Friday, August 3, 2012

Okay, okay, okay Phooey....

Hi Pond Friends
Can you sneak out of work early, and join the fun and frolic and friends?
 The water feels great on a hot day.
Blue Angels will fly over later today.
There is food, cold drinks, and music for everyone.


  1. Hi, everyone. Have a great Friday. Hope you are doing better, Froggy.

  2. That water looks soooo great! I'll bet Surfie would live in the pool right now if she could.

    Joe comes back on Sunday, so I'll be spending all day tomorrow cleaning. And I DO mean all day. Aside from keeping up with the furballs' digestive upsets, I've taken a vacation from vacuuming, dusting, etc. Vacation is about to be over!

    1. Eva!!! you have me laughing again! Page and I live in a pig pen and we are happy!

    2. I have been tidying up around our house too. My husbands brother is coming on Sunday late. Then our daughter and some of the kiddies will be here. When it is just us we can overlook a lot or maybe just walk around the mess. The weather will be heating up too.

  3. Here in the virtual Frog Pond Pool Party, I'll bring a swimming pool volleyball game set-up. Love playing pool volleyball! Froggy, will you feel good enough to keep score? Time to choose sides, Ponders. Who's on who's team? I'll leave it to Froggy and WOG to name teams.

    In the real world, it was 113 today. It is too hot to go to my sister's swimming pool. The water in her pool is warm as bath water. I'll be staying inside, working on my project which I'm giving to family members for Christmas. Very fun!

    I have a prayer request. Joe (I work directly for him and he owns the company) owns a house just outside OKC. Grassfires have been firing up all across OK today. Long story short, we heard about the fire near Joe's house, turned on the big-screen TV in the office ... and, together with Joe, watched his house burn to the ground. It isn't his main residence. Still, it was gut-wrenching to watch it with him.

    I do so love all my Pond Family!

    1. Well Surfie, let me think.......
      I want to be on Eva's side because she's mean...
      Continue with ancestry... the effort is a gift of love....
      Job(of the Bible) lost everything! but was restored(by faith).....

      And, we absolutely love you right back!!!!!!!!! hop,hop,hop....smooch!

    2. Surfie, that is horrible. What a thing to watch. I think that God had more than one reason to send you back to OKC. You just might be His boots on the ground. You make us aware of situations that we would not hear about.

      There have been so many things happening this week. Lots of prayers going up.

      Froggy, how ya doin'?

      I am so tired of Oabma. I just want it to be over. I can't even stand to listen to him talk. Lies, lies and more lies.

    3. Well, the trouble with my playing pool volleyball has to do with being only 5'1. I have to stay in the shallow end!

      Surfie, I can't imagine watching the house of someone I know burning to the ground on TV. What a helpless feeling. Glad to hear it isn't his main residence, because I just read a story about how there are 10,000 displaced voters in Joplin, MO (because of the tornado destroying their homes). 10,000 disenfranchised voters! Where is Eric Holder?

      Yeah, Gloria, I'm so tired of Obama, I can barely stand it. Every time I think he can't get any worse, he does. We aren't going to survive if he's re-elected.

  4. Surfie, I had comments for everyone, then I read about your Oklahoma Joe's house burning down. It's about time for this company to get some good news. Our Pond Family will do what we can, starting with prayers.

  5. Hope everyone shows up for our hopping, rocking Pond Pool Party.

    Eva bring Joe. Phooey ask Miss Page to join us. We'd love to meet her. Gloria tell the kids that Surfie is setting a game of pool volleyball. I'll bring a grill for a pool-side barbeque. Froggy can cook, and I can help.

    What better way to spend the day keeping cool in the pool with friends.

  6. I'm short, too. We'll set the net up so that both sides can be in shallow water. Will find a ball painted like the Obama logo. That way we can have fun punching him back and forth.

    What food is everyone bringing? Do we need a bartender?

    1. Surfie, I love the Obama smack-around ball! I'd like to play with that one. Guess Phooey is our bartender. Food will be a surprise, but I hope there are some ribs, potato salad, baked beasn, maybe some watermelon.

  7. Wog, Thanks for getting the party started. After this last week we can all use a little light heartedness.

    Can I really bring the kids? They are water bugs! Today is Rachel's district swim meet. She is small for her age (9) but can swim faster than a lot of older kids. So I am hoping that she comes home with some ribbons. Miss Peanut would like to come along and meet Wolfie. She saw his pic and said hubba hubba!!!

    I think I will bring that 7 layer mexican dip - love that stuff. My SIL blessed me with a case of wine. Is there a way to make a sangria type punch? I don't have a recipe but that sounds summery.

    1. wWhoo! I'll be there early for Mexican dip and Sangria! Kids will be fun.

  8. I want(hic) to be the bartender(hic)....... just sayin.....
    Where are the lily pads? Need to suntan my belly.
    Good morning Froggy.

    1. Lily pads? I forgot the lily pads. Well, that's a 'WOG for ya!

  9. Good night everyone.

  10. Froggy wanted to know where all the frogs were in the pic. I'm just a silly little 'WOG. I forgot. Maybe the party will be at a proper frog pool tomorrow... with lily pads!

  11. The house is as clean and picked up as I can get it. I ruined a little rug in the entrance hall when I was trying to get some stains out of it. Oh well, it'll have to be sacrificed.

    I need a lily pad right now! I'm going to float away on it into dreamland. See everyone tomorrow at the pool. Phooey, I'll help bartend. I know how to stir.
