Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Good Morning, Ponders!

Today's the day!
Whatever the outcome, God bless Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.


  1. I just voted! I got there at 7:10am and left at 7:45am. I thought there wouldn't be a line at all but there was, not too bad, though. I wore my red, white & blue plastic bracelets from the Romney-Ryan campaign. Each one says: Clear eyes, FULL HEARTS, America can't lose!

    I've done what I can. It's up to G-d now.

  2. Eva, America needs all the votes it can get. You can be proud of the vote you gave today!

  3. Aloha pond friends!

    Froggy, so glad your wound has healed! Hope your health will continue to improve. :)

    I woke up early this morning. Tossed and turned all night, and I'm glad and anxious that this day is finally here. We can only vote by mail in WA state, so just praying that we rock the vote today, and show Obama the door! Were here in Oahu, on our anniversary trip, and purposely planned to drive around the island today. We will try to keep our minds off the election. Tonight we'll eat in our room, and watch the event unfold. God bless our country! And may this be the start of something good.

    1. Paget, how wonderful that you are in Oahu! Such a beautiful place for an anniversary. Enjoy every minute...

  4. Oh, Paget, you're on your lovely trip--how nice! Please keep us updated; I'm thrilled that you could go!

    Good for you, Eva--you're right, it's in God's hands.

    Where's Phoo and Surfie..? We'll want to hear how your vote went. Dear Gloria votes by mail the way we do.

    Hey, where did the Connection go?

    1. We have mere hours to go. We have done our part. Last night I listened to a prophetic ministry that I follow. Very encouraging. God is in control. This is a whole new process for Steve. He has a lot of questions and some things he is not real clear on.

      I checked in on the Connection last week and it was down days before the storm. Some of the people are so smart and I have learned a lot from them. Like Belwatter(from Bellingham) and WrightWinger and Eagles Dominion and RakeKing and Barbarian Heritic. They are so smart and I have enjoyed their posts. Miss them. I wonder if the Connection is down for good or if they had tech problems.

      If Romney does win and I am with Surfie, I believe it will be a landslide we need to watch out for what the dems will try to do in the lame duck. Already have been reading about some plans that the EPA has.

  5. Hey Paget! Enjoy your wonderful Hawaiian getaway and hopefully, you'll have a happy Mainland to come back to.

    First I heard that the Connection was going to have some work done on it and so it would be down until the end of last week. Then the storm came. I don't know whether it'll come back or not, but I didn't hear that it was going away for good.

    Rush said he heard (can't remember from who) that there are 3 possibilities for today's outcome. It's either going to be Mitt winning big, Mitt winning small or Obama winning small. That's only interesting because no one is predicting an Obama blowout. I feel like it may be a Romney blowout. Fingers crossed, crossed, crossed!!!

  6. I don't know what to say. Froggy is a wreck. I'm pacing. We are watching the news, and checking sites on the Internet. With only blue states closed, Romney has so many votes! Wait til the red states close!!!!

  7. Aloha, Paget. Big Mohalo in advance for keeping us up on your trip.

    I voted before work today. Polls opened at 7. I was there 15 minutes early. Long line. The owner of the company I work for was shocked that I was almost late for work until he saw the "I Voted" sticker on my shirt. He lit up like a Christmas tree. Obama won't carry a single county in OKLA, but it sure felt good to vote for Mitt!

    The Connection has been having technical problems for a long time. I think it is coming back.

    I'm going to make breakfast for dinner and watch election returns.

    1. Hey! We had breakfast for dinner too! Blueberry pancakes and sausage. Yum. Easy.

      Nothing that will distract me from the election.

      I am only watching Fox. Egad. Juan only wants to talk about how race contributes to everything. I am tired of them beating that old drum.

  8. Joe won't let me put the TV on. I don't know which is worse, knowing or not knowing what's going on.

    1. I have to check the results every now and then, but we are watching our regular shows. Until someone gets that magic number of 270, you don't have to watch. Romney has a slight lead, but there are a lot of states to go...including the state of Ohio.

  9. Don't you love this story? Who sounds more presidential?

    Campaigning yesterday in West Chester, Ohio, Republican nominee Mitt Romney told supporters, "Did you see what President Obama said today? He asked his supporters to vote for revenge—for revenge. Instead, I ask the American people to vote for love of country.”

  10. Not looking good at this point. Oh Lord, can this country really be so far gone? I hope I'm wrong.

  11. Hi Eva, Hi Ponders...
    We'll be okay! Not to worry. Go to bed...
    Love you all. See you tomorrow.

  12. Its only 8:00 here in Hawaii, but I'm so down and out, I'm going to bed. I just can't believe Obama won :(

    I know God is in charge, but my human brain asks why He let this happen? I just don't understand how so many people could be fooled by that man! Oh well, tomorrow is a new day. Goodnight everyone.

  13. I got so nervous watching that I switched to my regular program then dozed off. I am so sick at what has happened. How could it go this way? Now I don't think I will be able to sleep.
