Monday, January 28, 2013

Happy Monday! We don't know where anything is!



  1. I bet ya'll are just sitting there staring at boxes, wondering where to begin. I think the reason it takes so long to settle in is because it's one thing to pack boxes and another to unpack them. It's just not the same enthusiasm level.

  2. Today is kazoo day and have fun at work day. So find those kazoos at play at work!
    Moving is hard take it in 10 or 15 minute at a time then take a break for 10 or 15 little baby steps and soon it's done or at least you can see a bit of progress

    1. Howdy Hiker. I love kazoos. Where do you buy one these days? I had one when I was a kid. And we know that was a long time ago!

  3. Hello pond friends!

    Phooey, it was nice to hear from you this morning! Hope you are feeling better.

    Wog and Froggy; Sure hope you are taking your time with all the boxes. Unpacking is overwhelming, but just keep plugging away, and give yourself breaks like Hiker suggested. In the meantime, has Wolfie come out of the closet yet? I bet he will enjoy exploring the boxes as they become empty. :)

    The last time we moved was almost 15 years ago. We took a week's vacation from work to get everything moved and put away. Unpacking is a daunting task, but you will get there. :)

    Hiker, that's an interesting thought about playing a kazoo at work. I'm trying to imagine myself walking through the halls here at work, playing my kazoo. But the end result wouldn't be pretty; and I need to keep my job for a few more years!

    Eva, is it still raining in LA? THat reminds me of the song, "It never rains in southern California"...haha! Our weather has been a drag. For two weeks straight, we had a weather inversion. All we had were grey skies and fog. Yesterday that fog lifted and the sun came out! :) I am so ready for spring! :)

    Lunch break is over so I will sign off.

    Take care, everyone! :)

    1. Hi Paget, I thought packing was overwhelming. but the unpacking is too. Froggy keeps pointing at boxes in the pile and says, "What's in that box? What in the box at the bottom of the stack? What's in box with my name on it?"

      Wolfie is out of the closet now, and begging for food. He howled and yowled in the night. Could have set off an avalanche!

    2. The person who wrote that song about no rain in southern California must not have lived there. It won't rain for months, and all of a sudden you have a monsoon! I don't know how all the tropical plants grow along the coastal towns when there is no rain. Another mystery of life.

  4. I think the rain is over for now, Gloria. It rained into last night and today dawned bright, sunny, windy & cold. As the week goes on, it's supposed to warm up into the mid to upper 70's. That's the usual for this time of year.

    I remember when kazoos were a big thing. I never had one, but whenever I heard the sound they made I always laughed. That's reason alone to play one!!

  5. Maybe I'm weird, but I always enjoy unpacking more than packing. It was fun to unearth my stuff, box by box and put them in place just the way I want.

    Good to hear from you, Phoo!

    Eva, I think your rain is headed my way. We're supposed to have thunderstorms tomorrow (starting just at morning rush hour). We sorely need rain. I live by Lake Hefner, one of our main water supplies. I've never seen the lake so low. There are even boats sitting on dirt where they once used to be floating in their docks.

    Take care deer Ponders!

    1. Surfie, sounds like you could use a good dose of rain. It's scary when the water supply gets low. There is heavy snow in the mountains east of Seattle tonight. So the water should be okay here next summer.

      Froggy is having fun opening a few boxes. She found things that we haven't seen in a long time.
