Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday: Start a new week at The Pond



  1. Great win for the Seahawks last night! I tried to stay awake to watch the end of the Patriots game, but didn't make it. I was pretty sure they'd win, though. I don't care one way or the other about the first game today (49ers vs Panthers), but I'll be rooting for Denver this afternoon!

    Paget, great news about your husband getting his job back! Now, those are the stories I love to hear. What a relief!

  2. Hi Eva,
    Still not used to you being up so early. We had wonderful, newsy posts last week. I may need to read them again. Your Joe has fascinating work. Can he read Braille? I close my eyes, and put my fingers on braille, but just feel bumps.

    Paget, what great news for your family. Hubby was needed at his job. Prayers do work!

    We'll be watching football today, especially our Broncos. Yesterdays Seahawk game was way too exciting. They had to play in the rain ,..sometimes it was a heavy downpour.

    1. Funny you should mention Braille bumps. You know, by law, they have to be on every sign. Over the years, whenever we were in a hotel or a building elevator, Joe automatically closes his eyes and runs his fingers over the bumps. He does it to keep up his skills, but once he found a mistake and notified the bldg. manager. He can both read & write in Braille. The machine he has looks like an old fashioned manual steel typewriter and it makes a lot of noise as he pounds down on the keys. You have to hit the keys hard so they make the impressions on the thick type of paper blind kids use.

      Nowadays, with talking computers, etc. there's all kinds of technology innovations, but it's my understanding that any completely blind or legally blind student has to start out with one of these old fashioned Brallers.

      Nothing touched me more than when Joe got a package in the mail from his old school in Los Angeles. The other VI teacher (that he worked with for over 22 years) sent him Christmas messages his former students wrote to him. Some were handwritten by those kids who had enough vision to write, but a lot were Braille pages from the blind ones. He read them to me. I say I was touched, but I know he was as well, since he kept clearing his throat and then had to leave the room.

  3. Love the new picture, Wog. Friends are indeed one of the best things in life. How are you and Miss Froggy doing?

    Paget, I am thrilled about your hubs getting his job back. No doubt in my mind that prayers played a huge part in wisdom prevailing on behalf of your hubs. Yay!

    Phoo, are you still dog sitting? Don't even gloat over warm weather. We've gone from snow and ice last week to a big fat sunny 70 today. Color me happy.

    Hired a new guy on Monday to do shop maintenance. Sent him off for his pre-employment drug screen and he never came back. He thought it OK to smoke a joint on his way to work since he was only pushing brooms.
    Remember the success story of Tim's life and wedding? Joe (company owner) let me buy $350 of wedding gifts from the company. They came, gift wrapped, on Friday. Joe was stressed and busy and told me to give them to Tim. NO, JOE! Get on the intercom and say "Tim to the Front" which always means you are in trouble. Told Joe that Tim would walk that city-block in dread of being in trouble, and then Joe would sit him down to tell him congratulations and how proud we are of him and then hand over a huge box of gifts. Worked like a charm! Made Tim's day. Made his weekend!

    I have to fire my and Janice's assistant next week. Have an ad out and have been reading resumes today. Hate to fire her because she is very sweet and needs the work. You can NOT do your job well when fussing over your make-up 3 times per day or having more snacks on your desk than work or doing personal texting while doing data entry. Sometimes, multi-tasking is not a good thing. Hope she learns a lesson when the suggestions and warnings given over the past months become reality next week. She is smart and I do wish her well.

    What's everyone doing today? I'm cooking for next week, cleaning the apartment, paying bills, doing laundry. After that is all done, it's bubble bath and manicure/pedicure time.

    1. Surfie, again I say, your stories are GREAT! I love the one about Tim, but the one about the employee who smoked a joint on the way to work, just sent me into the giggles. That's so typical. I hope he was told to move to Colorado. :)

  4. Oh, the rain gutters are either attached to the house, a few feet off the ground or on cider blocks, not the ones you have up by your roof. Should have made that clear, so you don't think I am up on a ladder putting dirt in my gutters, LOL

  5. Well, that doesn't make any sense, my long post disappeared.
    I posted that I bottle fed a fawn that my Aunt saved when it's mother was killed. Then asked Surfy if she was in touch with Flaming Sword about the Earthboxes. I need to use them because this area has bad soil. So much of Florida grows wonderful produce, but my yard is all sand and dog poop. I reference rain gutters because there is a site that uses them for lettuce and herbs. Also mentioned that I grew up in 'Mayberry' and this country has literally gone to pot, Surfhut, what was that idiot thinking ? and Ms Makeup needs a reality check, for sure. I told the story about running into a surveyor stake under the snow, jumping off my Quadrunner, when DH had told me ALWAYS stay with the machine, and breaking my wrist when my whole body landed on it. Broken bones are very painful and glad that Froggy is healing up. So this is a second attempt. The site said my previous post was published but when I added the rain gutter note ( above ) it removed my original. EC

  6. EC, I just had so much fun reading your post that actually posted!

    Was feeding the fawn recent? Hope the broken wrist isn't recent!

    I learned enough about Earthboxes from Flaming Sword and Magdalene to know they are not for me. I just don't have the room on my patio. Now, I'm planning on how I can double my plants this summer with just big pots and hanging planters.

    I think that problems with posting are most often caused by Blogspot. It gets glitch a lot.

    Have a wonderful Sunday evening, deers!

    1. Glitchy, not glitch.

      Forgot to mention that the idea of planting in rain gutters sounds interesting. I'm having fun thinking about what I can do with rain gutters this Spring.


  7. I am on my PC, I know the DH's works for this site,so will give it a try on mine, the fawn feeding was about 55 yrs ago and the bone break about 30. DH started driving truck 10 years ago, he was a chemical engineer for Oxy and Parker, but the times are a changing, and you do what the economy wants. Surf, I left out from the second post that after 8 hrs in emergency getting the cast, I went home and drank a bottle of Scotch, the good old days, now with osteo problems I couldn't handle a bone break or the booze, LOL Too bad about the earthbox, they are only about 10 in by 3 ft. but I will send an email to you about the potato pot. Haven't tried it yet, it is the next project.
    Ah mine didn't post, came over here to DH, select all, copy email to DH, open email select all again, paste and maybe this time , over here it will publish. I do not know what the problem is using my PC for this blog. I have over 140 emails every morning to respond to, or delete, mostly political or wanting money, and personal emails and never have a problem.

  8. Here are two sites that you can use to grow your food in limited places:

    Surf and Wog, this one is for you:

  9. So many wonderful posts today!
    EC I looked up the site you suggested. I didn't know about gutter-gardens. Thank you for the article. I saved it. People in our apartment building may be able to use it this Spring. We have a central patio area where we plant vegetables and flowers. The birds like to come and sit in the tree if the crows don't get there first.

    Eva, loved story about Joe and his students. I really don't know how a sighted person can teach themselves braille. Seattle has a special library with large-print books and braille books.

    Surfie, part of being a boss is firing people too. I wouldn't make a good boss. I'm better at being the employee. Somebody has to be the employee. I wonder how jobs handle the pot smokers in Colorado. There are many jobs that would be bad-bad-bad if you were smoking pot.


    Supreme Court justices call into question Obama's recess appointment power

    Supreme Court justices voiced skepticism Monday regarding President Obama's recess appointment powers, in the first such case to be considered by the high court.

    The court heard arguments Monday in a politically charged dispute over the president's power to temporarily fill top-level posts when the Senate is in recess. The justices heard more than 90 minutes of arguments in a case that centers on appointments Obama made in 2012 to the National Labor Relations Board.

    While the justices repeatedly called those powers into question, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli Jr. warned the court that it would essentially write that power out of the Constitution if it found that those appointments were illegal.


    1. I'm no big fan of Chris Christie, but when the media are going nuts about his still-as-yet-unproven-abuse-of-power, all I can think of are things like the above. Obama has such a list of major league abuses that it makes my head spin. Maybe that's the plan? For there just to be so many abuses that people just throw their hands up and never do anything. Any Republican would have been impeached and thrown out of office long ago with even half of the list Obama has.

    2. Amen to that, Eva.

  11. EC, thank you for both of those links. I just played around a little on both of them. You know where I'll be spending some quality internet time this weekend!

    My Aunt Jo passed away at 86 on Saturday. Going to her funeral tomorrow. She was one of my favorite people in the world. Salty, kick-in-the pants, great sense of humor, very intelligent (self-educated). She and my mother were SIL's and best friends. Think two Rosie the Riveters in one room at the same time. I'm going to miss her but am not at all sad about her passing. She said she was just flat-out bored and ready to move on. She was the last of the Greatest Generation on my father's side of the family. So, we cousins who are now gray-haired ourselves will send off another wonderful human being, then go out for dinner and a drink together.

    I can hear her now when we kids were getting out of control: "Hey, you kids knock it off or I'll make you come in here and test this new batch of cookies." Herd of kids run through the kitchen screen door, SIT DOWN to a table of cookies and milk while Aunt Jo engaged our little minds in conversation. I wonder how many times she and Uncle Kenny had to replace that screen door.

    Each life is so important. The "little" ones like Aunt Jo's are often the game-changers for the better in the great scheme of things. I'm getting all mushy now so, in proper Aunt Jo fashion, will make myself dinner then make small work of the dishes then go to work in the morning ready to rock and roll!

    1. Thank you, Surfie, for sharing so many wonderful stories about your life and your family. This is another heart-warming picture of love for your book. (You have to write a book!)

    2. Beautiful story, Surfie. May her memory always be a blessing to you!

    3. Aunt Jo left instructions for her funeral. She wanted Amazing Grace and How Great Thou Art played. She also told her son, my cousin Joe, to keep it short and that someone had damn well better crack a joke or two. We gave her just what she wanted! I've never cried so hard or laughed so hard at a funeral in all of my 59 years.

      I don't know why God put me in this big, weird family. The older I get, the more grateful I am. Joe said the prayer to end his mother's service. Part of it was to thank God for the joy she brought to us, and also "Have fun with her being home with You again. We sure had fun when she was here at home with us."

    4. Surfie, so sorry for your loss. Interesting that she said she was just bored and ready to move on. Sounds like she new she had fulfilled her destiny. Party in heaven.

  12. Surfie, Blessings to your family. You have shown us a very special, loving family. Your Aunt Jo sounds like someone we too would have enjoyed knowing. You have shared her with us, and we thank you, Deer Surfie.

  13. Hi ladies. It's going to get colder for EC and my area but, not freezing. Just want to wish everyone well.

  14. don't know about that Phooey, feels pretty cold already. but those weather guys say only 40 degrees. DH to VA today, they say they won't pay anything for to the 18000 $ bill for emergency Knoxville bleed out after they screwed up his colonoscopy: to appeals will be my on the job for the next few weeks. Private insurance is covering a lot but still, they messed up. It will be very interesting when the whole country has to deal with government health care, I have been fighting the VA for 43 years, rarely win, but sometimes it comes out OK. I spent my honeymoon in the Batavia VA women's barracks and was accosted by their postal clerk. No love for NY VA. Orlando and Daytona is OK. Contacting John Mica, our rep, about this crap bill. Will let you know, I know you are south of us but do you have to go to Tampa or Orlando?

  15. Almost Friday...
    Good Morning Ponders, just a quick note before I run for the bus. We have been enjoying nicer weather in Pacific Northwest. I will check for news articles when I come home this afternoon.

  16. Hi Ponders. How is Miss Froggy? Hope everyone is having a good week.

    Been noticing that already daylight is ending later and later.

    Haven't had much to say lately. I have had another bout with vertigo. I do everything I can in the natural to rid myself of it. The next time I go to my daughter's house I will see the chiropractor over there. He does some type of treatments that picks up on imbalances in the body. He has helped me before. That is a good excuse to go over.

    Love you all.

  17. Gloria, take care of yourself. My husband had some bad vertigo recently and he freaked out. He was at one of the schools he goes to and he said the room just turned upside down. He staggered to his car and stayed there for over an hour until he felt better. Then he drove home. I drove him around for a week afterwards because he was so wary of it happening while he was driving. I think it might have had something to do with his inner ear infection. I really have to put some research into finding a doctor for us in this area. Sigh. Definitely not looking forward to that.

  18. Gloria, any excuse to go over is a good excuse! Eva, I've heard of inner ear infections causing all sorts of weird things happening in a person's body. Do either of you know if there is any one cause of vertigo, or can it be caused by a lot of things? It must be so unnerving.

    Haven't seen a national weather report but hope EC and Phooey (and their plants) survive the cold snap. EC, prayers are with you and your hubs every day. Keep after fighting "city hall." The dirtbags need more people like you to not let them get away with their pettiness. Small people in small positions of power who get their egos built up in no other way ... one of my biggest pet peeves.

    Tomorrow is Friday! Yippy Skippy! I'm working Saturday AM, but it doesn't take the fun out of Friday being Friday.

  19. I have done a little reading about vertigo and it looks like there could be different causes such as Meniere's, inner ear, a vertebrae in the upper neck or maybe low adrenal function.

    Has anyone seen the NASA pictures called Hand of God? This is NASA and the scientists have named it that. Space telescopes captured the images when a super nova exploded. Amazing.

    I have never been a fan of Bruce Springsteen and now I can't stand him.

  20. Good Evening, Ponders,

    Eva, Surfie, Gloria, so nice to hear from y'all. It's pretty miserable if you have vertigo. I get a little dizzy if my blood pressure is up. Sometimes doctor has to adjust meds. Doubt if it's Meniere's. All of you are right; it could be a lot of reasons..

    Bruce Springsteen is a mess. I always say that he really can't sing very well. Not one of my favorites. Here is a little bit about him today, and his song to Chris Christie.

    Springsteen sang about the highway jammed with peeved-off drivers and so forth.

    “Someday governor, I don’t know when/this will all end/but till then you’re killing the working man/who’s stuck in Chris Christie’s Fort Lee New Jersey traffic jam!”

    Gloria, I saw the NASA "hand of God" picture. Amazing photo!

    Froggy says Hi and Ribbit to everyone.

    We are starting to get tax stuff in the mail. I have been doing our taxes using Turbo Tax online. It's kinda scary to do your own taxes.

    Surfie, you said it right. I'll end with "It's Friday tomorrow morning. "Yippy Skippy"

  21. Ribbit Miss Froggy. TGIF

    Love ya. TTFN

    1. OK. I'm a dinosaur. What does TTFN mean?

    2. Surf, remember Winnie the Pooh? It means ta ta for now.

    3. TTFN is now in my texting lexicon. I wonder what else I'm clueless about!

    4. I didn't know what TTFN was either, but I didn't want to ask. I don't know very many of the new "words."

    5. It's not new, it's old - oooold. Old like me.

      We keep saying that I am Alice when I am at Val's house. The kids were clueless about that like it was a private joke. Well, they watched an old episode of Brady Bunch on youtube. When Val said "Hey, there is Alice." Luke and Grace said, " Now we totally get it." Now you see how old I am. Lately I am having a lot of age related hangups surface.

      Your friend, Alice - the sock matching fool.

    6. Gloria (Alice) we call my sister Gladys after the snoopy neighbor Gladys Kravitz in the original Bewitched TV show. TTFN.

    7. Funny stories. :) Back in the '90s at work, when we left for home we would say, "goodnight John Boy, or "goodnight Jim-Bob, etc. The young interns had no idea to what we were referring. The Waltons were still on most of our radar screens. :)

  22. You ladies are very funny! I'm up too early for a Saturday morning when everyone can sleep in. Froggy woke up, so I got up too. Sis is now back in bed, and I'm in the living room in front of TV. TTFN

  23. Good news: Got so much done on Friday that I didn't have to work today.

    Bad news: The dreaded "check engine" light came on while driving to work Friday. Spent from 7am to 9am this morning waiting while my car was serviced. Seems a bypass hose leaked coolant onto the electrical wire bundle which made the electrical polars switch. Replaced the hose, dried the electric bundle. Good thing I brought it in right away before the wires got corroded. I understand nothing of this. All I know is that I waited 2 hours and paid $128.

    I guess that wasn't totally bad news. It could have been a lot worse. So they tell me.

    Good news: I have a job and could afford to pay $128.

    Life is what happens when you're making other plans!

    1. Surfie, you were lucky with your car. I don't miss fixing the car, and waiting for it. I do miss that I can't drive around town, or take Sis to the doctor.

  24. Gloria, the trick is buy all black dress socks and all white tube socks, as they come out of the dryer pair them up, is it racist to say No coloreds? And you guys ! you can call me Gladys too, since my job was eliminated, I watch out the window spying on the neighbors, it is amazing what some people do, one guy held his fertilizer spreader in his arms and was scooping out the feed with his hand instead of rolling the bucket on the ground. My next door guy is very helpful to me, he got my 63 lb above range micro out of my car and does my side yard, but I worry about him, garbage day, they have 12-15 pizza boxes in the recycle bin, I don't think she cooks but he told me she wants a micro like I bought, for what, is she going to reheat Hungry Howies pizza ? Linkletter was right, people are funny

    1. Gladys! Ooops, I mean EC! I nearly fell off the couch laughing while reading your post.

      The guy with the fertilizer is up there in the Darwin Award zone. Do your neighbors have that many pizza boxes every week? Sheesh!

      True confessions:
      I don't own a microwave.
      All of my socks are white.

    2. For the girls of fashioin there are socks of many colors.

    3. Okay. Fess up day. I mostly wear white socks. But if I wear black pants, I wear black socks so that I look somewhat stylish. Even so I still have some pairs that don't match up when I take them out of the dryer. Somewhere there was an ad for socks that had a snap on each sock. You snap each pair together before you wash them.

      The only time I've seen a lot of pizza boxes is on Super Bowl day. I do wonder about the guy holding his fertilizer spreader. Kind of defeats the purpose if you carry it around and scoop.

      Microwave has saved me. Ours isn't big enough to cook in, but I've seen it done. It heats up stuff in a jiffy. I really like the convenience.

  25. Good morning pond friends,

    Surfie, sorry about your car! Glad it worked out and wasn't too expensive. Your last line is so true!

    Today I'm making football cookies in blue and green, for our dessert tonight. We're going to my parents for dinner, with son and new family. All are Seahawk fans. :) Wog, are you excited about the game tomorrow? I'm becoming a football fan, and my family acts shocked when I ask an intelligent question about a play our team has made. Don't know if that's an insult or compliment...

    Next week I'm on jury duty. First time ever. From what I hear I'll just be sitting in a room all day, unless I get chosen to be on a jury. I plan to bring a good book.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. :)

    Love from Paget

    1. Paget, I know what you mean about the Seahawks thing. I am getting caught up in the excitement too. I am always paying attention and listening to the newsy stuff, it is just that football is not a priority with me.

      I am reading Rush's book about the pilgrims and I have waiting to be read The Aviator's Wife. Just finished Molokai, about the leper colony in Hawaii. I found a little trick about ordering books from the library. If you request large print the waiting list isn't as long. Just requested The Book Theif.

      Do not envy you the jury duty.

    2. I don't really pay attention to pro football until it gets to this level of the playoffs. In honor of Froggy and Wog, I'm all in for the Seahawks. That, plus their former QB Steve Largent and I were in the same grade throughout our public school days. Very nice man.

    3. And in honor of Paget! Sometimes I really don't have a brain.

    4. haha, thanks Surfie. :) Yes, you have a great brain. I look forward to reading that book you will publish some day.

  26. I still say "goodnight John Boy or goodnight Jim Bob." A lot of good memories from the old TV shows. I don't know what kids watch these days.

  27. Shucks Darn, I wrote a post, and thought I would highlight it and copy it. Didn't work.... I erased it. Can't remember what all I said. We watch football every Sunday. Gets really exciting near the playoffs. I have two t-shirts for our favorite teams": one for the Broncos, which I'll wear tomorrow morning. And my Seahawks t-shirt for the afternoon game. Way too much fun!

    I haven't been to jury duty in a long time. You do get to sit in a room all day unless they pick you to be questioned by attorneys for a trial. Even then they may not select you, and you get to go home.

    Also my post said something about the leper colony that we had in Carville, Louisiana. You can still go there for a tour. Here is a link to a lady who went there to see the place, and wrote an article about it.

    1. I had no idea that there was a leper colony in Louisiana.
