Thursday, October 25, 2012

Have a lovely day, Ponders!


  1. My day is started already. Wolfie was tromping on bed starting at 2am. I think we have a "Simon's cat." FEED ME FEEEEEED ME

    Is it too early in the morning to comment on politics? I want a president who represents ALL the people, not just his party, not just his friends. I want a president who runs the government, not one who runs my life, my job, my lunch menu, my exercise program, my children. I want a president who doesn't send $400 million to Egypt, yet snubs Netanyahu. And snubs England, and snubs the Dalai Lama, and on and on. He is "The Great Snubber!"

    Need to get ready for school. I'll feed The Pond fish first. They look hungry.

  2. Definitely been there for the 2am "feed me" demands. Don't let him get into the habit, 'Wog. You'll never get a full night's sleep again!

    Big winds here last night. The cold, dry kind. Puffin spent the entire night under the comforter with us and, when Joe's alarm went off, he found Bambu curled up on the bed as well. That made me feel good. I hate that he spends most nights up in the loft alone.

    Hope today is a less politically frustrating day, but somehow, I doubt it.

    1. Froggy warned me about feeding cats in the middle of the night. we wrote out a feeding schedule and taped it to the refrigerator. i like it when cats sleep on the bed too. but this one just tromps around and taps on my arm. If I ignore hi, he nips at my arm.

  3. Good morning. That little mousie in the teapot is so Beatrix Potter. Very cute.

    Did you hear about the interview Obama did with Rolling Stone? He actually called Romney a bul******r! Not very nice for a sitting President. That is who he is.

    I think I am going to listen to Rush while I home can a batch of green tomato salsa. First time using this recipe.

    1. Hi Gloria, our president, or is that their president, is not a an honorable man. I miss listening to Rush, but sometimes we listen to his shows off his website.

      How do you make your green-tomatoe salsa..or is it a secret family recipe? I'm not a good cook, but I love Mexican food.

    2. I was listening to Rush, too. Did you hear at the end of his show when he said the Washington Post was endorsing Obama mainly because he would go ahead with sequestration and letting the Bush tax rates expire? They said by doing that he showed he was serious about cutting the debt. I got so depressed. Lauding Obama for decimating our military and squashing any hope that the job creators will create jobs by raising their taxes? Unbelievable!

  4. Just lovin' the ponders today. That's all.

  5. Hi Phooey...Loving ya back!

  6. Yeah, 'Wog, there's nothing like that kitty tap, tap, tap and then... zing! They actually look at you like "What? I tried to be polite first. You ignored me."

    1. Eva, too funny! You are a true cat person. I keep an eye on Wolfie because sometimes he bites my arm, or my foot when I walk by. but he follows me around like I'm his best bud, so I guess he really likes me.

    2. That's funny Eva. I remember also the days we had a cat.

    3. I also remembering the cost of replacing two whole house carpets and the smell! My cat was bad!

    Voter fraud! Are we surprised?

    "The tape showed Patrick Moran, son of Virginia Rep. Jim Moran, apparently advising someone purporting to look for ways to commit voter fraud. Moran was secretly recorded by controversial conservative activist James O'Keefe's group, Project Veritas.

    After Moran was approached, and at first resisted the questions, he did eventually give tips on how to forge ID's -- like a utility bill -- to illegally cast ballots for 100 people he was told were not going to show up to vote."

    Read more:

  8. Froggy...I need to stay at school a little while. Then will go downtown for teriyaki. Will that work for you?
