Saturday, October 22, 2011

Only a witch cackles...

Clinton's Cackling at Cain Takes the Cake

By Selwyn Duke

Upon watching footage of Hillary Clinton mocking Herman Cain in Afghan president Hamid Karzai's presence, one could wonder: would she really want to stack her accomplishments up against Cain's?
I mean real accomplishment -- not being the poster girl for nepotism and cultural affirmative action.

But before outlining the distinguished career of the esteemed erstwhile Mizz Rodham, let's review what was said to Mr. Karzai (another individual, incidentally, who owes his position to an American president).  Clinton was addressing Cain's statement that he probably wouldn't know the name of the leader of "Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan" and that it wasn't necessary for a president to know the names of "small insignificant states around the world." 

Now, admittedly, Cain isn't doing himself any good with his frequent reckless statements.  Yet, unlike some folks, he does understand Economics 101 and authored his own success by actually creating something.  And it is this history that Clinton referred to in a laughter-interspersed exchange with Karzai that went like this:

Clinton: "He's a former pizza company executive."

Karzai: "Is he that?"

Clinton: "Oh yeah, he started something called Godfather's pizza."

Actually, Cain didn't start it, but he did oversee its rise to prominence and prosperity, and created thousands of jobs and much wealth in the process.  And Hillary Clinton?  Her school of success involves marrying a snake-oil salesman extraordinaire, clinging to him like grim death even through his decades of philandering, and riding his coattails to success. 

 It's easy if you tell yourself that your relationship isn't a marriage but a symbiotic business arrangement.  And the payoff is that you get a lucrative cattle-futures deal, the chance to attempt a reordering of our healthcare system, a Senate seat, and then can prance around the world as America's chief diplomat and practice your recently acquired skill at smiling.

And if someone related this résumé to Karzai -- a man likely unacquainted with the particulars of our manifold isms -- I can just imagine his posing the Pashto-accented question, "And theese eese thee feminist way?" 

Well, yeah, she's come a long way, baby -- away from reality.  So far that she doesn't even understand the difference between public-sector patronage and private-sector performance.

Contact Selwyn Duke

Here's your Daily Cat!

MUST READ! Destroying our Constitution.

This is Serious--Please Spread the Word!

Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 21, AD 2011 12:59 PM MST

The definitive online law library service has been caught red-handed via web caching services as having fraudulently removed all references to the definitive "Natural Born Citizen" SCOTUS decision, Minor vs. Happersett, from its entire library.

This was done in early 2008, obviously front-running for Obama at the Obama campaign's bidding. Minor vs. Happersett explicitly defines "Natural Born Citizen", a standard which Obama obviously does not meet simply by virtue of the fact that his male DNA contributor was a Kenyan - regardless of Barry's physical place of birth.

In early 2008, every Heppersett reference was painstakingly removed by When the fraud was discovered last year, then painstakingly returned the case law to its original, uncorrupted and unedited form. But the damage was already done. is run by a man named Tim Stanley. Mr. Stanley should be arrested and tried for treason and sedition. Sedition is defined as engaging in behavior designed to subvert the lawful order, namely the Constitution of the United States.

Tim Stanley has committed a capital offense in facilitating the subversion of the Constitution in the person of Barack Obama. When are we going to start arresting traitors? How can this nation survive if treason and sedition are LAUGHED AT and men can literally shred the Constitution without


All we got was a bag of rocks...

The content of his character...

Obama: Is he the Most Racist President We Ever had or is it Just his Attitude?
Dr. Phil Taverna

Obama by all accounts doesn’t get it. And I predicted he would never run for a second term. But deep down he thought or has been raised to believe that America owes him a second term. He deserves a second term.  America owes him a second term!

Obama has always tried hard not to look like a racist but sometimes it’s a knee jerk reaction if you have been brought up as a racist.


It’s the liberal attitude. Let’s see should I pick up a book to read and study or should I goof off? Just think the SAT average is 400. So for everyone that is in the 600’s there are some in the 200’s. Don’t you wonder how much you need to spend to get that SAT score from 200 to 600? Obama wants to spend more of your money just for that dream!

So why do the liberals and the commies like Obama want to spend more of your money on public education? Because they deserve it! It is their right.

It gets better. Obama had to give a campaign speech at the UN. By all accounts the speech was useless. But there was a group picture. I think we have all been in group and class pictures. Did you ever raise your hand and wave while the picture was being taken? If you had a narcissistic attitude like Obama you would! But is it narcissism or is it racism?

A website in the UK showed a few pictures. One picture has all the guests smiling with Obama raising his hand directly in front of the President of Mongolia. Wouldn’t you like to know what he was saying when he saw the back of Obama’s hand? My guess is: “Wow look at all those calluses, I guess he does play a lot of golf. Maybe I can become a politician in the United States so I can get paid to play FREE golf.”

Keep in mind all the people in the picture were smiling. Even the president of Mongolia was smiling. So this UK website tried to spin it like they took another picture and all was forgiven. There was a major problem in the second picture. The only jerk smiling was our racist president. Maybe all was not as well as admitted.

And think about his attitude. They include: Bowing to the princes, Lady Michele touching the Queen. You mean they didn’t know the rules. They knew the rules they just thought they had the right as racists and liberals to break the rules.

The first Black president has surfaced again. Now he states in his unsolicited opinion that Obama should have done nothing. He should not raise taxes and he should not cut spending. Now I think that is sound advice. The only problem is that Clinton should have given that advice before Obama was hot to pass Obamacare. Remember Obamacare increases spending and increases taxes.

As a black community organizer Obama had the right and the attitude to pass such a bill that would help to destroy the American economy. How many black folks did Obama help by passing Obamacare? Probably none! But let’s take the numbers and work with it. The baloney you were to believe was that there were 30 million people who could not afford healthcare. Obamacare was going to fix that. So far, it appears no one has really been helped by Obamacare except the insurance companies. What a surprise! They now have a license to charge higher rates to more people.

So if it was to help 30 million folks and we know that the Black population makes up about 13% of the population. We can safely assume that Obama ruined the American economy to help 3.9 million black people. Considering that there are over 300 million people in the country, it was the wrong decision. But you see Obama and his liberal congress thought and assumed at the time that they had a right to pass Obamacare. So they destroyed the American economy of 300 million people to help maybe 3.9 million black folks. And buy their votes.

If this was a democracy and not a crooked republic this would be unfair. But since it is a right of the Black President it is all good. I just wish he would stop blaming President Bush and Clinton. It was Obama’s attitude and his overwhelming belief in his Black Right and not capitalism that destroyed the Obama economy. I just hope he stays in the race until 2012!
And just look at this language. “I told Congress… I am sending you a jobs bill, to pass the bill.

This doesn’t apply to all blacks. At least for now, folks like Hermann Cain don’t speak of this black right. But 88% of the Black vote went for Obama in 2008. And by all accounts they received nothing for their vote, except that they saw the first Black president elected in the United States in their lifetime.

Everything Obama says seems to be tainted by this inherited right. I think Martin Luther King Jr. would be shocked if he saw the world today. And if MLK could see the attitude of Obama and Holder he would not believe it. King had a dream. That dream was that all men would be equal.

After 50 years and spending trillions of dollars are most of the blacks and minorities better off then they were in the ‘60s? Socialism has never worked and will never work. But liberals and racists have an inherent right to destroy your economy for socialism! MLK wanted all to be equal to prosper. He wanted to bring the treatment of blacks to be equal to the white folks. Instead we have seen the destruction of the prosperity in America. The poverty level is the same or worse for all Americans since the ‘60s. And the liberals have destroyed the economy.

But if you listen to the whacked out liberals like Colmes, they will tell you we didn’t spend enough of the taxpayer money and the money we don’t have. Wouldn’t it be great if we all could live in the imaginary world of Liberals! They seem to have a right to destroy our prosperous world! It is a right of color and the right of Communism!

Of course, it's raining here--but we can hope!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Good Night & Good Sabbath.

See you tomorrow...

Dear, Dear Kerry,

Inspired by Alenu:

Thank You, God, Creator of all.
We are humbled before You.
You are our God.

We worship no God but You.
All the gifts around me come from You.
Your presence fills the universe,
And You are as close to me as my
own breath.

Hear me when I call you, God.
Hear the prayers of all who call You.

Nashuva Prayerbook

*     *     *
Today, I ask for special prayers for your heart, Kerry.
I am so sorry you lost your Mom. I know what pain that causes, and how it feels like the final good bye. 

It is not. God has assured us that there IS another realm in which we may walk. I was there once last year, for a few minutes, when I was so sick: I heard the timber of His voice, and felt the sunshine of His touch--and I was, at once, connected to everything in the world--and it felt so good.

That is where your mother is now--and you will be, too; you will be together always. You have blessed God and honored your mother by growing up responsibly, providing her with  a wonderful daughter,  6 lovely grandchildren, a son-in-law--your whole life, your whole heart.

What a beautiful gift! Rejoice in it!
Now, it is the time, the season, to give her back to God ;-)

Now, who's "greedy", eh?

Good Morning! This group of um...birds is going to join us at the Pond!


Thursday, October 20, 2011

G'Nite, friends!


I gotz a fishy out of the Koi Pond...

Ach, Gott in Himmel!

(Please listen to the 'Hatikva'
in the Pond Music section.)

I have the smallest violin in the world a'going...


Good Morning!


Whooee, I stayed up too late--and slept in too long! Hey, vote in our sidebar poll, and go see our new Koi Pond down by the Swamp! You can feed them by clicking on the starfish--and they'll follow you around. (Eva, Puffin is strictly on the honor system, here!)
Check out our new Pond Music section!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Good Night, Pond People!


Your Black DONAL CAT will keep you safe!
(Puffin's taking care of Eva... psstf!)

Here's your Daily Cat!

What's in it for Obama? (*Warning* graphic descriptions!)

Obama Wears a White Hat

By Jonah Goldberg
Weirdest Friday news dump ever.

Very late in the day on Oct. 14, the Obama administration released a lot of politically problematic information, including the news that the deficit for 2011 hit $1.3 trillion (the second biggest ever, after 2009) and that it's abandoning the CLASS Act, one of the more expensive and unwieldy appendages of "Obamacare."

One other thing: The White House announced we're putting boots on the ground in sub-Saharan Africa. President Obama notified Congress that he's sending about 100 combat-equipped troops to advise African forces on how best to kill or capture (but hopefully kill) one of the truly hideous villains breathing today, Joseph Kony, and destroy his militia cult, the Lord's Resistance Army.

And Obama is absolutely right to do it.

The news was so sudden, unexpected and just plain odd that the reaction from both left and right has been hurried and confused. Many claims are simply wrong. For instance, the LRA is not a "Christian" militia. The LRA routinely burns down churches and slaughters the congregants, but usually not before raping and mutilating them.

Kony is a classic example of the charismatic terrorist cult leader. He blends indigenous witchcraft with bits of Christianity and Islam (soldiers pray the rosary and bow to Mecca) to brainwash his uneducated, terrified flock of hostages and child soldiers, many of whom were forced to murder their own parents.

Here's a graphic passage from a 2006 report from Christianity Today on the LRA:
"Under threat of death, LRA child soldiers attack villages, shooting and cutting off people's lips, ears, hands, feet, or breasts, at times force-feeding the severed body parts to victims' families. Some cut open the bellies of pregnant women and tear their babies out. Men and women are gang-raped. As a warning to those who might report them to Ugandan authorities, they bore holes in the lips of victims and padlock them shut. Victims are burned alive or beaten to death with machetes and clubs. The murderous task is considered properly executed only when the victim is mutilated beyond recognition."

It's also worth noting that Obama is acting in compliance with a bill unanimously passed by both houses of Congress in 2009, which called for the president to take steps to "mitigate and eliminate the threat to civilians and regional stability posed by the Lord's Resistance Army."

Obama says that he's sending troops to protect our national security. Yes, the LRA is a terrorist group, but it's not at war with us. One could argue that improving our standing in Africa, particularly given China's rising influence and jihadism's spread, is a worthy foreign policy goal. But that's all a stretch, given Obama's past skepticism toward interventionism (as a presidential candidate, he said it was worth risking a potential genocide in Iraq to pull our troops as quickly as possible) and his almost incomprehensibly incoherent principles for where we should intervene (Libya, Yemen) and where we should not (Iran, Syria).

No, this is really just do-goodery, pure and simple.

And for that reason, the only serious argument against the deployment is that our troops are spread too thin to be distracted by charity work. It's a fair argument, and one that will rightly come up again when Democrats lobby for debilitating defense cuts.

Still, assuming the military can handle the load and the strategy's been properly vetted, the only reasons for the White House to be embarrassed have to do with its own convoluted rationales, precedents and political constituencies.

Under President George W. Bush, critics might have called this sort of thing an instance of "cowboy foreign policy." I never understood why the term was an insult. Cowboys do good when they can and where they can. They may not go looking for trouble, but they don't hide from it either. Yes, in movies and books, cowboys usually only shoot when somebody else has shot at them first. But every now and then a villain comes along who is so vile, so repugnant, so contrary to decency that the cowboy does what he has to do on the grounds that some men just need killing.

Joseph Kony strikes me as such a man.

One last exploitation...

Egyptian Anchorwoman Under Fire For Shalit Interview

Egyptian anchorwoman Shahira Amin, who came under [fire] for her insensitive interview with Gilad Shalit moments after he was released from Hamas captivity, told BBC network that she was unaware that Shalit was forced to submit to an interview.

Responding to harsh criticism of what was described by many media outlets as a "cruel" interview, Amin said she asked to conduct the interview, and was simply told it would be arranged. However, it was not confirmed until the last moment, she said, adding she did not realize it was a forced interview.

Officials in Israel said Tuesday evening they were surprised by the Egyptian interview and were unaware of Cairo's plans. Defense officials stressed that the TV interview was not undertaken with Israel's consent, coordination or knowledge. However, Amin's crude interview with Shalit Tuesday morning featured heavy pro-Egyptian and pro-Palestinian propaganda. Through the interview, the anchorwoman attempted to prompt Shalit to praise Egypt for its role in arranging the prisoner exchange.

At one point she also asked the Israeli soldier whether he would be joining a campaign to free Arab prisoners held by Israel upon his return to the Jewish State. During Tuesday's interview, which was aired by Egypt's national television station, it appeared that Amin was virtually abusing Shalit, moments after he was brought to Egypt from Gaza.

Shalit was having trouble breathing during the interview and looked exhausted and confused, yet Amin kept on presenting him with questions, many of them absurd and ridiculous. Responding to the anchorwoman's question regarding remaining Palestinian prisoners, Shalit said he would be happy to see them released, as long as they no longer attack Israel.


Good Morning, Pond People!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011


 Well, I believe we're down for the count. I'll be up a little bit more, but we're headed toward the barn. You all have a nice evening and I'll see you tomorrow!

We come to You.


We Affirm Our Faith

God, You have always been beside us
in times of trouble.
Every single day we are surrounded by
Your miracles.

You breathe new life into our souls.

*     *     *
You raise us up when we have no strength
to carry on.
You give us a heart to love.
The strength to heal,
Eyes to behold Your wonders.

Bless You for redeeming us each day.

Nashuva Prayerbook


Dear Lord, God of our world, beloved inhabitor of our heart, thank you for freeing Gilad and restoring him to his family--and ours.

We pray special prayers for Your wonderful care to shelter our NuGoddess, comfort our Hikergal, grant peace to our Jen, and healing for our dear, dear Phoo, Roxe, and Magdalene.

Let them know  all our love for them, and bring them back to us whole and restored, as you have Gilad Shalit to his family and our world.

"An exciting moment."

A Beautiful Day

By Rupert Wingfield-Hayes

The first sight of Gilad Shalit's homecoming were three little black dots just above the horizon. Within minutes they had grown to three huge Sikorsky helicopters roaring in across the perimeter fence and hovering over the runway of the Tel Nof airbase.

Out of sight of the cameras Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu walked out to greet the young soldier.

"Welcome home, Gilad," the prime minister told him, before taking him to meet his parents. Speaking to the media a few minutes later, Mr Netanyahu said he had told Sgt Shalit's parents: "I have brought you your son home."


Too bad, so sad--toooooo funny!

Thieves Steal Truck With President's Equipment
By Laura Geller

A truck filled with President Obama's podiums and audio equipment was stolen in Henrico just days before his visit to Chesterfield. (snip)

Sources said inside that vehicle was about $200,000 worth of sound equipment, several podiums and presidential seals, behind which only the President himself can stand.

Give the video a minute to load:

Happy Tuesday!

Cat Birthday Party!

Monday, October 17, 2011


"We Didn't Have the Green Thing"

Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested the older woman should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment. The woman apologized and explained, "We didn't  have this green thing back in my earlier days."

The clerk  responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation didn’t care enough to save the environment for future generations." The cashier was right -- our generation didn't have the green thing in our day or didn't call it "green".

Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The  store sent them back to the plant to be washed, sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled. But we didn't have the green thing back in our  day.

We walked up stairs, because we didn't have an escalator or elevator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn't  climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks.  But she was right. We didn't have the green thing in our day.

Back then, we washed baby's diapers because we didn't have the throw-away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 220 volts -- wind and solar power really did dry our clothes back in those early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But that young cashier was right. We didn't have the green thing back in our day.

Back then, we had  one TV or radio in the house -- not a TV in every room. And the TV had a  small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?) not a screen the  size of the state of Montana.

In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded up old  newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap 

Back then, we didn't fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity.

But she's right, we didn't have the green thing back then.

We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a plastic cup or plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We  refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we  replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of  throwing away the whole  razor just because the blade got dull. But we didn't have the green thing back then.

Back then, people took the streetcar or bus, and kids rode their bikes to school or walked -- instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service. We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. We didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest pizza joint.

But the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn't have the green thing back then? Please forward this to another selfish old person who needs a lesson in con-servation from a smart ass young person.


I received this in an email from my Yahoo political group, so I'm not sure who wrote it--but they were spot-on! (And it sounded SO like Maxine!)

Hard to feel guilty about ANY past event when he has--and is--happily stealing millions from us. His gloating about it is too damn much.

Powered By White Guilt

Good Morning, Pond People!

It's heeeere--YiPE!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Have a beautiful week ahead!
Good Nite, friends!

Atonement, Forgiveness, and God.

 Yom Kippur
You gave us Yom Kippur to look inside our souls.
Open me up, God.
I don't want to cut myself off anymore.
Unlock my heart.
Teach me how to receive Your light.
Let Your light radiate through me.

Let my anxiety give way to assurance.
Let my scattered thoughts give way to focus.

Let my fears give way to faith.
Be with me, God.
*   *   *
Release the tension that binds me.
Free me God. Let me shine.

Let me bless Your world.
Bless You, God, who makes us holy on this holy day.
Nashuva Prayerbook

Happy Sunday!