Friday, October 14, 2011

Have a lovely evening!


Hi. Pond People! (Look at that baby cat!) I had a really good time today. I finally called on my medical and my HMO takes the Medicaid I've been shunted off to. I have the same doc and everything, so I'm happy! Also, I fancied up the sidebar with our very own pond, new titles, our King Cat, and.....things LOL!

Let's pray for our Surfie, Magdalene, Nu, Hikergal, my Phoo, and all our fellow Ponders. I sure wish Mrs. Cow would come on over more often! How's Jen? Prayers for her, too--and where's my Betty Jean, Paget, Gloria, Roxe, Dusty (TexasTeaLady), Gram and 7Gen TexMom? I miss you!

Somebody needs to invite Judith, Bettijo, Linder etc. over here.... that would make me happy ;-) Where did Roxe go? That makes me sad.... :-( Roxe, we miss you!


  1. Hey! I'm here.

    So glad you had a good day and success with your medical insurance. For some reason I thought they had dropped you. Doncha just luuuv Queen Christine?

    I've been going through my own worries with health insurance. This will be the third time I have had to choose a different plan in three years. No room for mistakes. Am really feeling the pressure.

  2. Sure would like to see some more guys over here. Goodnight sweetpeas.

  3. How many guys have you invited, Phoo?

    Hooly, they did drop me. Queen Christine dropped 66,000 on Group Health Basic Health. My only resort was Medicaid which I thankfully qualified for--and Group Health takes it, so I get to keep my same doctor. Have you tried Group health, hon? I really like their set up--and their hospital is right behind our apt. kittycorner.

  4. My husband used to have Group Health and really liked it. I am confined to the choices that my company (retired)gives me. I am 62 this year and will probably keep that till I am 65. My husband is on Medicare now that he is 65. He pays plenty and it doesn't cover much.
    Even more than trying to keep medical is the loss of our dental insurance. Things are worse with everyone trying to second guess the gubmint about Obama care.

  5. Froggy, I feel so much better now that I know you get to keep your doctor! That's a relief.

    Love all the little things you're doing for this site (especially seeing Puffin). It looks great!

    Nite all. See you in the morning. :-)

  6. 'Nite Eva!

    Okayokayokay Hooly--I made the Pond less ominous--I took out some gators--but you still have to be careful.

  7. I can't tell you how happy it makes me feel that you had such a good day and things are looking up for you. We told you we've been praying for you! Hope you have many more good days ahead. Surfie smooch!

  8. Gloria, this has been my experience living in Seattle. When I was old enough I got the Medicare. Didn't have a choice on that. Then my other insurance that I got from another job, and had for years was going to cost $300 a month. Couldn't afford it!

    So I looked at Group Health because that's what Froggy had. IT'S WONDERFUL! It cost me $19 (yes, nineteen dollars) a month. Includes Part D for prescriptions. Added dental for about $56 a month. ALWAYS have your monthly payments automatically deducted from your Social Security. If you miss a payment, they will cut you off immediately, and you get a fine which is yours forever. You cannot re-enroll until January. I did this! I forgot to pay in September and had no insurance until January. The fine was only $10 which FOREVER will be tacked onto my monthly payments.

    About my prescriptions from Group Health. Always get a three-month supply. It's cheaper. Each prescription cost me about $8-$11 --for 3-months! I do everything by computer except the doctor visits. I order meds, talk to the doctor, schedule appt.

  9. I'm grateful, Surfie--also, that horrible low-key cold I said I had about a month ago--it kept me in bed much of the time and feeling so awful--it seems to be gone (I was cleaning the bathroom at 6 a.m. and oiling the hinges clean on the medicine chest...) I made a 2 inch high omelet for sissy yesterday--and I feel another one coming on and coming up!

  10. Thanks for the helpful information. This is Saturday so I won't be able to contact any one till Monday. I am lining up all my info to make a decision. My company has a deadline to make changes for the next year, I only have a couple of weeks to figure it out and decide.
