Wednesday, December 7, 2011

We pray for the men and women at Pearl Harbor:

Thank God for Those Who Serve


  1. There are so few left that were there.

  2. Did you see this DRUDGE headline:

    'Sasha and Malia Obama's School Opts For Japanese Food'

    I'm not surprised.

  3. I visited the memorial when in Oahu about 20 years ago. Couldn't stop crying, knowing how many were buried at sea. The marble wall containing the names of all who perished contained numerous sets of brothers. I'll never forget them and will always be grateful to them.

  4. It truly was "a day that will live in infamy." A beautiful morning before Hell came from the skies. I ache for those who lived long enough to have experienced it happening again.

    After the first shock of 9/11, I had the oddest urge to apologize to my father because the safe world he helped make for me was no more, and I felt awful that he had lived long enough to know it. Sigh.

    We'll never forget the heroes. Never!

  5. Surfie, I was at the memorial about 15 years ago and was so filled with emotion. Hard to control the tears. I was glad to have the opportunity to go there. Eva, my own father passed away in 1997 and I am glad he didn't live to see 9/11. He was so proud of the time he served in WW2. That was the generation that lived through the depression. The were God fearing Americans who felt loyalty to their country. They grew up not having their heads filled with anti-American foolishness. America Forever! Israel Forever! There I had my say.
