Sunday, April 3, 2016

Happy Pond Hopping

~Ponds are nicer than politics~


  1. I tried so hard to make the picture bigger. Couldn't do it. But it's still a pretty picture for this week.

    How's everyone doing? We were just getting used to nice weather around Seattle...and now (Sunday night) it has started raining...again.

  2. Sorry I've been away lately. I just got back from Georgia and then had to go up to my in-law's for the weekend. I'm exhausted :). The kids were a joy, but have way too much energy! Nathaniel is talking up a storm now. Tallulah has changed so much from when I say her last (when she was 2 weeks old). At 3 months, she's turning into a real charmer. Isaac is barreling his way through kindergarten. His intelligence amazes me. I'm sure I wasn't that sharp at age 5!

    I had great conversations with my father about politics. He & I can only talk to each other since Nikki and her friends are such Bernie fans. Neither of us have any idea of how this election will turn out. It's so different. Will Hillary get indicted or not? Will the GOP try to take the nomination away from Trump? How much more damage can Obama do to the country before he leaves?

    Now I'm back and the weather has turned cold here in the northeast again. When I left, the temps were in the 60's. In Georgia the temps were in the high 70's. Today we won't get high than 40. Very strange.

    Froggy, I'm glad to hear you came through the latest scare intact and are now home. Good! 'Wog, you're a wonder. Surfie, fingers crossed for a great visit with your son, either in OKC or in NYC. Just be careful if it's in New York. Crazy communist-run city. Phooey, as always, I love you.

  3. I had an exhausting day today. Had to lay off 2 more people. It pains me, every time. These today were the 22nd & 23rd people in a year. You can see the panic and pain on their faces. I have to walk them through what happens next, in terms of filing for unemployment and what their options are in terms of getting private health care. If they can find another job, it probably won't pay what we have been paying them.

    I left work 30 minutes early today. Major stress headache.

    It is getting really, really bad in terms of the national/global markets. Think I'm going to have that exit employment talk with a few more people during the rest of this month or early next month. Take care of your finances, Deers. Save money if you can.

    I don't like being such a downer. Take care! Love you!

    It is getting ugly out there.

    1. I hear you, Surf. I can't imagine having to do what you're doing. The only thing I'm sure of is that they are lucky that it's you. I'm sure you're handling their pain with compassion and gentleness. You don't get that in a lot of places!

      George Clooney did a movie where he played a man whose job it was to fire people. I can't remember the name of it, but it was sooooo depressing.

    2. Hi Eva, I had to look up that George Clooney movie. It's called "Up In The Air." (2009) I actually haven't heard of it. The plot does sound depressing.

    3. Surfie, we all are so sorry that you have to let people go. That's not the fun part of your job. I was hoping for better news at your business. I've been let go a couple times. The last time I received unemployment and also qualified to go to school. Was a nice deal.

      Maybe nothing will change until the elections are over. Something has to change in this country...and it's not Hillary. I was hoping for Trump just because he can "rock the boat." Cruz might change a few things. But we need that "boat rocked!"

      We need jobs brought back. We need aliens to stop just walking across the border. We need a decent, dependable health care. We need a lot of things.

    4. We love you Surfie....take care of yourself too. I like to dig in the garden and pull weeds. I like to see the sunshine in the early mornings, and sunsets over the ocean. I like to pet a cat or dog. I like to eat a good enchilada. I like to hear my beautiful sister laugh at something she read on the Internet.

      Like Julie Andrews used to sing, "These are a few of my favorite things." Deerest Ponders...never forget your favorite things. The special things that put a smile in your heart.

    5. Wog, you are so wise. Your comments bless me.

      If it is weeds you want, come on over. We have been pulling weeds and tilling. I love freshly tilled ground.

    6. Gloria, Wish I could drop by and help with the weeds. I would love it. Though it got a teensy warm today. Summers not even here, and I'm already complaining about the heat. Where's our fans??? LOL

  4. I'm glad you looked up the name of that movie, 'Wog. I couldn't remember. His character traveled from company to company to do the firing. I never knew such a person existed. Can you imagine having that type of job?

    This election is so strange. I don't know what's going on. As long as Hillary doesn't get elected, I can deal with it. Obama has almost completed the destruction of America. She'll finish it. Think Supreme Court.

    1. Eva, I've never seen that movie. Think it would deserve a look. I agree about Hillary. Bet she's not happy that she didn't get to change the health care system. I know she tried. If she's president, she'll think of something nasty to long as it has her name on it. (like obamacare) Will she change it to hillarycare?

      Saw a sign downtown Seattle...Seattle Jewish Film Festival. I'll have to see when and where. If I missed it, I'll put it on my calendar for next year.

  5. My niece told me she's seen one Hillary Clinton yard sign. And it had barbed wire around it for protection! Pretty funny. Georgia is a red state and I think it'll stay that way, but my old home town is Bernie Sanders country. Mainly, that's because it's a college town. What can you do with skulls full of mush (as Rush would say).

    1. Eva...wonderful, funny story about Hill sign! You painted a very telling picture of the "true" Hillary. I think that we have enough info at our Pond that one of us could write a book.

  6. Good Sunday morning, Deers! Love what you wrote about favorite things, Wog. Wise words. One of my favorite things is working in the yard.

    Since moving to this charming old house last August, I've been itching to work on the gardens. My landlord mows the lawn, but doesn't really do anything else. I've watched as the seasons have turned. This spring, I was thrilled to see what bulbs started springing up and blooming. Now that I know what is in the huge flower beds, I know what to do! Spent all of yesterday pulling out English Ivy, pruning holly bushes, raking up tons of pecan shells. There are 2 beautiful hydrangeas that were buried in overgrowth, tons of lilies, daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, hosta. This used to be a sweet front garden at one time long ago. My mission is to bring it back!

    One of the many things I love about this great, old house are the windows. I am sitting on my bed, looking out into the back yard. I've been watching robins for about a month (many nests being built), and today saw bluejays and a cardinal. That cardinal was stunning!

    Big thunderstorm is supposed to roll in late this afternoon. They say it could be very severe (hail, tornadoes). I love thunderstorms. Don't love tornadoes. It's that time of year here in Oklahoma! I'm prepared for the season!

    My son did not get the new job (6 people were called in for their THIRD interview). I pray every day that our Lord shuts doors and opens doors for my boy, according to His vision for his life. He's disappointed, but not discouraged. If a new job doesn't show up between now and July, he is coming to OKC for a week. Yay!

    I've yammered on far too long. BUT must say: Hillary should be in jail and Donald Trump should be in the Oval Office.

    Love you, Deers!

    1. Surfie, your house sounds wonderful...the kind of peaceful home that we all wish for. A quiet, safe place for the soul. never yammer too much. That is what The Pond is for. It's a place like your "great, old house."

      Sorry to hear your son didn't get the job. I believe, too, that one door closes and another opens. He'll find something even better...something that he'll like better, something with more opportunities.
