Thursday, October 4, 2012


Mitt Romney
"I've been in business for 25 years,
and I have no idea what you're talking about."


  1. Translation: Obama was blabbering.

  2. 'Wog call me as soon as you can.

  3. I woke up so happy this morning! I never would have expected Obama to do so badly. I was hoping Mitt would do as well as he did because I knew he could. He was darned near perfect and got some great zingers in, but not in a nasty way. If it's true that most people watch the first debate only, they got quite an education.

    Romney looked directly at Obama. Obama looked at his hands. No-one has talked to him like that in the past 4 years! Romney had numbers and optimism and Obama had... what? When I heard that Rachel Maddow said she didn't know who won the debate, I knew their side was devastated.

    Didn't you love the part when Lehrer (terrible moderator) asked for their views on the role of government? Romney pointed to the words behind them on the wall and said (paraphrasing) "You see this? The Constitution and Declaration of Independence?" I actually shouted out loud, I was so happy!

    1. It was a good night for conservatives. The ones who really get me are people like Bill Kristol and Karl Rove. Their alalysis has been negative. It's like they don't support their own.

      If you can't say sumpin' nice then shut yur pie hole.

      I want so much for the American people to wake up and realize how close we are to loosing our country.

      Right now military votes are being suppressed. Shameful.

    2. Gloria, it is shameful that the military can't vote. If Mitt gets in, I hope they make a law where the military can never be shut out again. Sometimes even felons can vote. We heard that the military can't vote. Now why is that? Because pres O has ignored them and put them down so often that they will not vote for him!

  4. Good morning to all the Ponders. Hope everyone has a blessed day. Froggy, praying for the contunued healing of your foot and hand. I am praying for and believing in total healing for you (from the top of your head to the bottom of your tickle toes.)

    Lately Scott and I have been trying to cut down on sugar. Not easy. For health reasons. I am trying to cut it out compleatly. Does anyone have any advice?

    1. As a diabetic, I use Stevia, but really I've cut out sweets from my diet (my diabetes is controled through my diet alone). If I want something sweet, I eat Jello diet pudding cups, lite yogurts, sugarless lifesavers, and fresh fruit. Once you get into the habit, your desire for sweet things really does diminish. I just have to make sure I don't substitute fats or carbs to replace sweets. A 60 calorie sugarless pudding cup is better than a hundred calorie tbsp. of peanutbutter or too much rice, for instance. Oh, and lite Cool Whip can make almost any pudding fruit or sugar-free jello taste like dessert. Try cinnamon on your strawberries and low sugar Tang sprinkle on your canteloupe--it's delicious.

      Love you!

  5. I put up some Dem tweets after the debate. Read them ...last post yesterday.

    The tweets really show how badly pres O did when Dems are amazed at his inability to speak...and same something sensible.

    1. Michael Moore also tweeted "OMG. If Romney continues like this, even Obama will vote for him!" It must have been such a shock for them all.

  6. CORRECTION... that's "say something sensible."

  7. Kinky - Michelle watched her husband get spanked for their 20th wedding anniversary. (by Perfectsense)

    1. Good one! I guess their anniversary didn't turn out the way they expected.

  8. I wrote this long post and my computer went haywire. Hope this doesn't show up twice.

    The debate was incredible! Have read that more people watched it than any TV debate in our history. The empty chair (thank you, Clint Eastwood) showed up and the world saw it. I have long thought Mitt will win in a landslide, but we can't get lazy or cocky. ANYTHING could happen when this frantic group of people FEAR their well-laid plains (generations in the making) are about to unravel.

    EVA ... I had gestational diabetes 23 years ago while pregnant. Was forced to cut sugar out of my diet. You know what? I liked eating well and cutting out the sugar, and still eat as if I were diabetic. Look up some books and websites.

    I could write an epistle here about cutting out sugar while still indulging at times!

    Love you Ponders!
