Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday...Another Empty Chair Debate

Paul Ryan debates Biden tonight, 6pm PT
"Biden's empty chair couldn't take the truth!"


  1. Good morning Ponders,
    All of you have been so loving to our Froggy and to each other. I, too, am so glad that we have The Pond.

    Froggy rested all evening. The most amazing thing is that the edema in her legs went away. Monday it was bad, and Wednesday it was gone. The body is a marvel!

    Wolfie is begging, crying, sobbing for a meal.
    Talk to you later.

    1. Good morning Ponders. Glad to hear that Froggy is not so puffy today. That could affect one's blood presure.

      I am so looking forward to tonight's debate. I wouldn't be suprised at some dirty tricks especially sincr the moderator has longstanding connections with Obama.

      Be sure to check out World News Daily (WND) for the article and pictures about Obama's gold ring - CREEPY!

      I am going to visit a friend today. Once we get started talking we can go on for hours. That is one thing that I miss about working. Scott is not a talker, he is kind of a loner so I spend a lot of time by myself.

    2. Gloria--drop by here if you need someone to talk to. I, too, spend a lot of time alone--but when I come over here, I don't feel alone at all. I can't type too much yet all at once, but I sure make an effort, with 'Woggy, to come here every day and talk to everyone--and we all love you ;-)

  2. Good morning ladies.
    Froggy, do you take a 'water pill' ? Page has taken them for years. I take them now for my eyes and ankles. Frankly they don't help me much if at all. Anyway, I'm glad you're better.
    Gloria, saw the story about the ring- but, I knew he was muslim.

    1. I'd always felt funny about his ring--since he first 'had it cleaned' and showed up without it.

      Phoo--Lasix helps me some, but only the lowest dose. My body will hold on to water if it thinks it's gonna lose too much. We balance our body's water through our intestinal system. If I have to take Imodium because we're going some place, that'll affect my legs swelling. So will taking too much magnesium. Magnesium is in your test prep kit, Phoo.

    2. Froggy, are you talking about Epsom salts? I'll see if I can find out what was in the prep kit.

  3. Hi All...
    I haven't had time to read about the ring! Froggy will tell me all the news that I missed when I get home.

    Froggy, is it okay with you if I stay over for about an hour? I have a test tomorrow, and homework to finish. I'll be home for the debate!

    1. Okay, hon--my prescriptions aren't due 'til tomorrow. I have refills. I think I'll lay down...

  4. The 'Wog is correct..... we love the Frog and each other.... just love being a family member here. Prayers for Ryan tonight.

  5. I just love my daily dip in the Pond. This is the 1st place I go to online after work. Thank you for the Pond, Froggy. Thank you.

    Like everyone else here, Romney/Ryan and the country are in my prayers. I really don't know what will happen tonight. Ryan is a deeply good and brilliant young man. Keeping my fingers crossed ... and praying.

    Do you mind if I yammer about something? On my lunch hour today, I ran some errands. The man behind the cash register was talking to another customer about his wife's brain tumor. It is almost EXACTLY the size and position as my friend Karen's. His wife's doctor said it was no big deal because it was benign, it could stay there forever, yadda yadda yadda. I told him that Karen had the same experience with that doctor, but found another doctor who took it seriously and scheduled surgery immediately. Promised him I'd bring the info about Karen's GOOD doctor to him tomorrow on my lunch hour.

    I just printed out Karen's surgeon's stats, phone number, etc. and will take it to that store tomorrow. Seriously, God put me there today for a reason.

    1. Dear Surfie, you 'glow' with the 'calling'!
      “Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not become weary (Isaiah 40: 31).”

    2. Surfie, you are amazing! G-d bless you for speaking up.

  6. Good Lord, can I possibly dislike Joe Biden more than I already did? I guess so, after his laughing, smirking performance tonight. I've never seen anything like that before. I don't know how Ryan stood it. Rude, condescending, bullying. He even got nasty with Martha Raddatz. Yuck. I know Veep debates don't change things, but I can't see how anyone would feel better about re-electing Obama after watching Ole Joe.

    1. Well said deer(Snicker) Eva. Martha did a lousy job also.

    2. I think Biden embarrassed himself. Having Biden as VP is like having insurance for Obama.

  7. Well, the debate quips have started. Leave it to Biden to act a fool.

    Hi Phooey, Surfie, Gloria, Eva.. Y'all are probably already in bed. Can you really sleep after that debacle?

    1. 'Wog, I've taken a sleeping pill! Better go to bed now. Goodnight.

    2. I haven't gone to bed yet. Was watching the McKenna and Insley debate too. Our state doesn't exactly have a good track record for electing the best. Hope we can elect McKenna.

  8. Nightie Nite, Phooey...

    So many debate videos to watch; so little time.
    Froggy and I have spent the evening reading headlines and articles about the debate. Nobody but Biden is laughing. Do you think pres O is laughing?

    'WOG says...It gives us hope to see someone fighting to save our country.

    "... billionaire Thomas Peterffy is spending millions on television ads this election season with one cautionary message: Avoid socialism.
    ..."I grew up in a socialist country and I have seen what that does to people. There is no hope, no freedom, no pride in achievement," he says with a soft Hungarian accent in the ad. "The nation became poorer and poorer, and that's what I see happening here."
