Friday, May 18, 2012

Morning, friends!


  1. Oh look at that sweet baby! Who could ever take anything away from such a face?

    I'm sorry I missed everyone yesterday. Froggy, how are you? What did the doc say? Boy, it's always something, isn't it? Did you talk to Phooey? You know it always makes you feel better (whether you want to or not!)

    I have stopped-up ears. Very annoying. When the tv or radio is on, Joe is talking to me, and the cats are yelling, it almost drives me nuts. I'm trying to ignore it and hope it just goes away as abruptly as it showed up. I SO don't want to go to the doctor again, even if it's just to have him clean out my ears. Sigh.

    On the way to my hairdresser again. I call this my one vanity, but my gray roots seem to be showing up faster nowadays and I'm beginning to wonder if I should keep coloring my hair. Maybe hats will come back in fashion in a big way and I can extend the time between appointments!

  2. Hi Phooey, this is my quick-note time from school. Waiting for next class after lunch.

    Eva, it must sound like an echo chamber inside your head. I used to pull out the gray hairs, but you can't do that for long before going bald. guess we've all tried that one.

    Froggy, do you have any more of these cute kitties? We all want one!

  3. Thought I'd try to find words that rhyme with "frog" so we can have a just-for-fun poem contest.

    Like..frog, dog, tog, jog, bog. What else?

    1. bog clague clog dague flog fog fogg frog frogg frogge grogg haag hog hogg hogge jog krog lague maag mogg og ogg plog pog prague rog rogge skog slog smog tague waag zogg

    2. Don'tcha just love the internet???? Or does your mind work in alphabetical order?

    3. Gloria,
      was my source. My mind is random, it has no order at all!

    4. There once was a young frog from Prauge

      Who was seen sipping grogg

      Like a hog

      (This is pathetic) Help
      Take over Phoo and Eva

    5. We love our Froggy, oh yes we do
      When you're not with us we are blue
      Get well soon our darling frog
      We all will share our floating log

      The flies are tasty this time of year
      If you come back? I'll share my beer
      The sun is down and it's time to doze
      I promise to stop tickling your toes

    6. Gloria, what do you mean pathetic? It was beautiful! Inspirational!!

    7. Are you kidding, Gloria? That was GREAT!

  4. I was hoping that Froggy could share some good news from Dr.

  5. can't beat Phooey's list. I was hoping to hear some good news from Froggy, too. Or at least a promise of another adorable kitten pic.

  6. Froggy, sure hope you feel better soon. We all want you to feel better and shine a ray of sunshine our way as only you can do!

    Phoo, you sound like you're in fine form! Are you feeling better?

    Hey, Eva. I think you are a little younger than I am (I'm 57). Stopped coloring my hair years ago, once I could tell by the roots that I had a LOT of gray hair. I love my gray hair! My sister and sis-in-law keep bugging me to color it and wear more makeup. Women in OKC, them included, color their hair ridiculously unnatural colors and wear so much makeup I want to scrape it off with a putty knife.

    I'm gray, wear a tiny bit of foundation, tiny bit of cheek powder, mascara, and some tinted lip gloss. That's it! If somebody doesn't like it, I don't really care.

    1. Hey, about that hair color thing. I wore my hair short for years and did a foil as the roots grew - an expence that ads up when you add a hair cut too. Decided to grow out my hair and stop the color. It took a year. My stylist suggested a temporary color to camoflage the roots. A year later I have a nice bob style with silver grey around the front which I really like. A completely different look for me. I actually get complements on it. Now I only need a trim every few months.

    2. We're the same age, Surfie. I turned 57 in March. I was coloring my hair long before it went gray. It used to be a dark brown color which I thought was terribly boring. I started coloring it Auburn when I was in my 20's. I have green eyes and pale skin, so the red color worked. I can't do it myself. When the day comes to stop, I'm going to look very strange for awhile!

  7. Thank you, friends--you're so sweet. I told the Doc it felt like I had low thyroid and he tested for it. Of course it was too low, so I'm on Synthroid now, so maybe I'll perk up bit. Phooey, I had my phone on some today, but my throat makes my voice fade out, so I have a really hard time talking on the phone. Maybe I'll be better in a day or two.

    And actually, folks my maternal grandparents, both sides, ARE from Prague--I'm fully half Czechoslovakian, so that gave me a good laugh!

    Gloria, you hair sounds so pretty!
    Eva, I want a Puffinburger!
    Phoo--I love you (and I think hog is spelled 'hawg'. HAHAHAHAHAHZHA!

  8. I LOVE YOUR POEMS! The Apostrophe 'Wog finally sang them like she's supposed to and I LAUGHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good night dear friends, you are a joy!
