Monday, December 9, 2013

We have snow at The Pond too.


  1. Start of a brand new week. As cold as it is the Pacific Northwest, it might as well snow. I'll need to dig through my closet and find some boots.

  2. That needs to go on my list, too. Gloves, boots, winter coat. Almost all the snow is gone now and replaced by icy rain. Temps going up into the 40s later, so the ice will go away as well. Good thing because I have to get to the store. Wish me luck!

  3. Good morning all. Don't have much to say except that we are trying to stay warm. They say it is going to warm up some over the next couple of days.

    Today I am supposed to meet with the insurance broker to finish signing up for Medicare. Just want to make sure that I have completed everything correctly. This is not supposed to cost me so I do not see how he will get a commission for it. I just want the worry gone.

    Went shopping for a while with son Steve Sat night. We actually had fun, got a little silly and just had a good time.

    I have been very concerned about our Froggy. Just like Surfie - worry more, pray more. Love you Frog, love you Wog.

    Love all my Pond friends. Have a good week.

  4. We are up. Trying to stay warm like everyone else. Don't know what to do with the day. Just take care of Froggy, and maybe do some laundry.

    Gloria, glad you are getting Medicare out of the way. You can always change it in a year if you find something better. Be sure that you have automatic deductions from your social security. And be sure that it covers most of your prescriptions.

    Eva, glad that you are warming up enough to melt the ice. Ice is wicked stuff, especially if you are driving.

    I am going to get busy around the house to calm my anxieties. I just keep telling myself (and Froggy) that everything is fine.

  5. Deer Wog and Frog, I just have to say this. Frog doesn't seem to be getting better and you dear Wog sound like you are near the end of your rope. Everything will be fine one day but it doesn't sound fine today. Is there anything we can do to help. Loving you both and praying and sharing about our lives are all good and healthy. Is there anything concrete in the physical world any of us can do to help?

    We love you and cherish you both. Please let us know if there is anything you need. Love you!

  6. Surfie and Gloria...You both made me cry! Such loving words. I know that Froggy will get better; Froggy doesn't feel that she will get better. Who knew that it takes such a long time to heal a bone. I'm looking to a better year in 2014. I'll stay positive! (most of the time). Goodnight Deer Ponders. Sometimes a good night's sleep makes all the difference.

  7. There is one thing that is hard to understand and that is how can a small group of people that have never laid eyes on each other care so deeply for one another.

    Love to all my Pond friends.

  8. Isn't that something, Gloria? Here we all are and here we all love and care. In the midst of this big, crazy world, we found each other. That has to mean something good.

    The snow is falling again. All of Joe's schools were closed in advance, so I was hoping to go to the mall and shop. I guess I should have gone on my own yesterday. Then I'd have gloves today! Oh well.

    1. Eva, you've been making me laugh about not being prepared for winter. Same for me when I moved here. When I arrived at my brother's house in November 2 years ago after that long drive home, my family had bought me a winter coat as a homecoming gift. Our dear Mother had passed on a few years before that and I was the only woman in the family with hands small enough to wear her extensive collection of gloves. "For some reason" I couldn't let go of those gloves. I have half a drawer full of gloves! Sure have been happy about that coat and those gloves lately!

  9. Gloria, Eva, your answer is here:

    The prayer of St. Francis

    Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
    Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
    where there is injury, pardon;
    where there is doubt, faith;
    where there is despair, hope;
    where there is darkness, light;
    where there is sadness, joy;

    O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
    to be understood as to understand;
    to be loved as to love.

    For it is in giving that we receive;
    it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
    and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

    1. Thank you, Phooey, you always know the right things to say. Love ya!

    2. You always find the perfect thing to say, Phoo. Thank you.

  10. Good morning deer ones. Haven't much to say this morning just wondering how the pond people are doing.

    Love and hugs.

  11. Hi Deer Pond Family...
    This week is going too fast, and this year seems like it has speeded up at the end. Will be 2014 in just a few weeks. No news here. Just keeping warm.

  12. Hi all. Hey, Wog, I know what you mean about trying to keep warm. So much of the country has been in the deep freeze, and it isn't even officially winter yet. This time of year, I always start looking forward to the new year. Odd that I don't look forward to Monday (the start of a brand new week) but look forward to the start of a brand new year.

    I'm having the last of my chicken soup made from last weekend's stock and getting ready to watch the Duck Dynasty Christmas special.

    Weird day at work today. We have 3 "shops" in our hydraulic business: machine, cylinder, pump. Every part of our work starts in the machine shop where raw material is machined on these high-tech pieces of equipment in order for the pump and cylinder shops to turn out the end product. The head of the machine shop got fired today.

    We're getting so big that we had to hire a Production Manager to coordinate the flow and manage the 3 shop managers. Machine shop manager has bucked him every step of the way. He let his ego get the better of him, instead of embracing the help and the growth like the other 2 shop managers did. Straw that broke the camel's back was last Friday when that huge winter storm blew in. The shop manager didn't come to work, didn't call to say he wasn't coming. Several of his staff called to say they weren't coming, but he didn't bother to tell us.

    It's a shame, really. Such a smart young man with a beautiful wife and 3 children let his ego cost him a terrific job, generous profit sharing bonus every year, as well as medical, dental and vision insurance for his whole family paid for mostly by the company.

    There is at least 1 more firing to come. Probably tomorrow.

    I'm actually happy for our company that these purges are happening. High time for those of us who love our company and go the extra mile to never have to put up with those who take it for granted and make our jobs more difficult. Let's Roll!!! We are so ready for it!

    This might not have made a lot of sense, but I needed to say it. Love to all!

  13. Mighty cold here at the New Jersey coast and I hear this weekend another storm's coming. Luckily, I now have 4 pairs of gloves. Of course, yesterday I walked out without any of them :/ Joe told me I need to keep one pair in the car always. Well, okay live and learn, but do I keep the pink, navy, red or gray pair in the car? I think I need to get one more pair of gloves and these should be black. I'll keep that pair in the car. Black goes with everything. Got that taken care of. And it's a good thing that Target has gloves on sale for $3 :)

    1. I keep my black gloves in the pockets of my black winter coat. That way, they are always warm when I put them on before driving. Much better than leaving them in a cold car!

      When I woke up before work this morning, it was 17 degrees and my power was out. Aaarrgh! Good thing I have flashlights and lots of candles. Took the maintenance man 1-1/2 hours to get it fixed. At times like that, it's a good thing to be a renter.

      Stay warm, everyone. Phoo, we KNOW you're warm!

  14. Surfie, you're right. I found out yesterday that keeping the gloves in the car is not the right thing to do. Okay, gloves now are going in every coat pocket :)

    Next storm is supposed to show up this weekend. We're going to try and get out before it starts or at least before it gets bad enough to mess up the roads. My car looks awful. If the weather wasn't going to get bad again, I'd go get it washed today. It has that salt stuff the plows drop on the road all over it. I thought I could just get it off myself. Um, now I have one side of my car all smeared.

    Stay warm everyone!

  15. Hi All... Just a quick note. Hospital is giving Froggy some tests for intestinal problems. We will be home on Sunday. Love from Froggy and 'WOG

  16. Wish I had something cheerful to say. Just going to bed. Will pray for each and everyone of you by name. And of course our Little Nat !!!

  17. You are in our thoughts and prayers, Froggy & 'Wog!

  18. Good Saturday morning, Pond Family. Frog and Wog will be in my heart and prayers all day. I'm sure they will be in yours, too. We love you sisters!

    Had a wonderful family game night at my brother's last night. My bro, sis and I have a big sis who passed away about 10 years ago. Her now adult twins were able to come to town. Since bro and SIL will be in San Diego for Christmas, this was the only time the whole family could get together.

    SIL must have been cooking for days because she put out an impressive array of Mexican food. Niece and her husband made margaritas. Nephew is a rookie cop in Kansas City and he entertained us with stories. After dinner, we played games until about 2:00 AM. Cop nephew gave field sobriety tests to all the designated drivers (everyone passed). It was hilarious.

    Instead of exchanging gifts, we all set aside a day to just be together and enjoy each other. Wunnerful.

    1. Sooo happy for you, Surfie. Tonight, Page and I are going to our next door neighbor's family and friends party. No sobriety test needed for me..... I can crawl home.

  19. Saturday, almost noon...
    Froggy had a good night. They will do tests today...nothing too exciting. Then we can go home tomorrow. I need to tidy up our place, and do some cooking. In the meantime, I'm on my way to hospital cafeteria to find us a lunch. Froggy found some very old, very bad films on TV from the '60s. "Voyage to the bottom of the Sea" and now "Lost World" with Claude Raines, Fernando Lamas, Jill St. John, Michael Rennie.

    Everyone stay safe and have a snow ball fight if you got snow! Love Our Pond Family.

    1. Froggy has been on my heart all week. I pray that the test will reveal the source of her illness so that they can treat it.

  20. Eva, how is our little Nat? How much is he weighing these days? We are so blessed that medicine has advanced so far that there are doctors that specialize in premature babies.

    Paget, how are you doing? You have been silent for some time and I have been missing you.

  21. It was just 2 weeks ago that I shared about the single mom that died in a car accident. Val's town is still dealing with that. Very sad.

    Yesterday another devastating event took place. The mom of 2 children took her life. My grand children are good friends with the 2 children. Twice in one month two moms have been taken leaving children behind. It is hard to wrap my head around these events.

    Please pray for the children and the dad.

  22. Sunday...
    Froggy and I are back home, warm and safe. We live so close to hospital that I just pushed her home in the wheelchair. she is now tucked in bed for a nap. It's stressful to be in hospital and then be back at home. I'll make us a nice dinner this evening and all will be okay.

    She just told me it was okay to tell you her problem. She was having stomach and intestinal pain, so they gave her a colonoscopy. She has put it off for years and finally consented. She was scared to do it, but it was a "piece of cake!" Results from the test were perfect, Doctors said that "she has a beautiful colon." No problems. Doesn't need another test for ten years.

    I read some of the posts. I, for one, don't miss the snow. It's okay if you don't have to go outside. Eva do you have a place to make a snowman. You need to do that! In Colorado our car door used to get frozen shut. I never liked to put on set of full snow chains, so I started carrying just two-chain emergency set. They are good for a few miles before the strap breaks, and they'll get you home.

    Watching Seahawks play the Giants ...and winning!

  23. Well, if Froggy's colonoscopy was went well, where does the pain come from? Sounds like a mystery to me, but it's great news that she doesn't have any colon complications. That stuff scares me! Give her my love and I'll be keeping both of you in my thoughts and prayers. I watched the Seahawks demolish the Giants. No problem. My Dolphins actually beat the Patriots. I wish I could have seen that game.

    Little Nat weighed in today at 2 lbs. 10 oz.!! Big excitement in Georgia. Nikki sent me some pictures of him wearing a seasonal hat, a red and white knit beanie. I just can't take this level of cuteness!

    1. What has to happen to get him to the place where he can go home?

  24. I need me some Paget ! Do you hear me woman ?

  25. Froggy you got good test results, hooray! Not knowing can do a number on a person and make you anxious and fearful.

  26. I told today about a lady in Val's town who died yesterday by taking her own life. This is not the same woman as last week. 2 women in 2 weeks dying and both leaving behind 2 children.

    1. Gloria, that is so sad. I don't know what to say. It's something that I would never want to tell the kids. Blessings an prayers to the families.

  27. Hello deer pond friends!

    I checked in this a.m. at 12:30, but didn't reply, because I needed to go to bed. I had so many thoughts swimming through my head, that I couldn't get to sleep. Don't you hate that when you know you have to get up in a few hours, but you can't get to sleep?

    Thanks for thinking of me, Phooey and Gloria. :) I'm still here; just spending every non-working hour, struggling with the Christmas project for my daughter. Boy, I don't think I'll ever scrapebook again after this month!

    Gloria, I'm so sorry to hear of the deaths in Val's town. What incredible sadness. :(

    Wog, glad to hear that Froggy is home again. I sure hope someone there can help her feel better!

    Eva, it's so great to hear that little Nat is holding his own!

    I need to get back to work, but wanted to tell you that I'll have some news to tell you in a couple weeks. Can't wait to share it with you!

    Love and prayers going out to all of you!

    Love from Paget

    1. Oops, foggy brain here - I left out a few words in my comment to Wog. I meant to say, "Wog, glad to hear that Froggy is home again from the hospital"

    2. Hi Paget...We just need to hear from you every now and then. Need to be sure that you are okay. I understand about your scrapbooking project. A lot of work. So glad to hear from you. Now we won't worry.

  28. Hi Pond Family, I forgot to put up a new picture for the week. Was great to hear from our Paget.

    I am trying to get Froggy a new doctor, so tomorrow we have an appointment a block from our house with Pac Med. Will let you know how visit goes. We are having a Christmas meltdown. Can't seem to get the Christmas cards done. Though I do this every year.

  29. Paget,
    I am always looking at ideas for books that you can self-publish on Amazon's Create Space for free. You could certainly write an article for a magazine, or write a "how-to scrapbook" book or booklet. We could offer up titles for you. Maybe "12 Ways to Better Scrapbooking", or "12 Mistakes in Scrapbooking" or . . .

  30. Good morning. How did Froggy's Dr's appt go yesterday? Just wondering. I don't have much to say. Just that I wish everyone a blessed day.

  31. Sorry to have disappeared for a few days. Out of the blue, someone made a decent offer on our California home and we accepted. They want a 30 day escrow, so we've been going nuts trying to get all the papers signed and back to the escrow company. Joe is freaking out over how much personal info they want from us when we're the sellers. We're both paranoid about our private info (social security numbers, bank accounts, etc.) going on all these papers. On top of these concerns, it may all end up for naught. The deal depends on the buyers getting the financing, on the appraisal being equal to the price and other things. It's all so annoying, but I guess this is what is done. We've just not done it before.

    I didn't get to answer your question about Nathaniel, Gloria. The big test for his being able to go home is his ability to maintain his own body temperature.

    Since he should have been in the womb until mid-February, the NICU is making up for that environment as much as possible. Of course, they can't change the fact that he and his immature lungs have been breathing air instead of fluid all this time.

    I always thought he'd have to weigh a certain amount, but I found out that wasn't necessarily so. Technology now is amazing, but there's still so much that a baby needs from his mother. It was just a few weeks ago that they started letting her hold him and it's just for an hour a day. They'll up the time soon, but his skin couldn't have handled the touching before. He hasn't been touched at all by his father yet, but I understand that may be about to happen. Nikki wants to make it his Christmas present.

    How's Froggy doing, 'Wog? You're just having a meltdown now? You are truly amazing. I would have melted long ago.

    1. Hi Eva, so glad to hear update on our Baby Nathaniel. Interesting to know about how they take care of him. I don't know much about tiny babies. What a sweet idea to let dad hold him for Christmas. Made me happy to hear that. Hope they can take some pictures of that special occasion.

      Some days I feel like I'm in meltdown mode, but I tell Froggy that we are one more day closer to her leg healing.

      I know what you mean about doing a bunch of legal documents. Very stressful. But it will be okay. I think all of us will have a wonderful 2014.

  32. Froggy changed her mind about new doctor. Not sure if Pac Med has a wound care clinic. So we are going to see her original doctor on Monday. This doctor can send her to the wound care clinic next door to her office. They took such good care of Froggy's feet last year.

    Don't know why I am up so early. On West Coast it is only 7am- something. Tomorrow we may get snow. So the plan is to get food today, so we can stay home Friday, and enjoy living inside a snow globe. Will bring a Christmas spirit to the home.

    How's everyone today? Phooey, do you miss the snow? Personally, I can live without it.

    1. Ha! ha! WOG! Are you kidding me? Here is my forecast:


    2. Hi Phoo...
      I see why you are laughing at my comment. 75 degrees! Never wanted to move to Florida, but I might need to reconsider. I'll let you know how much snow we get Friday.

  34. Morning all. Wog, interesting that Froggy decided to stay with the same Doc. If wound care is available and she needs it in the future then she would already have a history with them. I remember last year the problem Froggy had with here feet.

    This whole doctor business makes me want to pull my hair out. I finally settled on Premera. If it doesn't work I can change next year.

    Yesterday I was checking my bank acct to see if my auto insurance had been taken out yet. I noticed a charge that I didn't make. I went to my bank and they ended up filing a fraud claim. At this time of year a lot of people wouldn't have noticed a charge of $9 but I know it wasn't mine. It ended up that theytook care of it. Someone had got my acct #.

    Here is an update on two of the children that lost their mom in a car accident. At first tit looked like the kids would be split up and each go to separate fathers. The Mom has a sister who lives out of state and also has a very good job. She purchased a home in town and another sister (single mom with a small baby) is moving into town to raise the children. Fathers gave up all rights to kids. Grandparents are still living in the town. Kids will not be split up and will stay in their same school. This seems like a miracle to me. The kids will always have sad memories of this year.

    1. Gloria, sorry about your acct # was stolen. It happened to us years ago. Worrisome. Thanks for the good news regarding the children.

      Also, I will not tease you for typing errors. Namely, fourth paragraph second sentence.

    2. Oops. I hope you know what I really meant.

      Val went yesterday to the service for the other mom who took here life last Saturday. Very small and private. The woman's mom actually spoke.

    3. Gloria, so Froggy has 'here' feet ? First paragraph last sentence.

      I LOVE you ladies for putting up with me.

      Hi ! Escaped commieny.

    4. Look, mister I lost my spell check, OK?

    5. Fun and funny repartee. Phooey, we have to catch you back on the spelling. Why hi to Escaped commieny? Isn't he on Lucianne? As for my spelling, I'm going to blame it on my keyboard. I'll have a talk with it this evening.

      Gloria, thank you so much for update on the children. They did the right thing by keeping the kids together. It is very sad when they split them up to different families. Right now they need each other.

      Gloria, I had the same problem with my bank account a year ago. It finally got straightened out. The bank's fraud investigators took car of everything. I haven't had any more trouble. You may have to close the account and open a new one. I saw on the news that people who used their cards at Target may have some problems.

  35. It sounds like a good idea for you to stay with your current doctor, Froggy. No sense inventing the wheel. Hope you girls get some food into the house, that it snows a pretty snow tomorrow, and you can enjoy the view!

    Eva, such happy news about little Nathaniel. Thank you for keeping us updated. I feel your pain about selling a house and all the paperwork. At the end of the day, when the proceeds are wired into your account, it's worth it!

    Gloria, thanks for the update on the children. Makes my heart sing that they won't be split up. Sounds like they are going to a good home and have lots of family support. I think they will be OK.

    Enjoy that weather, Phooey! We've been near 70 all week and you know I've been loving it. All that changes tomorrow. It's turning cold again. Rain/freezing rain. I'm going to the grocery store on my way home from work tomorrow so I can stay all cozy in my little place with the Christmas lights and candles going.

    Gloria, was it your typo that "deer" came from? I don't remember!

    1. Surf, I don't know where the deer came from. Was that me? Probably. It is all Phooey's fault. You know how he is. He makes me so nervous that I make all kinds od mistakes.

    2. Yep. It's Phooey's fault.

  36. FRIDAY IN SEATTLE: Our word for today is SNOW.
    I woke up a couple hours ago, and it looked the same outside. Just now got up at 7am, and everything outside is white. Froggy got up to see the snow, and I'm going to curl up on the sofa for a morning nap in front of the TV.

    Hope all is well with our Pond Family.

  37. Very Sweet Christmas Story:
    Girl's lost letter to Santa falls from sky to stranger with incredible connection

    CHULA VISTA, Calif. —
    A class of kindergartners wrote letters to Santa and attached their letters to balloons that were then launched to the "North Pole." However, one girl's letter floated astray and was lost.

    Enter Terry Hardin, who was working in downtown San Diego when he noticed a red balloon falling out of the sky toward him. Hardin did not know from where the balloon came, but after reading the letter he kew he needed to find out.

    The attached letter was from a 5-year-old named Joie — the exact name and spelling of Hardin's mother, who recently died.

    According to Fox5 San Diego, the note read: “Dear Santa, I would like to have a mermaid doll with a bow for Christmas. Thank you, Love Joie.”

    Read more:

  38. ANOTHER HEART-WARMER: Watch the video...
    'They said yes?' Young man with Down syndrome gets into college program in heart-melting video

    When Rion Holcombe got the news he'd been accepted to college, he didn't quite believe it at first.

    The 20-year-old, who has Down syndrome, had applied to the ClemsonLIFE program at Clemson University in Clemson, S.C., but wasn't home when his acceptance letter came in the mail. So his parents, who were both sneakily in on the good news already, were able to catch the moment he learned he got in.

    The emotional video, now making the rounds online, shows Rion carefully opening his letter and then turning to his father, Danny, for confirmation of the good news. "It says congratulations," his dad says, reading part of the letter aloud.

    "I got accepted?" Rion asks, a huge grin spreading across his face. "They said yes?"

    "They said yes!" his dad says. "What do you say?"

    "Yes!" Rion exclaims, beaming. "This is crazy!"

    Read story and see video:

  39. Great posts, WOG! Yes, I'm at fault. And, yes, Escaped commieny visits here. Wish she would say 'Howdy'.

    1. Hi EC. Please say hello.


    2. I can say hello, I sent emails to Surfie and Holly, but I need permission from Wog and Frog to post here, and I am a lady Ms Wog, same name as you. thanks for the invite.

  40. Hi EC.

    Finally on Wednesday I signed & initialed a bunch of papers and got Joe to do the same. Then I went to overnight them to California. They should have been there yesterday by 3pm. Of course they didn't arrive and they still haven't. I'm tracking and so is the Post Office. If they're lost and I have to re-do them, I'll scream. And that wasn't even all of the papers. Once I get the rest done, I'm going to be hesitant to use the P.O. Thought I'd try and help them out, but I may just go to FedEx now.

    Nathaniel has unlocked the secret to weight gain, it seems. As of last night he weighs 2lbs 15oz. Nikki is calling him her chunky monkey. Boy oh boy, am I going to tease this kid when he grows up!!

    Deer Gloria, typo away. We all know what you mean and we can blame Phooey anyway.

    Deer 'Wog & Froggy, enjoy the snow. It's beautiful and should be around this time of year. We're getting a weird warm trend now. Weather is supposed to go up into the high 60's by Sunday.

    Joe's sick. He must have picked something up from one of the kids in school. He's miserable (and so am I. Why are men such lousy patients?) Phooey?

    1. Because you taught us how during menopause !!!!!

    2. Too funny.

      Love a good sense of humor.

      Scott is mad at the weather girl/man. They said the snow would all be melting off by now. He is anxious to do his daily run to the grocery store. He finally gave up and took a nap. One of the neighbors got stuck in front of our house trying to get her Mercedes up our road.

      Any creative ideas on what to cook for dinner?

  41. Hi EC,
    Sorry about the mistaken identity. I didn't go on Lucianne very often. What fun to have you drop by. I don't know how to give permissions. Will need to ask Froggy, or sign in as her and see if I can find the "secret permission button." Are you sure that you can't just click the "Select Profile" , then click Name/URL, and type your name or type EC? I might try it and see if it works.

    Gloria, you are asking the wrong person at my house about dinner suggestions. Let us know what you came up with. (or is that "with what you came up"). English is funny sometimes.

    Eva, can't believe the house people didn't get your paperwork. Tracking numbers were a great invention.

    Phooey, always love your humor. Have a good evening. You are probably in bed already. It's 6 o'clock in Seattle.

  42. I'm going to talk about myself. This week was the stress week of hell at work. Next week will be worse. Dear Lord Love a Duck! (My grandmother used to say that - it has nothing to do with the TV show).

    We had a week of ice storms, then a week of 70 degrees with high winds. I wore a t-shirt yesterday and my heavy winter coat today. It is freezing rain right now and my sinuses are a hot mess.

    Seriously love my job. Got a nice Christmas bonus and pay raise today. The crap I listened to today from employees who are slackers and didn't get a pay raise or bonus they wanted got on my very last nerve.

    Good night, deer Pond family. I love you deerly and will be in a better mood tomorrow.

  43. Good morning deers!

    Wog, I love hearing from you. Your feel good stories are such a treat. How are you and Froggy doing? I would love if you could read comments here to Froggy and type her responses for her. Is she well enough to do that? I worry about you Sisters in Seattle. And love you both very much.

    I have a very bad cold and had a stressful week at work. I snapped at an employee Friday who was being ... well, she was being stupid and self-centered and clueless. She's very young. This is her first job. I wish there weren't 5 things more important to accomplish at the time and that I had the time to explain real life to her with kindness. Hope she got the message. I will apologize to her Monday morning for being so short with her, and make sure she understands certain things about being an adult. Hope this makes sense.

    Freezing cold rain has been coming down since last evening. The streets are just wet for now, but the trees have 1" of ice on their branches. The trees are beautiful, but not a good sign. Another, stronger, blast is set to come in in a few hours with high winds. My fear is that the winds will topple those ice-laden trees and cause power outages.

    I'm as prepared as can be for a power outage. I really can't complain. Life is good. What's everyone doing today?
