Sunday, August 10, 2014

Welcome to The Pond: New day, New week


  1. Can't figure out whether this is one big squirrel or two little ones with the one on the bottom helping the top one reach. Either way, it's darned cute!

    Much love and prayers to Surfie & Mags. May everyone's troubles get lighter and everyone's problems disappear.

    1. Hi Eva, we miss you on the West Coast, but right now we are just as hot as you are. I second Eva's message to Surfie and Mags. Is everyone ready for Monday?

    2. Hi Ponders, I do come occasionally to read although these days I spend a lot of time with a thread I monitor at of July chemo patients. Although there are a few of us old broads most of them are in their 20's, 30's and 40's with families – one of the gals is going through this while pregnant. I cannot imagine trying to do that! They are such troopers, with their pink & purple wigs and blue Mohawks and buzzcuts and hair chalk and some of them this is their second occurrence! I just have such a heart for them it's hard to feel sorry for myself when at least I have the luxury of going through this with little responsibility other than controlling my side effects and getting to chemo appointments. Tomorrow is #3 which is the halfway mark. If you think to pray for me, pray that my blood counts have remained high and that my side effects would be low. Also, I am not sleeping well and my vision is blurry, eyes are puffy and watering constantly. This seems to be common in our group. And please, add my July chemo sisters to your prayers, I've told them I've asked for prayer for them and they are thankful for it.
      One reason I don't post here often is that I am mostly on my iPad and your site doesn't seem to like it much, if I make a mistake I can't correct it. I'm actually writing this post in a note program to paste into your site as I tried to write it there and tried to change something and at that point I could no longer type anything. So sometimes I just give up, but this time I know you have wanted news so I did it this way.

    3. Hi Mags. Will do with the prayers.

    4. Definitely, Mags, your sisters in chemo are in my prayers! I'll target my prayers for you toward the lessening of your side effects. I know they can be so draining and you need all the strength you can muster. We're with you!!!

  2. Dear Mags, you are always in our prayers. Now, your chemo sisters are, too. Love you more than I can say and more than I show. Don't ever give up. Stand strong, sister.

  3. Where's my Phoo? Are you okay? How do you feel?
    Mags, I am sending special prayers to you for your recovery. You are very special to The Pond and to me.

    1. Hi Hon, you're always in my thoughts and prayers. I need to go to bed early tonight. I'll try to write tomorrow. Sweet dreams everyone.

  4. Just a quick drop in to say Hi and I love you all and think of you every day! Also, feeling so sad over the news about Robin Williams. Depression is such a killer. I ache for anyone who believes things are so dark that the only way out is suicide.

    1. Hi Eva, Nice to hear from you. Sometimes the days just go too fast. Robin Williams touched so many people, more than he could imagine. I was always amazed at his spontaneous ability to improvise a character. I am incredibly sad for his family, and there is no way to make it better.

  5. Good morning to everyone. We have been pretty busy here lately. Nice to have a little rain to cool everything off.

    Just wanted to say that I admire Mags for her strong spirit. There is a sweet spirit that resides here at the Pond. Thank you Froggy and Wog for that.

    1. Gloria,
      That was very nice of you. You are part of The Pond so you are part of that sweet spirit too. Thank you for being a member here, and hopping.

  6. Good Morning Deer Ponders, Just checking in from the West Coast. How's everyone's day?

  7. Hi, deers! My life has been so crazy lately. Always comforts me to come here and be with Ponders.

    I'm in the middle of big changes in my business and personal lives. All good, but time-consuming.

    Love you with all my heart, Deer Ponders!

  8. Howdy Ponders, I thought you might enjoy these links. The first one is a video of Robin Williams' visit with Koko the Gorilla. The second link is about a disabled lion and his Dachshund buddy, Bonedigger and Milo. The two have been inseparable over the past five years at G.W. Exotic Animal Park in Wynnewood, Oklahoma. Surfie, do you know about this story? Where is Wynnewood, OK?

    Robin and Koko:

    Bonedigger and Milo:

  9. Eva, quick question. Did you send a bunch of people an email about "The Doctors" and weight loss? It looks like a spam message. It went to me, Froggy, Paget, and about twenty other people.

    1. Gosh, I feel slighted. I didn't get one and I really need it.

    2. Sorry Gloria. You may have been on the spam list. It's better if you didn't get it. I really don't understand why some fool "out there" wants to spoil things. I'm hoping that I didn't get a virus or something from it.

    3. Hey, Wog. Blogger ate my post earlier. It was hard to write since it was about Surfie's nephew and my son. I gave up and will give it another try later.

    4. Gloria, Blogger has been a beast since they redid the site a 2-3 years ago. Sometimes if I write a long post, I'll copy it before I publish...just in case the Blogger Beast ate it. Hope you can get a post up about Surfie's nephew and your son. We would love to read it.

  10. Hope everyone has time to look at the links I posted on August 14.
    One is video about Robin Williams meeting Koko the famous Gorilla.
    The second post is about a lion who befriended a tiny dog at Oklahoma Exotic Animal Park.

  11. Sorry everyone. I did NOT send those emails! Geez, I wonder who else got them. What a bummer!

    1. It's okay Eva. Just thought I'd let everyone know not to open it. Had an odd email address. It just didn't look right. I get an email from a cousin that has a link to "lose weight fast" or "make money." But cousin didn't send it.
