Sunday, July 6, 2014

Take time to smell the flowers.


  1. I just posted on yesterday's thread. Sometimes I need to pay more attention!

    Another one of life's little pleasures today: NCIS marathon!!!!

  2. Surfie, Woggy doesn't like cucumbers, but I love them. I'm so glad that you had success with your garden!

  3. Just got through reading everybody's posts from the weekend. So much sadness and worry going on. My heart goes out to your family, Surfie. Sometimes, there are no answers. You just pray and carry on.

    I feel as though I'm on the edge of a panic attack so often lately. So far, I think I'm stopping it by recognizing that one is about to start. My heart starts beating fast and I try to tamp it down right away. I'm not sure why it's happening. It may just be that so much is beyond my control and I feel helpless. Does anyone notice that the older you get, the less good stuff there is to look forward to? Maybe that's normal.

    It's hot here now. In the mid 90's and very humid. I have no energy. Joe is up in Yonkers with his folks while his sister & BIL take a few days off. I feel I should get up and get outside, go to the beach, eat in an outdoor cafe, something. Instead, I stay inside with the A/C on and read or watch movies. What a veg!!

  4. Hey Gloria, I was wondering where you were. Stay cool.

  5. How is everyone? It's been hot down here, so I don't do much--I feel the way you do, Eva. Where's Phoobers? How did your party go? Hi, Gloria!

  6. What a sad sack of comments here. Buck it up already. It is summer. It is hot. Life goes on, if you want it to, if you're interested in something outside of your own pity party. This might sound harsh. I only say it because I love all Ponders.

    I drove to work at 6:30 this morning with full power AC in my car. Half of my company installed new cylinders on the Oklahoma River this morning. Imagine being 55 years old, orchestrating this event, having a 5,000 pound hydraulic cylinder hanging over your head during a thunderstorm. That is what the owner of my company did today.

    My work life is a challenge every day. My personal life with friends and family bring challenges nearly every day. That is life! I'll take those challenges and deal with them to my best ability over just giving up or doing nothing and whining.

    I'm hip deep in challenges. Don't know why they sometimes come in groups, but they do. I WILL go to sleep tonight asking for wisdom, and I WILL wake up tomorrow morning with determination to get after the day. I'll have some fun and I'll have some not-so-much-fun challenges. I will LIVE LIFE.

    Hope I didn't irritate all of you too much.

  7. Good evening pond friends,

    Surfie, I read your post, and I know you said it with love. I respect your opinion, but I have a different take on the other ponder's comments.

    I think it was 'Wog who once said the pond is a safe place to come and be yourself. To me, that means sharing your feelings, whatever they may be. Sometimes we just want to let down our guard, and share what is on our minds. I understand how the others feel right now. I'm looking at our country and our president's lawlessness, and I wonder how this has happened to the America I love. Sometimes I just want to scream. It is a way of letting off steam.

    You're right. We all have challenges we have to bear. I just found out that my department is having a layoff. They're starting with self-selections. If they don't get enough staff to leave voluntarily, they will go for those of us who are close to retirement age. I really need my job. Hubby is 65, and his back is in constant pain. His job is very physical, and yet he keeps on working to pay the bills. He's a subcontractor, and they could end his contract at any time.

    Even though I get down at times, I absolutely do appreciate my blessings. I thank God for them every day. There is no other country in the world I would chose over this one. I'm not going to bale on my country in its time of need. I want to work for a change. (Obama has ruined that word!) But the change I want is to take back this country. The left has worked for 100 years to get us to this point. We need to be as determined as they are, and never give up. The people in our country need to pray! I agree, Surfie, we need to pray for wisdom and guidance.

    I'm falling asleep in my chair, so I will sign off.

    Goodnight deer ponders, and may God bless you all.

  8. I hear ya, Surfie, and I freely admit to giving in to the pity party way too often. I'll be honest with my Deer Ponders. I need someone like you to shout at me from time to time :) Of course, I'd probably ignore you and pull a blanket over my head, but I'd hear it.

    Tell you what. Today, I'll spend a majority of time counting my blessings.

  9. Not to worry, Deer Ponders,
    Yes, this is a place where you can vent. We are all family, and care about each other. I, for one, don't look forward to the heat, but I LOVE THE SUN. Guess you can't have one without the other. We are fortunate in the Pacific Northwest. We don't stay hot very long, and there's minimum humidity. Speaking of humidity, where's our EC and Phooey? Be glad for the invention of the air conditioner!

    Froggy is watching Judge Judy. I would be afraid to take a case before Judge Judy. Froggy reads news headlines to me. Scary stuff! I'm on my way to sit in front of fan. Will be back later.

  10. I love what you wrote, Paget. Thank you. My dearly departed hubs had a severe back injury, which eventually led to me being a widow and figuring out how to keep food on the table and continue raising our teenager son. At the time, I didn't have a safe place surrounded by loving friends to talk about what I was going through like we have here on the Pond. Grief counseling didn't cut it for me.

    Please forgive me for being harsh. I love all of you more than I can ever say.

    I went through personal hell when DH passed. Walked through the valley of the shadow of death. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I believe God doesn't give us more than He knows we can handle, and want us to handle it for His purpose. Looking back at all the challenges of my life, and seeing the wisdom God has given me from them, I'm awestruck at His perfect plan.

    The deal, for me, is this: If I make camp in the valley and don't walk through it, I'll never live with the blessings He has for me.

    It's a good thing to vent in a safe place like the Pond. IMHO, not a good thing to live in the vent.

    I have probably not conveyed my faith or love for everyone here very well. I love you all!

    Love you Deers. Thank you Froggy and Wog!

    1. Surfie; someday you should write your life story. The comments you've shared here and at The Connection have been interesting and inspiring. Think about it, okay?

    2. Surfie, All you need to know is that we love you!

  11. Good morning deer pond friends!

    While the weather is cooking all around the country, I noticed that they are predicting a "polar vortex" in the central US, with temps being 10 - 30 degrees below normal! We're lucky over here in eastern WA, to have air conditioning in all the homes and shops. Froggy and Wog, stay cool - I have never been more uncomfortable than I was one weekend in Seattle when the temps were in the 90's, and no air conditioning! The humidity and heat combined really sap the energy out of your body. OTOH, the summer nights in Seattle are cool and wonderful.

    EC, I wanted to thank you for your information about pet meds. I plan to check out your suggestions. You always have good medical advice!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm off to do my Saturday chores.

    Love from Paget

    1. Hi Paget, I don't think other parts of the country realize that a lot of people in Pacific Northwest don't have air conditioning. Because most of the time, we don't need it. Even the buses around downtown Seattle don't have AC. They just open the windows, and we sweat until we get off.

      About Surfie...I agree that she should write a book. We'll have to "Pond-nag" until she does it.

  12. To keep from cooking, Froggy wanted a BLT from Subway (only a block away). I bought some chips and a soda too, and stopped at MacDonalds for a hot fudge sundae with nuts. Was a nice lunch.

    There is so much news, so fast, that I can't keep up. I see something on TV, and say "I need to put that on The Pond." Then I forget what it was when new news comes up. Our country is a mess, and Dems are trying to blame GOP because they won't approve money for stupid things. The border kerfuffle was obviously orchestrated by O and cohorts. It's like our gov't is being run by the mafia. I always wondered why illegals have "rights" in a country where they should be jailed and deported.

    Heard that Oklahoma had some earthquakes. News said that OK has more earthquakes than California.

    Frank Sinatra's Manhattan penthouse for sale: only $4.9 million.

    Where's our support for Israel? Answer the question, pres O.

  13. Surfie, My apologies. We didn't thank you for telling us how to find the start "button" on Windows 8.
    Every time I would see the "icons" slide over on the right side, I just made them go away as an annoyance. There was no instructions that came with the new computer. Just took it out of the box, hooked it up, and turned it on. Was shocked to discover the desktop was all apps. Now both Froggy's computer and mine have pop-ups, hyperlinks, unwanted ads. Slowly, one by one, I'm finding out how to fix them. YouTube has been helpful.

    Thank you again, Deer Surfie, for explaining Windows 8.
