Saturday, September 17, 2011

The content of his character.

Makes You Proud to Be a Republican or an Independent--an American

A doctor had his TV on in his office when the news of the military base shootings at Ft. Hood, TX came on. The husband of one of his employees was stationed there.

He called her into his office and, as he told her what had happened, she got a text message from her husband saying, "I am okay." Her cell phone rang right after she read the message. It was an ER nurse, "I'm the one who just sent you a text, not your husband. I thought it would be comforting but I was mistaken in doing so. I am sorry to tell you this, but your husband has been shot 4 times and he is in surgery."

The soldier's wife left Southern Clinic in Dothan, AL and drove all night to Ft. Hood. When she arrived, she found out her husband was out of surgery and would be OK. She rushed to his room and found that he already had two visitors there to comfort him.
He was just waking up and found his wife and the visitors by his side.

The nurse took this picture:

What? No news crews and cameras? This is how people with class respond and pay respect to those in uniform.

I sent my cousin in Fayetteville, N.C. (Retired from Special Forces) that picture of George W. visiting the wounded at Ft. Hood. I got this reply: "What is even better is the fact George W. Bush heard about Fort Hood, got in his car without any escort--apparently they did not have time to react--and drove to Fort Hood. He was stopped at the gate and the guard could not believe who he had just stopped. Bush only asked for directions to the hospital then drove on. The gate guard called and said 'The President is on Fort Hood and driving to the hospital.'"

The base went bananas looking for Obama. When they found it was Bush, they immediately offered escort. Bush simply told them it was O.K. and to let him visit the wounded and the dependents of the dead.

He stayed at Fort Hood for over six hours, and was finally asked to leave by a message from the White House. 
Obama flew in days later and held a "photo opportunity" session in a gym, and did not even go to the hospital.

All this I picked up from two soldiers here who happened to be at Fort Hood when it happened. This Bush/Obama/Ft. Hood story is something that should be sent to every voter in the US.

To those who wanted "change". You certainly got it.

Maybe he can use that glue on his mouth, too.

A 'jump-start' to epic fail.

Keynesian Economics as The Anti-Economics

By Monty Pelerin

While reading an article from Mish on housing, two of his passages struck me:

You can temporarily jump-start nearly anything if you throw enough money at it, and that is exactly what
Keynesian clown fools want to do. Unfortunately, no amount of taxpayer money is too great for any cause any fool believes in.

The best way to "jump-start" housing is to let the market find a bottom. Once prices get sufficiently low, investors and buyers will step in. Meanwhile, any steps that artificially prop up prices and postpone foreclosures at taxpayer expense will delay the bottom in housing, delay household formation, and delay a jobs recovery as well.

In a way these two quotes capture much of what has been wrong with the economy for the last eighty years.

The first quote captures the central planning and statist tendencies of Keynesian economics, at least as it is practiced by the political class. Keynesian economics, if it ever made any sense, is now a tool for political chicanery and vote-buying.

The second quote is in direct opposition to the first. It represents market direction rather than central planning. Prices, unhindered, provide signals to market participants whose behavior adjusts accordingly. Unhindered market prices are the basis for Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand."

All intervention is a form of Central Planning. A macroeconomic intervention attempts to prevent relative price changes and their accompanying corrections from occurring. In the simplest terms, macroeconomic actions are taken to prevent markets  from adjusting. Macroeconomics is an attempt to deny the normal functioning of markets. As such, Keynesian economics is Anti-Economics. Its application is always an attempt to constrain the forces of microeconomics. It is an ill-fated denial of the laws of economics.

When price adjustments are stymied, balanced recovery cannot take place. Intervention may hide a problem but it cannot solve it. The underlying distortions eventually resurface and require bigger and more costly interventions to hide them again. This process repeats until eventually the distortions become so great that further meddling, no matter how large, cannot suppress the problem. Markets then become dysfunctional, even non-functioning.

The two quotes frame the issue. Something considered unpalatable by politicians is decided to be "solved" by intervening. Politically, the problem is "solved" by making it disappear; economically it has been made worse in that it will eventually reappear as an even bigger problem.

Continued "solutions" eventually make the adjustments so large and painful that the political class resorts to the behavior described in Mish's first quote. Eventually they run out of money and/or markets collapse.

Interestingly, there never was an economic problem; nor can there be in a freely functioning market. A political judgment decided that outcomes other than those determined by consumers would be preferable. Intervention is an attempt to deter free people from the results they desire.  Intervention may work for a while but eventually economic laws overpower political desire at great cost to everyone.

Keynesian economics is a political tool, not an economic one. It pushes off small economic problems temporarily only to have them come back later as bigger ones. That requires more political intervention and the cycle repeats again and again  in a loop that runs ad collapsium. Don't go to your Latin dictionary to look up this contrived phrase. It is an invented term.

The point is that a politically motivated loop is entered whereby subsequent interventions to correct the abuses of prior interventions are seen as mandatory. Eventually the affected market becomes dysfunctional. That is what has happened in the housing market. That is what we are heading  for in the total economy as a result of continuing and now massive interventions.

The government has put us in a loop whereby we are ratcheting to ruin. Politically they dare not stop their interventions because the economy will go into shock and into another Great Depression. Yet that is where we end up, regardless. The only difference is in the timing and the fact that we will be much poorer when the inevitability finally arrives.

I'm sleeping in! ;-)


Friday, September 16, 2011

One, two, three.... one, two, three....


Well, I haven't been to bed yet from yesterday, so I need to lay down for awhile. You all have a wonderful end-of-the-week, and keep on dancing! I'll be up in awhile--and Pollywog'll be home, yay!

Hi, friends!


Thursday, September 15, 2011

See you Friday!


Smooch! (Ribbet!)

     Phoo! PhooFrog, where are you? How are you?
I've been thinking about you, so give me a hop!


Here's your Daily Cat!

There really IS a monorail in Seattle!

More on Obama's retread snitch-line:

By Ulsterman

The Obama White House unveils an all-out Internet offensive to take out those who they deem to be "smearing" the president. America – Big Brother has officially arrived, and its name is Barack Hussein Obama…

Here's a snide take on it:

With the breakout of the Obama White House’s all-new Obama For America funded turn-in-your-neighbor website now up and running, the United States has officially entered 1984 territory.  According to the website’s own language, invites Obama supporters to do the following:

Join Attack Wire—and help stop the attacks on the President before they start.

When another unfounded attack surfaces, we’ll arm you with the truth so you can share the facts with your friends and family.

So in essence, what the Obama re-election team states is they would rather not have voters thinking for themselves, or considering alternative opinions on what the current president is or is not doing – but rather to simply turn in those opposed to Barack Obama, and await the Obama White House version of reality, for in Obama’s America, that is now the only reality that should be allowed to exist.  What would happen if Barack Obama himself was turned in for the myriad of lies and deceptions he has participated in since becoming President of the United States?

As for what is to become of those bloggers, reporters, and political opponents of Barack Obama’s who are turned into – that remains to be seen.  Or perhaps not…
Here is a link to the chilling website itself.  Go there at your own risk:

Leftists are having a 'civility' meltdown.

PhotobucketLiberal Radio Talks of Killing Rumsfeld, 'Prehistoric Reptiles' of Tea Party

By Tim Graham

It's been a nasty week, just in the hours since "National Unity Day" on 9/11, for the liberal and hard-left talkers. Talk of killing right-wingers is in the air, as is talk of the Tea Party loving "the taste of blood in their mouths." What is this,a Twilight movie? On Tuesday's Randi Rhodes show, Randi complained about the backwardness of Florida, where she lives: "This place is full of conservatives and crazy old people -- right wing extremist wackos and prehistoric reptiles that you can't kill, basically, the Tea Party!"

Over on the typically screechy Mike Malloy show on Tuesday, Malloy was rooting for Donald Rumsfeld to be hanged like a Nazi war criminal. He was furious that Rumsfeld would decry Paul Krugman's sleazy 9/11 blog post:

MALLOY: You miserable son of a bitch, Rumsfeld! You miserable, murderous war criminal! sending people to die...sending American soldiers to die with your flip comment, 'You go to war with the army you have!' Sending people over there overprotected you slime ball! And you call Krugman's post repugnant? You should be in the dark, put on trial and if the same laws applied to you as we applied to the German high command your ass would have been hanged months ago! You found Krugman's column repugnant - the balls you people have - you and Cheney and Bush and all of you!

And yet Malloy thinks it’s the Tea Party that wants people to die. The heart-warming story of a crowd pulling a wounded motorcyclist out from under a car as his bike was blazing on fire spurred Malloy to insist no Tea Partier would save a life:

Now, my question to you - how many of those people that did the pulling out - how many of them do you suppose were Republicans or Tea Baggers? I'll tell you how many - not one! You know what they would have said? They would have stood back on the curb like they did last night and say 'LET HIM BURN! HE SHOULD HAVE HAD HIS OWN PERSONAL RESCUE TEAM WITH HIM - WHAT THE HELL DOES HE WANT?' Isn't that what they said last night about the guy who in a coma who didn't have any insurance - and the question was what happens to him - and the audience members - let him die!!!
Several left-wing talkers jumped all over the Wolf Blitzer debate question to Ron Paul about whether a man should die because he failed to buy health insurance. (Paul came around to saying charity would save the man, but liberals pretended not to listen that long.) On MSNBC's The Ed Show, hearing-impaired Ed Schultz saw the Ron Paul moment as vindication for Alan Grayson’s “Republicans want you to die quickly” speech on the House floor. He played that outrage again, and then welcomed Grayson on the air to boast:

GRAYSON: I’m often proven right, but usually not so vividly. I have to say this encapsulates exactly what people fear about the Tea Party, the so-called Tea Party – that they just love the taste of blood in their mouths. And that’s what this seems to come down to. You know, they call themselves pro-life, but if you listened to them last night, it seemed that they were pro-death.

Ed asked if there was a parallel to the cheering for Rick Perry on the question of  the death penalty in Texas at the Reagan Library.

SCHULTZ: Is there a parallel between the reaction to that question and answer as the one we saw last night on health care?

GRAYSON: Yes, the parallel is sadism. That’s what the parallel is. A total lack of empathy. You know, if you ever saw the movie Blade Runner, the way you could tell the difference in the movie between the robots and the human beings – the only way because technology was so advanced – was that the robots had no empathy.  Seems to me that’s a good description lately of what I hear from the Tea Party. No empathy! They just don’t care.

Schultz had a perfect record of ignoring Paul's answer, decrying at the Grayson interview's end that "A doctor was on that stage last night pushing for the free market. I think we are a better country than that." Incredibly, seconds later, he attacked Rick Perry, insisting his strategy was "make stuff up and maybe nobody will notice."

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Obama's goon squad is gearing up:

Obama Campaign Launches Snitch Line Website

By Judi McLeod 
It’s official. The Obama campaign launched a new snitch line website today ostensibly to handle “misinformation” out there against President Obama.
“Got my spy email today from the Obama campaign,” CFP reader Rosemary from Norwalk, Ct. wrote Canada Free Press (CFP). “They have set up a website called  It is for people to report “lies” about Obama!  They even reference some of their own.”
“How low can they go?” Plenty low, Rosemary as AttackWatch will soon prove.
The Obama campaign is only making official what they started back in the summer of 2008 with “the Barack Obama Truth Squad”.
“KMOV-TV in Missouri is reporting that Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign has signed up law enforcement officials “to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading TV ad during the presidential campaign.” (Obama’s Legal Goon Squads, Matthew Vadum, CFP, Sept. 28, 2008).
“While the report never comes out and says anyone running an ad saying those things would be subject to prosecution, that certainly is the message implied. Today Obama’s reelection campaign manager, Jim Messina announced the formation of
“Forming the first line of defense against a barrage of misinformation won’t be easy,” Messina wrote in a fundraising email to campaign supporters.  “Our success will depend on a team of researchers and writers to stay on the lookout for false claims about the President and his record, bring you the facts, and hold our opposition accountable.”
Meanwhile, the big question is will Tea Party members be falsely accused and prosecuted or just outed by Obama's
I've signed up just to keep an eye on what they're doing.  So far, they're just trying to get their members to be snitches, and to report the slightest negative word, inference, or gesture that's against Obama and his policies. Don't underestimate their ability to be picayune. Don't name-call; fight them with facts.

I keep wondering, what was/is in it for the GOP?

Even Republicans Rejected Info About Obama's Past

By John Drew

What would you do if you knew that the top Democrat running for president was lying about his past? 

That is the question I was faced with in 2008.  I had met the young Barack Obama while he was a sophomore at Occidental College, and I knew that his commitment to socialism was deep, genuine, and longstanding.  See my earlier article on American Thinker.

I had been a leader of the Marxist students at Occidental College myself, starting in 1976 when I founded the precursor of the Democrat Socialist Alliance on campus.  The young Obama I knew was a Marxist socialist who would have been quite comfortable with Communist party members like his Hawaii mentor Frank Marshall Davis, retired domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers, or active socialist politicians like Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer.

The Obama I knew was nothing like the lifelong pragmatic centrist that he was pretending to be in the 2008 presidential campaign.  When I talked politics with the young Obama, he expressed a profound commitment to bringing about a socialist economic system in the U.S. -- completely divorced from the profit motive -- which would occur, in his lifetime, through a potentially violent, Communist-style revolution.  In this context, I saw my report on young Obama as a key piece of evidence suggesting a profound continuity in his belief system.

Although I was surprised by Barack Obama's insistence on his mainstream ideological credentials, I was shocked that my attempts to spread the news about young Obama's Marxism failed to gain any media traction with reporters, activists, or campaign staffs during the 2008 presidential campaign. 

Once I saw the significance of my face-to-face observations on the young Obama, I went out of my way to get my story on record with the Orange County Register.  I tried to contact, among others, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, the folks behind the Swiftboat ads, and the McCain campaign.

I thought I would get a phone call back from Fox News -- someone, somewhere -- and I still do not understand why no one seemed to catch on to the urgency of the situation.  I understand that I did not have audio tape of young Obama.  I did not have any photos or home movies.  Nevertheless, I was extremely active in the leftist politics and counter-cultural milieu of Occidental College in the 1970s. 

As a younger man, I had earned a Ph.D. in political science from Cornell, which, I would think, gave me some credibility in measuring young Obama's ideological convictions.  I quickly saw that other people who had known the young Obama were featured in various news articles.  It seemed to me that I should have been just another interview for any journalist, producer, or campaign consultant interested in checking out my story and testing my credibility against the facts.

In frustration, I was also posting what I knew on The Caucus Blog site at the New York Times.  My expectation was that someone from the Times would call me and follow up on the leads I was sending out.  Here is a sample of what I was doing in October 2008 to get the word out about Obama's Marxist ideology.

I even thought of scheduling my own press conference on the campus of Occidental College through their campus Republican club.  Internally, I was conflicted by the urgency of what I knew and the sense that it was best for the story to break out in a manner supportive of the McCain campaign. 

What shocked me about my experience in the summer of 2008 is that I thought my experience as a Williams College political science professor, my small business owner status, and my visibility in the Orange County community would allow my message to immediately go to the very top of the McCain campaign.  I thought my story would be welcomed by Fox News. 

Since then, things have slowly gotten better.  My story on the young Marxist Obama has appeared in Michael Savage's Trickle-Up Poverty, Paul Kengor's Dupes, Stanley Kurtz's Radical-In-Chief, and Jack Cashill's Deconstructing Obama.

Nevertheless, I think there is something broken in our media and campaign system.  I do not think most independents or conservatives understand, or fully appreciate, the tremendous advantages the left derives from having the mainstream media serve as the fully paid, completely sympathetic, Dan Rather-level opposition research team of the Democratic Party.  It is a system that methodically ignores damaging information about flawed candidates like Sen. John Edwards and Rep. Anthony Weiner, while elevating minor errors among Republicans to the status of Watergate investigations. 

If Republicans are going to win in 2012, I think they need to make some changes so that they are more friendly to the whistle-blowers bringing them bad news about the Obama administration.  Personally, I would like to see Republicans create new ways to collect negative news stories on liberals by 1) including web pages requesting opposition research from leakers; 2) establishing guidelines for leakers that help them give campaign decision-makers the confidence to pursue appropriate leads; and 3) instituting feedback mechanisms so leakers have some minimal assurance that they have been heard by top campaign managers and that their information has been discarded for technical or strategic reasons and not simply because it was overlooked by a careless staff member.

I think recognition of this problem should be the first step in taking systematic action to prevent flawed Democrat candidates from winning office.  In the meantime, I predict that we will see more examples of media failure as the left dominates the muckraking journalism profession while the right seems too dependent on a small handful of seemingly obscure, overworked journalists and -- as my case illustrates -- unconnected and often baffled citizen activists.

John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist and a blogger at David Horowitz's NewsReal Blog.  Dr. Drew earned his Ph.D. from Cornell and has taught political science and economics at Williams College.  Today, Dr. Drew makes his living as an author, trainer, and consultant in the field of non-profit grant writing, fundraising, and program evaluation.  To book Dr. Drew for your event, please go here.


I don't usually post entire articles out of respect for the publications that feature them. However, I read the first article Dr. Drew wrote and I couldn't understand why the subject just evaporated. I keep telling myself there's something about the whole thing that I'm missing. Maybe some of you can help me figure out what it is...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

All we have is hope that there's... hope.

Edging towards megalomania...

Obama Selects Psalm at Ground Zero Enabling Him to Proclaim ‘I am God’

By Judi McLeod & Aaron I. Reichel

People should remember forever yesterday’s 10th anniversary of 9/11.  The tenth anniversary was the first one that saw banned from Ground Zero, clerics and first responders; authorities who controlled the event ordered all speakers to refrain from the use of the name “al Qaeda”. 

Without Aaron I. Reichel Esq., a member of the Federal and State Bars in New York and New Jersey, author of Fahrenheit 9-12—rebuttal to Fahrenheit 9/11, and CFP columnist who was tuned in on radio for the anniversary events, we may have never known that yesterday was the day when President Barack Obama seized the opportunity through the reading of Psalm 46 to proclaim, as many of his followers seem to believe, “I am God”.
These are the immortal words of Psalm 46 that Obama used to project on the world screen that he is God:

Psalm 46

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.
There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.
God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.
The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted.
The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.
Come, behold the works of the LORD, what desolations he hath made in the earth.
He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire.
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

People who just wanted to mourn the death of the innocents on site in Manhattan or via watching televised events took heart when the nominally Jewish mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg,  announced that Presidents Obama and Bush would not be speaking at the 10th anniversary gathering.   This was so that the majority of Americans who cringe at the sound of a speech by one or the other of these presidents would not have to endure a speech by either.

Then at the ceremony itself, Obama did indeed come forward to speak, although instead of reading from a TelePrompter as he usually does in his major addresses, he read from the Old Testament.  The Psalm he read, Psalm 46 refers to “the God of Jacob” twice, diverting attention from Barack Hussein Obama’s Muslim connections and multiple subtle and overt philo-Islamic gestures (not that there is anything wrong with that, when fairly balanced), on the occasion of the multiple calamities caused by Muslims, and gave Obama an opportunity to boldly proclaim, “I am God.” 

As  Reichel points out: “Members of the clergy were not permitted to speak at the ceremony, but one of the most politically partisan and unpopular presidents of our time was permitted to speak not just in the name of God but to declare that he IS God!  How many other U.S. presidents, let alone monarchs governing by “divine right” or by any other mandate, have declared on international television and radio in a ceremony widely watched and heard around the world, “I am God?”“

The bizarre contradictions of yesterday’s ceremony at Ground Zero in Manhattan seemed to pave the way for the Obama proclamation.  The true heroes of the day, the “first responders”, firefighters and police officers who risked their lives and their health on the “original” 9/11 when the fully populated World Trade Center Towers were caused to collapse upon being hit by planes hijacked by Islamic terrorists, were prohibited from being present.  

Were they kept away so there would be no expression of outrage when Obama stepped forward as God? Meanwhile classic political opportunism by a re-election bound, undocumented president marred the most important anniversary of September 11, 2001 of our lifetime.

In almost three years we still don’t know who Obama is. But for certain he is not God.

Do you want to know what happened to NASA?

The Wages of Terror
By Daniel Greenfield 

When Obama set off to visit the victims of Hurricane Irene, instead of visiting the American victims who had lost their homes and possessions—he headed off to Patterson, New Jersey. Patterson is known as ‘Patterstine’ for a reason, it’s home to the second largest Arab community after Dearborn, and while most of its residents are not yet Muslims, concentrating his visit there sends a message. And it’s the same message that has been sent over and over again. Muslims come first.

Obama’s decision to shut down the space program by terminating the shuttle and its replacement vehicle, combined with the loss of the Russian space freighter, means that the International Space Station may have to be abandoned. But as Obama’s new NASA administrator Charles Bolden said, the new priority is Muslim outreach.

We may not have a space program anymore, but NASA has partnered with Saudi Arabia on “lunar and asteroid science research”. The good news is that the Saudis can afford to buy us a new shuttle, so long as we don’t let any women drive it.

And did you know that the National Park Service has an Office of International Affairs? Why does it need an office of international affairs? So it can fund mosques globally through UNESCO. The Obama Administration has eliminated the Park Service’s ‘Save America’s Treasures” program, but there’s always money for Islam. While the old outdated jingoistic NPS was concerned with the United States, the new NPS gives money to the Medina of Tunis, an adjacent Islamic school and a Muslim pilgrimage site in Turkmenistan.

It doesn’t matter anymore if it’s flood victims, outer space or national parks—it’s all about Muslims...