Obama’s Osawatomie Outing Circa 2008
Osawatomie is more than a place whose name is hard to get the tongue around; more than the location where President Barack Obama outed himself as a Marxist in Tuesday’s defiant speech. The name Osawatomie is rooted in infamy.
Thanks to savvy Trevor Loudon, a blogger from whom mainstream media should be taking lessons, comes the reminder of the infamy of Osawatomie:
“Why would Barack Obama choose to give a controversial speech attacking American capitalism in Osawatomie, Kansas?” Loudon asked on his blog New Zeal Blog yesterday.
“Hang on! Where have I heard that name before? Osawatomie? ...back, in the ‘70s? Weather Underground terrorists…Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn. Didn’t Obama used to
hang out with those guys?”
“I remember! Osawatomie was the publication of the Weather Underground! “No, surely it’s a coincidence…
“Just sayin.”
Here’s another one of those “coincidences” about Obama and Osawatomie unearthed by Zombietime.com back in 2008: “Obama’s Election ’08 logo, and the logo of Osawatomie, the newspaper of the Weather Underground are one and the same. (Canada Free Press, November 2, 2008).
“Confronted, they (Obama and Ayers) would laugh it off as coincidence and conspiracy theory, and generations of graduates from the public school system, would counter a unified: “So what?”
So when Obama was doing the talking in Osawatomie on Tuesday, Billy Ayers and the Weather Underground were pulling his wobbly strings.
And for those who would say the Weather Underground was yesterday, Obama, who is now professing to be Israel’s best friend knows that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn are more recently “occupied”.
Make that occupied on Israel-bound flotillas.
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