Monday, August 6, 2012

Hi Friends! I love you!

Happy Summer!


  1. Thank you for your beautiful posts yesterday! You always make me feel good!

  2. Good morning all and especially Froggy!! All seems right with the world when the day starts with a message from you. 'Wog did great while you were "out of order".

    Paget, I must add my prayers for your friends and also for you. Your heart is heavy with this news and that pain is bad as well. Stories like these put everything else in perspective.

    I picked up Joe from LAX yesterday and got him home to the anxious furballs. Bambu attached himself like a little burr. Puffin purred... and then demanded food. He always was more of a mama's boy.

    I'm dealing with some disturbing health news, too. My dad has a mysterious mass in his abdomen. He had a CT Scan last week and has an appt. with the doc today for the results. He has no symptoms of any kind, so that makes him less nervous. I'm glad I have a trip scheduled in a couple of weeks (the 19th) already. It's gonnna be a nervous day today!

    1. Eva, I am sorry to hear about your Dad. You have my prayers, of course. Do you mind sharing his name? I am praying in agreement with your friends here. I am believing for healing, peace and grace for your dear father and for you. It is a good thing that you have a trip planned at this time.

  3. There is no other place I would go to request prayer than here.
    I know you people. You are genuine.

  4. Think I'll go to bed early tonight and pray for all of you. Night night.

  5. Eva, your Dad is in my prayers. Sleep tight, Phooey!

    Glad to hear from you, Froggy. Take care of yourself and feel better.

    Smooches to all!

  6. Thanks everyone, for your prayers. :)

    Eva, your dad is in my prayers too. It's nice that you will be visiting him soon.

    Phooey, get lots of rest. I just read recently how important it is to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. I need to change my evil ways! There's always too much to do to waste time sleeping, but everything is better after you recharge. Your memory, etc. I won't even tell you guys what I did last week! But it scared me so badly that I came home and looked up the symptoms of Alzheimers, and so far I'm okay!

    Froggy, so nice to hear from you again! Hope you get better every day!

    Take care everyone! :)

  7. Thanks for the prayers, everyone. We may be dealing with bladder cancer. He's going to see his primary physician tomorrow with all the stuff from the urologist. My niece's husband is going with him so there's another pair of ears. Chances are there will be more tests.

    This morning, I sprained my index finger on my left hand. It REALLY hurts, but at least it isn't broken. It's hard to type.
