Monday, July 30, 2012

Sooo Glad Monday is Over!

Hi to Pond Family.
What's up for today? Work? Vacation? Vote? TV Favorite?


  1. Hi All..It's me,'WOG.
    Didn't know if I could get up a pic in the morning, so here you are. Not sure when Froggy's coming home. I'll keep you updated. They have a computer in the hospital waiting room.

  2. Oh, dear! So sorry to hear about Froggy. Very glad you got her to the hospital, WOG. Please keep us posted. You know we all join each other in prayer for our dear Frogness.

  3. I've been praying like mad for our dear Froggy! Not being able to breathe has got to be the worst feeling. Tell her to try and remain calm, know that we love her and are thinking about her all the time.

    'Wog, don't forget to take care of yourself, too. You are very important to us and vital to Froggy.

    Poor Wolfie. I'm sure he wants to comfort you and Froggy.

    1. Our poor Wolfie hid in some secret place when the paramedics came. I checked the closet before we left for hospital. No Wolfie. Don't know where the hididng place is yet.

      Thank you Eva and Surfie for all your support and kind words and prayers. Froggy was sleeping when I came back, so I am on computer for a while. I have a news article to post. Someday we may get Froggy a website, where she can put up articles like the "big guys"

    Mr. Cheney said campaigns keep two lists of VP candidates – a long list (one that exists primarily so politicians can leak their presence on it for media attention), and a shorter, serious list including people who could actually serve as president if necessary. Apparently he would have put Ms. Palin on the first.

    “I like Gov. Palin. I’ve met her. I know her,” Mr. Cheney said. “But based on her background, she had only been governor for, what, two years? I don’t think she passed that test of being ready to take over. And I think that was a mistake.” (Associated Press)

    Romany takes aim at Iran during trip to Israel
    "We should employ any and all measures to dissuade the Iranian regime from its nuclear course, and it is our fervent hope that diplomatic and economic measures will do so," Romney said. "In the final analysis, of course, no option should be excluded. We recognize Israel's right to defend itself, and that it is right for America to stand with you."

  6. Wog, I have been very concerned about our Froggy for sometime. Since we have no visual contact I am just using my imagination. I am hoping that while she is in hospital she will get some answers. We all just want her to be well.

    1. Thank you Gloria. You are a sweet lady. If Froggy could get the fibromyalgia treated properly, she could deal with any other problems. It's 9:30pm in Seattle. Froggy is finally sleeping. She has been a little frantic most of the day, tossing and turning. She needs to be home with her Wolfie.

      Does anyone enjoy reading my short News articles? I like to put up a little politics of interest. You don't need to comment on them. I'd just like to know if you enjoy them. There is so much to read on the Internet, so I try to keep our articles interesting and easy to skim.

    2. Yes, Wog, I enjoy your articles! Please keep up the good work. :) I was disappointed in Cheney's comment; I've always liked Sarah Palin. I thought it was interesting that his daugther, Liz, thought Sarah was a good VP choice.

      Also, Froggie, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers! I know how scary it is when you have trouble breathing. I've been there with asthma in past years. It's under control now, but I've never forgotten that panicky feeling. :(

  7. Yes, 'Wog, I enjoy them. I like the small snippets. I know I can go read longer articles at their source.

    I was a little bothered by what Cheney said about Sarah, only because I think it'll get used by the Dems. I just figure that he didn't see in her what I did. That's fine. He's entitled to his opinion and I'm sure he's proud that his daughter fired right back with her disagreement. We're the party of individuals and the other side is the party that marches in lock step.

  8. Hi Pond Family, 2am Tuesday morning from hospital
    I just took a break from sleeping in the hospital chair. Just needed to stretch out. Froggy was asking nurse for a warm blanket. She sounds so much better now that she has had several hours of good sleep.

    1. So glad that Froggy has you to look out for her. Please take care of you too. You need good sleep yourself to keep up your strength.

    2. I'm so glad to hear this. Hope you get some answers today and an idea when Froggy can come home. It's always better sleeping in your own bed. Or in your case, Froggy, sleeping in a bed at all!

    3. I meant "in your case, 'Wog,..."

    4. Please tell Froggy we're all eager to hear about her progress! :) Hope she is getting some relief and rest.

      Wog, you are a great sister! You take care of yourself too! We all need both of you here at the Pond! :)

  9. I love you, Eva. Mistakes happen. (Still laughing though.... ditzy frog!)

  10. Me too, Eva! Glad I'm not the only one to make mistakes here! ;)

  11. Frogs are supposed to be "ditzy"
    I left hospital just in time to feed Wolfie, brush my teet, and run for the bus. don't know how I got to school on tiem.

    Froggy woke up and was talking when I left. Very good sign.
    More later...

  12. After 'Wog's 10:48am typo, I feel MUCH better. I'm sure Phooey is doubled over after reading that one!

    1. Yes! Wog the (W)itty! or ....... nevermind.............

  13. With all of us, we would prefer to be with Froggy and Woggy(personally) at this time being with them to encourage,help,love and pray.
    Anything else is just not the same. Yet! we have 'true' hope........
    Lovin' you all!

  14. Phoo-man, you are a treasure. So blessed to have you here.

  15. I love you guys! Take care WOG and Froggy. You're in our prayers.

  16. Hi Friends, I am home to feed Wolfie. Haven't been to see Froggy yet. They moved her out of ICU and up to 15th floor. So we'll seewhen I get there. Take care everyone. Stay well.

  17. Froggy is not quite ready to come home. They took her out of ICU this morning. Guess I get to spend another night in the chair. (Doesn't that sound like Cool Hand Luke? Strother Martin," Any man what's got rabbit in him will spend a night in the box.")

    I'll look for a couple of news articles while on this computer in the waiting room, and I may need to post a pic for Wedsnesday. (That word looks too long somehow.)

    EVA - DANCE MOMS tonight. They will show last week's episode first.

    1. Please tell dear Froggy that we are praying for her recovery!

      And Wog, you be careful! Can they roll in a cot for you? Pray that you stay strong, and get enough rest!

      Love to the Pond People!:)
