Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy Saturday!!!


  1. Good morning, all!

    Froggy, you were almost right about the time the guy would come over. You guessed 5pm. Are they predictable or what!

    It's getting pretty cool here at night, so now Puffin has company in all his "secret" places. I've got some pictures of Bambu trying to join his brother in the warm laundry.

    Paget, I enjoyed reading the story of your animals interaction. When my oldest, Boomer, was younger he used to whack the other ones with a paw so fast it was almost a blur. Puffin being the devil he is, tried to wait Boomer out once. I wish I had a camera then to catch the sight. Little Puff sitting with his eyes closed, head sunk, ears flat while Bommer pounded away on top. Hysterical!

  2. Morning! Hope you feel good today, Froggy. You too, Phooey

    I'm stressed out and excited about my move on Monday. Froggy, I had the reverse problem than you and the maintenance guys. My movers came a day early and only gave me 2 hours notice. I started scrambling. A lot of things didn't make it on the truck.

    Now my car will be crammed with stuff during the drive. I feel like a reverse dust bowl Grapes of Wrath person. Or maybe the Beverly Hillbillies!

    My silly problems pale in comparison to Hickergal's precious baby granddaughter getting burned so badly. I'll pray for her to take my mind off my "problems."

    Love you guys!

  3. OH MY! Where have I been all week? the cat stories, and The Puffin Show is delighful.

    Surfie..Don't know how you got ready to move in a couple hours. Froggy and I packed up once on a weekend. Then on Monday the landlord had changed his mind and said that we could stay. But we had already packed and found another place.

    I didn't know about Hikergal's grandbaby being burned. When Froggy gets up, I'll ask about it. Of course, we send prayers.

  4. Mornin' to all.

    Surfie , you are about to start on an adventure. Please be safe. My longest drives alone are to my daughter's house which is 5 1/2 hours from home. I am just thinking of you being a woman alone. Be safe. You have many friends praying for you and lots to look forward to.

    Froggy, I was thinking about the water retention that you are suffering from. I Googled vegetables that are natural diuretics and came up with a big list. I know that when Valerie was having that problem she was miserable. Nothing short of meds would help, and she normally drinks a LOT of water. Something was just messed up.

    Praying for Hikergal's Kanaiah and Katy. When I hear of a little one having to go through that it is like taking a blow to the stomach, and I immediately think of my own dear little ones. I am sure with all that are praying for her it will be okay.

    What do people do who don't have a loving Heavenly Father they can turn to?

  5. Hikergal,

    If you are reading this, please know that many are praying for your precious grandbaby.
    May God bless and heal her completely.



  6. Hi again,

    I just wanted to say, it's a beautiful Saturday over here in eastern WA. :) I hope you all have a nice weekend. :)

    Gloria, I make the opposite trip from you when we travel to see our daughter in Anacortes. Takes about that long. The worst part is driving through Seattle...the rest of the trip is a piece of cake. ;)

    Surfie, I will be praying that you have a safe, uneventful trip home to OK. I'm amazed that you got your stuff together so quickly when the movers arrived early! What a nightmare! Soon, you will be home with your family and friends. :)

    Eva, love your cat stories. I think you said earlier that your Puffin sleeps in your bedroom at night? I would hear growling all night long if Chance were to sleep in our bedroom. The pup has his bed next to ours, and he would not be happy. ;)

    Hello Froggy! I sent you an email with some songs to possibly add to your wall. You have a great collection already!

    Hi Polliwog, Hope the weather over your way is nice today. Is Saturday your day for shopping too? I know that's always my main chore on the weekend. ;)

    Phooey, I hope you are feeling better.:)

    Take care, friends! :D

  7. I'm blessed being accepted into this frog family. And, really my extreme tiredness is over... feeling normal now. Thank you all so very much. Now, can go back nagging Froggy to get more rest and keeping her footsies elevated. Do you hear me, Froggy?

  8. Truth be told, I was largely packed when the movers sprang this on me. Gladly I had plenty of boxes and packing material.

    Still, it ticked me off. I won't ever use Allied Van Lines again.

    So I'm here in my way-too-big apartment with my air mattress, my computer, and things to cram into my car on Monday. I sort of feel like I'm camping out!

  9. Well, Surfie, these last couple of nights are going to be strange indeed. A lot of memories, too. Best of all, a lot of excitement about the next stage of your life!

    Phooey, glad you're feeling back to your usual self again. I miis your sharp wit during your "down times". Besides, your nagging is the only nagging Froggy will put up with gladly. :)

  10. Love all the Simon & Garfunkel tunes, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Doors, kd lang, Kansas, Animals, Styx, all of them bring back memories.
