattle. Heard on news that it's pouring in Miami too. Froggy wants a latte this morning before I leave. (Anything for my Deer Sis.) Everyone stay safe ...and dry, if possible.

  2. Good morning, Ponders. I have been staying caught up but haven't had much to say lately. Yes Wog, it is raining in Washington - a lot. Wish I had a person to run out and get me a latte. We need to keep a good snow pack in the mountains for next summer. Froggy, I am sitting here watching the cat bat at ornaments on the tree - no harm done. Kitty came to us named "Peanut" but to us she is just Kitty. She wakes Scott up in the middle of the night to go down the hall past the closet where the vacuum monster lives to get to her food dish.

    I saw on the other site that EC is having cataract surgery. That may be why we haven't heard from her. Hope her recovery is easy and she comes back soon.

    Hi Paget, nice to hear from you. Hope your Christmas is fun with all those new grand kids. My own grandkids occupy so much of my thought time that it just makes me want to be with them.

    Surfie, that thing with your son being mugged was scarry. Yikes! He is safe and not hurt, that is where our prayer protect our loved ones.

    Hey, Phoo.

    Happy Chanukah, Eva.

    EC, get better and come back soon.

    1. Deer Gloria, you are sweet to remember everyone. The Pond is a little slow with the Holidays, and I haven't posted much news lately. I read the posts to Froggy. She always asks about everyone. She just doesn't feel good. We'll go see her doctor after the New Year. In the meantime, I'll be busy tomorrow. Need to put up new computer. Just don't like to do it anymore. I don't want to deal with problems...but I guess that just part of life. I'll also get our little tree put up on table by Froggy's computer. We will hang all of our favorite ornaments and keepsakes...many of them for our sweet cats and one dog. We miss them all. But that's another story.

      Tonight we have a new favorite TV show called "Carbonnaro Effect." Will get meal from McDonalds a block away. I'll need to run over there before it rains again.

      Gloria and Paget, if you drop by, did you get the thunder and lightening last night? Froggy said, "what's that noise?" And then the thunder went BOOM. I didn't have to explain what the noise was!

    2. We didn't get thunder and lighting just wind. For some reason those noises lull me to sleep and I don't hear them. I want our dear Froggy to be well.

      I have not watched the Carbonnaro Effect but I will be looking for it. I am watching Scorpion and Supergirl on Mondays also Criminal Minds whenever I can find it.

      Ug... poor Phoo and Page being sick for so long. Hope you guys are on the mend soon.

  3. I love you ladies ! Page and I have been sick for a few weeks. We had an awful Thanksgiving..... could not eat... little sleep. Write later.

    1. Deer Phooey, so sorry to hear that you and Miss Page have been so sick. Had to take Froggy to hospital just before Thanksgiving, so we had hospital meal. Not the same as home cooking. Froggy is home now...with new pills. We need all of our Pond family to get better.
