Friday, November 9, 2012

Good Morning, Friends!


  1. I'm off to the doctor today. I'm nervous--and I don't even know why. Does anybody else get nervous about seeing a doctor?

  2. You know I do, Froggy. I've never had anything seriously wrong with me (thank you, Lord) and so every time I go to the doctor, I think, "This is the appt. where they find something." The older I get, the more I get the feeling. I just figure it's the odds. After all, we all end up with something that does us in one way or another. I have to force myself to make the appt. and then to not find an excuse not to go. It's a struggle every time.

    Remember, dear one, that you go to the doc with all of us in spirit giving you support. Don't forget to let us know the outcome. :)

    1. Froggy, Eva is right. You have all of our support. Gods gift is peace, grace, and favor. Reach out to Him and take it and thank him for His covering. Have a blessed dayand let us know how it went.

  3. Gloria, I just wanted to comment on your last post yesterday. I love the Big Bang Theory and I watch the re-runs whenever they're on, no matter how many times I've seen the episode. Pure humor and so well-written. I also watch Seinfeld re-runs and old movies. Sports, of course. I guess I still need competitions in my life. It's just going to take awhile before I care about politics again.

    1. Me too. I like humor delivered in complicated dialouge. Funny.

  4. Where is Sir Phooey? Please check in and let us know how you are.

    1. Well thank you Gloria. I'm sick and it's difficult to type. I love you all!

    2. I would be honored to add prayers for you.

  5. I'm sorry, Phooster--I'll send some more prayers your way. I'd sure do anything I could!

    Thank you all for your support. Gloria, you know I should ask God for peace more often. I try not to ask Him for things for myself. We're taught, as Jews, that God knows our need (hence Tevya never asked God for money in the barn scene in 'Fiddler on the Roof'--he just wondered 'would it spoil some vast eternal plan if I were a wealthy man'!)

    God bless you, Phoo~~

  6. Good grief, what about this news about Gen. Petreus? Didn't expect that.

    1. Evidently, implicating the White house didn't go over real well.

    2. Well, he is definitely cleaning house, isn't he?

    3. I'm seeing that SecState Hillary, SecTreasury Geithner and AG Holder are all stepping down. Rats leaving a sinking ship? These are perilous times. But we are brave and strong. I will not go Galt. I will go Breitbart. God, please tell me and all of us who love You and the United States of America what to do. Amen.

    4. What do you mean by 'going Galt', exactly? Yes, I know of Rand's novel etc. ;-) How is your job going, hon; how's your boss with the election?

    5. He hee--Gloria you're spot-on!

  7. Froggy, If you are still giving out hugs I will take one for now and one for later. Take a couple for yourself too.

    1. I'm happy to give my Gloria all the hugs she ever wants--I adore you. SMOOCH! ;-)
