Thursday, December 8, 2011

We miss you!


  1. 7TexMom hasn't been posting for quite some time. Don't know about Roxe (I don't even remember her!). TexasTeaLady still posts some. Hikergal just commented on your Masada post.

    Aren't I a fountain of knowledge this morning!:)

    Hope everyone has a good day. I'm still sick but the worst is over. Hitting the bricks again today, looking for a job.

  2. Thanks, hon--I'm sorry you're sick. I saw Hikergal's post under Masada--but we need to hear about her and how her daughters and the baby is lots and lots--we miss her and the other gals!

    What kind of job are you looking for?

  3. Feel better, Surfie! Don't make yourself sicker by going out job-hunting too much.

    OTOH, good luck!

  4. Hey the group loved the picture of Masada! Everybody's doing great! BG and I shipped Sweet Baby Kaniahs's Christmas gifts this morning.The most fun was a recordable book "Goodnight Moon" We must have had at least 20 do overs and lots of laughs.I hope Kaniah can get to sleep with the 2 of us giggling!
    She's doing fine the extent of the scarring won't be fully known for another year. Other than that just a busy time of year for me as I try to get things done.

  5. Just wanted you all to know that I so enjoyed the conversation yesterday. It kind of flowed to cover three topics.

    Peanut likes to knit with me. Well, more of an un-knitter. She doesn't want her own yarn she prefers mine. I have a pic loaded onto my son's computer. Froggy, do I email it to you?

  6. Gloria, your description of Peanut's helping you knit (or unknit) brought back so many memories! Can hardly wait to see the pic!

    Hiker, that "Goodnight Moon" must be the most popular book around. My niece started reading it to my great nephew almost from day one. Now, at 15 months, it's still part of the nightly routine. Such a sweet idea. I'm sure Kaniah will treasure this gift for a long time to come!

  7. Eva "Goodnight Moon" was one I read to my girls from day one! It was written in 1947 I think, so it has been around awhile and it just fits nicely in to a little one's night time routine. It has been part of Kaniah's also since day one so we are just adding another dimension of love to the routine.My girls say one of their earliest memories is of them all tucked in to bed and Daddy sitting on the floor in the middle of their room reading it to them.

  8. Goodnight Moon was one I read to my son from day one, too. I still have it in his "archives" although it's a little tattered!

  9. I enjoyed our conversation yesterday too--every day, really. Yes, mail me all cat pictures!

  10. Well, I guess it's obvious that I have no children! I'm glad I got to have my turn reading it to my niece's little one. Hopefully, we'll get to Georgia (weather willing) on his 16 month bday. We're doing our usual LA to New York to Georgia and back to LA trip for the holidays. Last year a blizzard kept us in NYC for and extra 2 days.

  11. Hi gang :)

    Things have been crazy at work, but I wanted to check in.

    I remember 'Good night Moon'. My kids loved it too! :) Ah, the memories. Now they are 33 and 31; time really flys! I also enjoyed reading Dr. Seuss books to them.

    Hikergal, I'm sure glad little Kaniah is doing well! Will keep her in my prayers.

    Froggy, I love hearing about you and Wog. You two sisters are so precious. :)

    Surfie, I'm glad you will have your son and future daughter-in-law with you at Christmas. What a wonderful gift!

    Gloria, I'm eagerly awaiting a picture of Peanut. :)

    Eva, you might not have biological children, but you have a mother's loving heart. Your niece is lucky to have you in her life. :)

    Hey Phooey, I hope you're getting some rest. Sure love reading your comments. :)

    I love you guys,
