Thursday, May 17, 2012

Good Morning... yech....


  1. Good morning ladies. Froggy, Is there anything I can do to help you?

  2. I'm sick as a dog and I don't know why. Dead folks feel better. I'm going to go lay down--say a prayer for me?

  3. Froggy, just don't lie down on the road. Looks like this little guy was playing Froggers, and didn't hop fast enough. Froggy, if you need to go to Urgent Care for Frogs, we can hop over when I get home. Our Pond Friends will take care of you until I get there.

    I took a different bus to school this morning. Thought I was late and in trouble. HA! Whaddya know! The teacher wasn't here today. So they will never know.

  4. Is anyone feeding the Pond Fish? They seemed a bit frantic today when I fed them. They really like flies if you any that you are not keeping for yourself.

    Oh Gosh. I have the "sillies" today!

  5. Frog and Wog, something is not right for Froggy to be so sick for so long and so often. How far do you have to go to get to Urgent Care? I am concerned and feel bad for you. Prayers.

    I don't feed the fish which is probably why my last 2 guppies just got a burial at sea.

    1. Hi Gloria, I can't convince Froggy that she has been sick too long. And you know...some sisters just don't listen to their sisters. Please, don't worry. She said that the doctor had some good news for her, but I don't know what it is. Why don't I know? Froggy went back to bed.

  6. Froggy doesn't want to go to Urgent Care. Wogs can't make Frogs go!

    1. A good toe tickle can do wonders. A great motivator.

    2. Froggy would probably listen to you; I'm out of luck on the listening part.

  7. Froggy, I just hate it when you are sick! We want our Happy Frog!

    Sincerely, when I was flying home from Berkeley on Monday, I closed my eyes to just relax. God put you and Phooey on my heart, and I prayed for both of you. It was one of those unspeakably close communions with our Creator. I know He has plans for both of you, and I know you will both recover. Will say an extra prayer for you today, too. Big Surfie Smooches!

    I have a lot more graduation stories, but will save them until you feel better.

    1. I hope Froggy realizes what good friends she has here. All of you have been so thoughtful. Thank you, Surfie, for your special prayers.

      We'll be waiting for more graduation stories. The last story was wonderful.

  8. Froggy, may I call you?

  9. Dear Phooey, I'll leave a note for her. You take such good and loving care of your Pond Girls. I think the doctor ran some tests, and I think everything will be okay soon. I'll let you know more later. I saw Froggy this evening, but she went back to bed.

    I'm working on accounting homework. My hand is tired of writing all those little numbers! Next quarter I'll be doing accounting on the computer using QuickBooks.

  10. Gosh..I hope that we get a better picture tomorrow morning. Isn't there an old song about a dead frog or dead squirrel or dead skunk or something in the middle of the road? Does anyone remember?

    1. Don't know that one but how about "Found a Peanut?"

    2. Bet all of us Frogs can sing "Found a Peanut"
      Everybody sing...
