Thursday, September 6, 2012

Did you know that it's Thursday?

Another beautiful day with Pond Family.


  1. Good morning pond friends!

    Froggy, I checked in too late last night, and thought my comment would be lost in space, so forgive me if I comment on yesterday. :) I'm SO glad that your foot is healing! :D And your arm too; you will get there, my friend!

    Speaking of friends; Surfie, I'm also praying for Karen. Phooey's Bible verse comes to mind. I remember hearing that as part of the benediction on Sunday mornings at the Methodist church. That verse always lifts me up. :)

    So, what is everyone doing to avoid watching the DNC convention? Last night I watched "Romancing the Stone". Last time I saw it was in 1984, so it was fun to watch and see a young Michael Douglas. Tonight I think I'll watch one of Clint's old movies. I am in the mood for that!

    I'm off to work; hope you all have a great day!

  2. Good Morning, all. Hope you are continuing to heal today, Froggy. Also, I hope 'Wog got home yesterday with the prescriptions and through the elevators!

    Paget, last night I watched the football game and The Big Sleep. I was also on the computer and enjoyed watching the video of our stupid L.A. mayor botch the voice vote to put Jerusalem and G-d back into the Dem platform. Talk about your unforced errors! I'll read comments about Bill Clinton's speech today, but the man makes me throw up.

    Surfie, Karen has my heartfelt prayers. What she's going through is so scary! Her family is, of course, also in my prayers. Let us know.

    1. Good morning. My mind and heart are full of names of those who need prayer. Froggy, Phooman, Karen and my friend Lydia who is also fighting cancer.

      There is so much going on in our world. Can't watch the Dem convention. Scott has been watching and lets me know. They sicken me. I want to ask voters is that who you are, is that what you are really about? There is no shame in the media either. Obama may think that he is using Clinton to help him but it is Clinton that is using Obama. I don't think Bill does anything that doesn't benefit him. He loves to be center stage. GACK!!!

  3. What do you think? Yesterday I went to our local library. The guy working at the desk had those plug thingies in his ears. They were the size of a 50 cent piece. Creeped me out! I don't think he could get fired but if he ever had to look for another job who would hire him?

    1. Not sure if I saw the same thing you're talking about. The guy I saw had a flesh colored attachement below his earlob, and it made him look like some aborigine. It was so ugly! His extended earlob looked like a deformity, and to think he did it on purpose was mind blowing! I just don't get it. Maybe I'm too old. ;)

    2. I wouldn't hire him...but might depend what department he was working. He'd be okay for a warehouse or construction site. For me, it's disturbing to see. After while it's all you can look at...the ear lobes!

    3. Haven't seen things like you've mentioned and don't want to, either! :0

  4. Good morning, ladies. Tired today. Will probably nap. Have not watched the convention..... what in the world for? Don't care to watch evil on display. Hoping Karen gets a positive report for treatment and that Froggy continues to mend. Love to all.

  5. I'm up. I couldn't sleep last night. Sometimes it's more uncomfortable at 75 dgrees here than at 85 because the humidity doesn't burn off. I hate face piercings and tatoos (except on military men); folks ought to look normal. How is everyone? Where's Phoobers? I MISS HIM.

  6. Froggy! You are surrounded by Phoobers! You don't read your own blog.
    I love you, dear. Feeling better now? I hope.

  7. Good news for Karen today. Her brain tumor is benign!!! They texted Lauren (we work together) a picture of the MRI. That tumor is the size of an egg! Don't know what treatment the local doc is recommending, but she and her husband are going to MD Anderson in Houston for a second opinion. They have friends and family there.

    I can't believe there are only 2 docs in Oklahoma who specialize in brain tumors. And neither one of them have a good track record. THANK YOU for your prayers, Ponders. Please keep praying!

    1. Surfie, PTL!!! God is so good!! This report is wonderful! Will continue prayers for Karen and believe that the Houston Drs will have even better news! Answers like this are faith builders for those praying. Never doubt that our Father in heaven hears our prayers. YEA!!!!

    2. Preach it, sister! Amen!

    3. I'm wearing a smile on my heart.

    4. Now that's some GOOD news, bless the Lord!

      Sorry, Phoo, I was so tired I didn't see your first post. I see a psychiatrist tomorrow for a med check--I'm nervous as hell...

  8. I'm watching the Dem convention, and screaming at the TV every time they lie. Good thing I don't have a brick inside my apt. to throw or my TV would be dead.

    EVA, as a former Los Angelino, I know what a sleazy sack of you-know-what Antonio is. I LAUGHED OUT LOUD when I watched him try to figure out how to handle that floor vote regarding God and Jerusalem.

  9. "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

    "But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you."

    1. I LOVE your scripture, PhooFriend! It always makes me feel better.
