Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Happy Wednesday...

Good Morning, Friends!


  1. I'll not give into despair, sadness, nor depression this fine morning--nor allow you to indulge either. We can't let it ruin us and, besides, we have each other, our families, and God.

    Today, assess how much this is really going to affect your individual lives; perhaps it won't be as much as you think. The next generation will have to read Jefferson's 'the tree of liberty must occasionally be watered with the lifes' blood of it's patriots to flourish', and understand what it means, take care of itself.

    Yes, I know the bastard Dems cheated their way to a victory, but don't let us speak of it just yet--I'm too damned mad.

    Let's enjoy each other as we always have, count our blessings, and find something productive to do. Let's lift our spirits, eh? I love you all and always remember you in my prayers. I'm saying a few more today ;-)

  2. Bless you, Froggy, for your words and the beautiful picture. I'll try to heed them. I just feel like a balloon that the air is slowly leaking out of. Life does go on. It's just that my faith in my fellow Americans is shaken to the core.

  3. Eva, what a nice way to decribe my feelings today. I am so tired. I imagine I will hit a wall later today.

    There is still hope for Washington state - they are still counting.

  4. We'll be okay. We will survive...again. Keep a smile on your face and hope in your heart. Love you all. I'll be back this afternoon.

  5. Hi pond friends,

    Thanks Froggy and Wog, I hear you all. I know we have a hard struggle ahead to save our country, and after a night's sleep I no longer feel like crying.

    Gloria, last night when I checked, all my WA picks were going down in defeat.

    I guess what makes me most concerned about our country is that half of the voters are either clueless or stupid. Unfortunately, I have to include my children in that group. Maybe God's answer is NO for right now. I will pray for our country. l liked the picture on today of Uncle Sam rolling up his sleeves.

    Going to Pearl Harbor today, which I consider a sacred place. I'm so thankful for our brave men and women of the military. I wonder what they think of having Obama as their president for 4 more years?

    1. Paget, I hope you have a lovely vacation. How is the weather? Don't you just love the water temp being like bath water. I have only been there once. Pearl Harbor is indeed a sacred place. There are very few survivors of Pearl Harbor left.

  6. Froggy...will you be okay if I stay at school a little while. I'll write a note on Pond when I leave. Will bring my stuff home first, then go for litter. (You cat-people unstand that one!)

  7. The picture just made me think that "His mercies are new every morning."

    Just keep reminding myself.

  8. I struggled through the day because last night's sleep was restless. I'm better now. A lot of conservative commenters around the blogosphere have been talking about going John Galt. I'm not doing that.

    This is my country. This is our country. Our ancestors dating back to the Revolutionary War sacrificed, fought, died for us. I will not dishonor them. I'm going Breitbart. Don't know what that will mean in my daily life, but God will show me what part He wants me to play.

    Two things I'm grateful for today: First, there are still half of us who have not drank the evil koolaid. Second, I live in one of the reddest of red states.

    I've explained this election to myself thus: The United States is like an alcoholic who hasn't hit bottom yet. We are going to hit bottom, and the process will be ugly. Once we hit, we enter rehab. It will be long and painful. But we WILL recover ... and those of us who love and stand by God's intention for the beauty of this country will not abandon the drunk. Hope that makes sense!

    Love to all my dear deer Ponders!

    1. I think you have described the state of our nation accurately. My flag is back; I can't do without one for long. God will have to find a place for me as well. I think the Dems stole the election by destroying a lot of our votes--but that doesn't matter now. We will continue to lose elections until we remedy the cheating an illegality from the other side. It seems we still have that lesson to learn. I agree that all processes and like measures will be unpretty. We'll have to see America through it. I'm sure there are other reasons why we lost, too. We have a lot of work to do.

    2. Surfie, you explained our situation so well. You are lucky to live in a red state; Froggy and I are most definitely in a blue state. Our country needs all of us to stand for the right causes. As long as the USA has us, she will survive!

  9. Oh my gosh! It's only 6pm, and it's dark outside. I've always said soon as it's dark outside, I'm ready for bed. Well, you can't go to bed at 5-6pm everynight. I wouldn't last long in Alaska.
