Thursday, November 10, 2016

Veteran's Day 2016

We honor our Beloved Veterans
Thank you for keeping us Free
Thank you for keeping us Safe


  1. Deer Pond Family, This is a very special day for us. We all have men and women in our families who have served in our military, and The Pond has our own very special guy to thank, Deer Phooey!

    Be sure to read posts from previous picture. There is a lot of good news there too.

  2. Why are people in a panic? I think it is just an excuse to be rowdy and out of control. In Seattle, the socialists are controlling the anti-Trump marches. The young people need a reality-check; they need to live for a year in North Korea or China. Then lets talk about the wonderful life we have in the U.S.A.

    This is what I know...I get up every morning since Trump has been chosen as our next president, and the world is exactly the same. Nothing has changed. The sun is up (or in the case of Seattle, it is raining). The buses are running on time. Our TV shows are still the same. Laundry needs to be done, and groceries need to be brought home.

    The only change that I have noticed is that there is a lot of grumpy old people in our building. These are old people who should know the difference between democrat and the GOP. Some people never learn!

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you Phooey!

    The first thing I did at work Friday was to put up posters all over the inside of our building listing the names of veterans who work there, telling them thank you. We have 6 vets. What surprised me is that those vets didn't know the other men were also vets. They don't talk about it at work, I guess. Our oldest vet served in Viet Nam. The rest were deployed to the Middle East at one time or another. It was great fun, watching them bond with each other and watching other employees stop and personally thank each of them. It was a good day.

    These protests are not protests. They are RIOTS. Many of the rioters are professionally paid by George Soros and his affiliates, who also rioted in places like Ferguson. Some of them want to kick in store fronts and loot things they want but can't pay for. Some of them are illegal aliens. Some of them are just doing it for fun and/or it gives them something "meaningful" to do with their otherwise empty, pathetic lives. They probably don't have a job they have to show up to every morning, or rent/mortgage to pay. Pathetic snowflakes who need their safe spaces while making nothing safe for those of us who fund their EBT cards.

    It's going to be OK. Renaissance is coming!

  4. George Soros is paying these rioters. I heard $15 an hour. I'd love to know whether these people actually voted. I'll bet most of them didn't. Precious snowflakes, indeed!

  5. Quick update before I run for the bus! Sis went to hospital early Sunday morning. Think she will come home today or Friday. Says to tell everyone that she "thinks of you often." She I okay. Please, don't worry.

    About "riots"...yes, they are paid demonstrators. The new, young "snowflakes" don't understand this concept and just join in. Whole bunches of school kids have been skipping classes around Seattle to join in protests. They don't even know what they are protesting.

    My bus awaits. Love ya...

  6. We love you too, Frog and Wog! Prayers for both of you. Hope Froggy can write a little something when she gets home.

    One thing that makes me laugh about the rioters that I've read in many places is that a lot of them didn't vote, and most of them are not even registered to vote. They are paid protesters. We have an entire generation of young special snowflakes about to get re-educated!

    I am ignoring all the news media talking about who is meeting with Trump, what positions he is considering them for. They have no clue what is going on in those conversations. But they have to talk about something, so they blabber on. At the end of the day, I believe that our next president will make appointments that are brilliant. I actually trust this man!

    I've had a brutal work week. Planning for and holding open insurance enrollment on Wednesday, while getting the entire facility ready for an environmental inspection today. We passed the inspection with flying colors. I can't begin to tell you the hard work I asked so many people to do. They did it!

    Tomorrow will be spent creating detailed, personalized insurance spreadsheets for all 27 of us to take home and think about over the weekend so I can get everyone enrolled Monday.

    I love my job again! And I love all of you/us!

    1. Hi Surfie, Sis and I don't know much about insurance. We both kept what we had so that we wouldn't accidently enroll in obamcacare. Did you get snow? Not sure how what states got hit with the fluffy white winter. Got Froggy home from hospital. We both slept most of the day until the Seattle Seahawks game. (We won!) I'm tired from sleeping in hospital chair for several days.

      Will look for a Thanksgiving pic to put on Pond.
