Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Plan.

Obama's Not Changing His Spots

By Richard N. Weltz

(Snip) From the January in which Obama took office until right now, his has been a totally failed presidency.

In foreign policy, we have mismanaged every relationship, insulting our friends and feeding our enemies' bad feelings toward America.  In domestic matters, there has been a sharp and dangerous run-up of national debt, failed attempts to ameliorate high unemployment, and obstructionism regarding development of energy resources available to lower fuel costs and reduce our dependence on unfriendly foreigners. 

There have been extensive moves to exercise regulatory powers as a means of bypassing the legislative authority of Congress; dozens of appointed "czars" unaccountable to anyone; and massive expansion of government control and micromanagement of large sectors of the financial, banking, automotive, food, and pharmaceutical industries.  Add to that the forcing through Congress of the disastrous ObamaCare legislation, still not fully understood by anyone and against the clearly expressed will of the American people.

How to run on such a record?  It must be overwhelmingly daunting even for the narcissistic Obama, let alone for the powerful political interests behind him, to contemplate what a good GOP candidate can do to that record -- even with the mainstream press covering and cheerleading.

In such a situation, as I noted, one reverts to whatever worked best in one's past.  In Obama's case, that was his service as a rabble-rouser (euphemistically known by some as "community organizer") in the slums of Chicago.

And, thus, we have Obama making it clear -- through a buildup of statements denouncing the "millionaires and billionaires," giving a wink and a nod of approval to the "Occupy" mobs in Zuccotti Park and elsewhere, and his Tuesday speech in Kansas -- that class warfare will be the central them of his bid for a second term. 

"Community organizing" means getting the losers and the lazy together to badger the successful and productive for an undeserved share of the wealth the latter have attained.  "Tax the rich" is another name for program.  "I'm doing it for the middle class who are being oppressed" is the lie that's used to justify it.

Obama and his henchmen believe that the only shot they have at winning is to gin up anger among the 50% or so of American families who pay no federal income taxes and/or are receiving federal bounty.  Tell them that a handful of people control most of the nation's wealth.  Tell them that those one-percenters are the reason for their own lack of success.  Tell them that the likes of Vikram Pandit and Jamie Dimon spend the day in luxurious office suites (when they're not gallivanting around on corporate jets), scheming to gobble up the poor folks' money and houses -- and when they're not doing that, they are scheming about how to screw the middle class.

Obama is an expert at turning people's hatred toward the Snidely Whiplashes he wants them to see out there.  It's what he did and does best; he has a great track record with the class warfare ploy.  He's lousy at everything else.

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