Thursday, November 8, 2012

Good Morning, Ponders!

An addition to the Pond...


  1. 'Woggy gets off early until Thanksgiving. What are your plans for the holiday? We're not doing much--but we always have our time off and each other. Our two favorite things! Oh, and we have a cat... (snert);-)

  2. I talked to my Dad last night and he was struggling through the day, too. It's hard to take, but we'll get through with G-d's help. Still, it's a helluva thing to realize how ill-informed the majority of people in the country are.

    Back to normal (non-political) life. I'm taking Puffin in to the vet this morning for his annual exam. Fun :-(

    1. We get a small end-of-the-year check from 'Woggy's old job, so we'll take Wolfie in about a month. The shelter we got him from gave him a physical, shots etc. and, of course, he's fixed (we're fanatical about it). I think he has a few ear mites.

    2. Eva, I am so sorry that you Dad and so many people are so miserable about the elections. Yes, it seems that most people don't really understand (not unstand!) what they are voting for.

      How do you get Puffin into a cat carry? I think we could write a book on how to put a cat into a cat carry...and survive.

  3. Morning everyone. So.... is that picture a congress critter, hmmmm?

    I am slowly getting back to my old self. I still cannot listen to any news. No Fox. I am only listening to Rush and even he is really irritating me. The sickness in the pit of my stomach is still there. More people are beginning to loose their jobs. The stock market tanked yesterday. As a family and a household we are already hurting what is next? There are so many inocent people on the East coast that are suffering.

    One really good thing is that we have a cat. She makes us happy. Peanut is sweet, fluffy and weird. What a blessing. We got her last Dec 3rd.

    1. Why is Rush irritating you, hon?

    2. And, yes, that's a Congress Critter--it changes color everytime it's put in a new environment.

      Surfie deer, how's your job going?

  4. Froggy, I'm leaving now. bus comes at 1:10 See you soon. Tell Wolfie to be good. LOL

  5. Just was looking on KING5 and saw this: Is Gregoire headed for Obama's cabinet? Why not? Gary Locke was tapped for a position a while back. Dear Lord haven't they done enough damage in their own state? The world is going to hell in a handbasket. Just a week before the election Scott was saying surely there are not enough stupid people to put Obama back in but apparently there are.

    Well, Little Mary Sunshine signing out.

  6. I know what to do. I will go to the Forget Me Not Shelter website and look at cute kitties.

    1. Gloria...Don't look at the kitties. That's how we got Wolfie. I was looking at the Seattle Animal Shelter site. Froggy just happened by and saw Wolfie's picture. She said, "You go get him right away." And I did.

      Scott said more truth than he knew. All those people who voted for obama are the ones that I hear complaining about the government policies.

  7. Low information voters. There's more of them than I thought. Californians just voted themselves a tax hike. Not for the first time, everyone I voted for, lost and everything proposition I voted against, passed. Surfie had the right idea. I can hardly wait to get out of CA. Unfortunately, the state we plan to move to, New Jersey, is another blue one. Sigh. Don't get me started on Chris Christie either. I'm trying to calm down.

    Puffin had a great vet visit. Well, he probably doesn't think it was so great, but I do because he doesn't have any problems. Complete senior wellness exam = $396!! Oh well, the dear little one is worth it.

    1. I think that there is a BIG problem with people voting who are not citizens. Just because a person takes up residence here doesn't mean that they can legally vote. People that become naturalized citizens have to learn some basic history and civics.

  8. I am still not watching Fox. Right now I can't stand all their analysis. There isn't much left to watch except Big Bang and Billy the Exterminator.
