Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy Caturday, Frog Friends!


  1. I often wonder where sayings like this come from. Hope I don't gross you out, but here's a quip about the origins of this:

    "cat got your tongue? - why are you not talking?/have you nothing to say? - there is no generally agreed origin among etymologists for this, although there does seem to be a broad view that the expression came into popular use in the 1800's, and first appeared in print in 1911. In my view the most logical explanation is that it relates to the 'cat-o-nine-tails' whip used in olden days maritime punishments, in which it is easy to imagine that the victim would be rendered incapable of speech or insolence. A less likely, but no less dramatic suggested origin, is that it comes from the supposed ancient traditional middle-eastern practice of removing the tongues of liars and feeding them to cats."

    Hope looking up stuff like this for fun doesn't make me hopelessly weird.

    How is everyone today? I'm actually feeling better from the cold I got after the virus of last weekend.

    I'm especially happy this morning because I spent over an hour on the phone with my son last night. Love my boy! Can't wait to see him for a week this month!

    1. We are happy for you Surfie!

    2. How are you, Phoo?

    3. Still vertical. My shakes ,nausea and lack of energy drives me nuts though. Thank all of you gals for caring.

    4. Hi Phooey, Hi Surfie...
      Froggy is doing crossword puzzle in the newspaper. I'm helping ...a little bit.

      I didn't know where the cat quote came from. Interesting. American English is so full of idioms and slang. I know when a foreigner uses slang that he is getting "the hang of it." I taught my classmate to say "piece of cake." He is from Ethiopia.

  2. Dear Phooey, It's a wonderful day at The Pond when our Phooey has a good day. We are always here for you.

  3. NEWS FROM THE NEWS: If you didn't hear about this story, it's one that warms the heart. People really do care about other people.

    "The young cop, who is normally assigned to the Sixth Precinct in Greenwich Village, was manning a post at W. 44th St. and Broadway when he spotted Hillman with no shoes. He asked the man if he had anything to put on his feet. “It’s okay, sir, I’ve never had a pair of shoes,” the man replied. “But God bless you.”

    Hillman walked away, but DePrimo caught up to him near a Skeechers store and bought a pair of $100 boots. A store manager used an employee discount to slice the price in half.

    As the uniformed cop fitted the size 12 boots on Hillman, Foster grabbed her cell phone and captured the moment. “This man’s face lit up like it was Christmas. . . like he had just been given, literally, a million dollars,” Foster said."

    Read more and see pictures:

    1. I loved seeing that story, 'Wog. Nice to know there are still people like that around. Of course, we all are.

      My beloved college football team came up short in the SEC Championship game today. They played an incredible game, but time ran out. So it goes.

      Now I look forward to the pro games tomorrow. I dread the time when football season is over, but until then, I'm gorging myself on it.

  4. Go Uga! Eva, is it VIII now? Ya gotta love your favorite teams, even if they have an off year. Next year will be better. I don't know what to do without football either. I just count the months until they start again.

    That was a wonderful story about the police officer and the shoes. Did you see the pictures? Glad you enjoyed it. I try to put up some good-feeling stories sometimes. It's good for us to know there is good in the world.
