Friday, June 20, 2014

You can pet them anytime. Happy Weekend, Ponders


  1. Marshmellows, indeed! I'm crazy about these little puff balls and I just want to curl up and snuggle with them!!!

  2. What a wonderful way to start my day! The little marshmellows are adorable. Froggy, you know that I have a soft spot in my heart for orange kitties. I'm in love with Mama Kitty.

    Have to tell you that I'm burned out work-wise. I have so many things I need/want to accomplish in my personal life and have not been able to take off work to get those things done. My new assistant was in her 3rd week on the job last week, and she REALLY started "getting it" and taking ownership of her position. I know how long it will take for her to be in command of her job enough for me to start taking vacation days. That date is July 14. I have 100 hours vacation time. HALLELUJAH!!!!

    I've scheduled appointments to get my teeth cleaned, get my eyes checked, have a full physical, get my car serviced, claim survivor's Social Security benefits. Most importantly, I'm planning a vacation for my 60th birthday in September to visit my son. Yours truly will be hugging trees in Muir Woods and going on tours of wineries in Napa Valley.

    I'm leaving in about 30 minutes to get my hair cut and run errands. Around noon I'll be with my sister, floating around together in her swimming pool. Tomorrow, I will cook and garden. Three wonderful things this weekend: playing with my sister, playing with food, playing in my garden.

    Nice to see you back, Deer Froggy!

  3. Good Morning Eva and Surfie,
    Marshmallow kittens was too cute to resist. Froggy is partial to the orange kitty too. Her favorite cat, Boris, an "oinge" kitty, lived 18-19 years. He stayed as long as he could. After his sister went to kitty heaven, we spoiled Boris terribly, and he just got more adorable and loving.

    Surfie, bet you can't wait for that vacation. Several Ponders would love to go with you.

    I have a couple news items to post... enjoyable news!


    The frog / fraud commercial:

    Los Angeles parking sign (good for a laugh):

  5. When the news is as relentlessly bad as it has been, I come here and look at kittens. Ahhh. The world is better now :)

    1. Hi Eva ! you just barely beat me in posting.

  6. Hope everyone had a good weekend. Saw my Doc on Sat. morning ...... found out I have a UTI and have a prescript for an antibio. It was probably my fault ( I reuse one catheter for a week ) and I got my yearly ass-chewing for drinking too much and smoking. Other than that it's same ole same ole.
    Love to all !

  7. Froggy said that you'd better take better care of yourself, Phoobers.

    I'm on a computer downstairs. There was a boom outside and my computer died. I hope it didn't get "fried."


    "Note the people in line are all focused on ordering their food instead of the President of the United States who is just a few feet away:"



    Dog found nearly two years after going missing in California forest
    By Madeleine Thomas / SAN FRANCISCO

    (Reuters) - A Golden Retriever that got separated from its owners during a camping trip in California's Tahoe National Forest was reunited with its family and doing well after apparently surviving on its own for nearly two years in the wilderness, the family said.

    Erin and Nathan Braun were on a camping trip in October 2012 when the dog, named Murphy, went missing, according to the Los Angeles Times. The couple posted fliers and created a Facebook


  10. Leaving for Dentist office now....jeez, how I hate doing this...."I don't like pain, it hurts"----- Daffy Duck

  11. Hello ? Anyone there ?

    1. Hi Phooey,
      I'm here. Been sitting in Froggy's wheelchair while she naps. Judge Judy is on, but I keep nodding off. How did the dentist trip go? Did you survive? I need a lot of work on my teeth. It just gets put off...until it hurts and ya have to go!

      Froggy is scheduled to go to her doctor tomorrow afternoon (Thursday). I called shuttle bus to pick us up and bring us back...wheelchair and all. She gets very nervous to make the trip. "Trip" sounds like it's a long way. It's not that far, but too far for me to push her in the chair.

  12. We haven't even gotten a dentist here yet. I'm a great procrastinator. Of course, if something happens and I have a bad toothache, well, I'm up a creek.

    It's very humid here this week. I'm trying to get used to it. It sure does sap my energy!

  13. Hi Pond Family,
    Again I'm late hopping over to The Pond. I took Froggy to her doctor today just to check in. Doctor noticed that her hand was bruised. Our Deer Froggy rapped her knuckles on the side of door when she tried to take wheelchair through a door. There is room for the wheelchair, but not quite enough room for her hands to turn the wheels.

    Looks like all of us Frogs need a visit to the dentist. You can my name to the list. And I know Froggy needs to go too. Are there any good "frog dentists" in the house?
