Sunday, September 21, 2014

New week for The Pond


  1. Good Morning Pond Family, This was such a pretty picture, I couldn't resist posting it. The rainbow is for good luck. Froggy is very nervous about starting therapy today. But she will be okay once she sees that she can do it. Our weather is changing. The nights are cool, and the leaves are changing color. Some leaves are already falling to the sidewalks. Around Seattle the summer got a slow start, and now it's over. Sometimes the Fall is the best time of the year...a little warm, a little cool. En

    Enjoy your week, and drop by when you can. How's the gardens growing?

  2. Hi Wog, today I will be praying for Froggy to be filled with peace and grace from our Father above and to feel the favor of God as she begins therapy. You can do it!

    I follow Dinesh D'Souza on Facebook. Today he just posted that tomorrow he reports for sentencing. You should see how many people are praying for him - amazing.

    1. Gloria, you are so kind to pray for our Froggy. She finally got some therapy today. She did exercises sitting on edge of bed. Seems in much better spirits. I pushed her in wheelchair to outside area. There is a pond, and she fed the ducks. There's 20-30 Mallards, and they go duck-crazy when they think someone will feed them.

      I didn't know about D'Souza. Just looked it up to see what's going on. If there's any update, can you let us know.

  3. Has any one heard from Mags and Surf? DH was in Tulsa on his way to Paris, TX now heading for Indiana, there was a shooting in Tulsa, re: luci main wall. Apparently the 6 FT guy had a pacifier in his mouth, another 'son' of the Won.

    1. The news goes too fast for me lately. I've been getting news from all of you. Haven't heard from several of our Pond family.

  4. 'Wog, that was some game yesterday between Denver & Seattle! I was rooting for the Broncos and Joe was rooting for the Seahawks. That finish was everything a game should be. Hard fought and hard won.

    EC, a six-footer with a pacifier, huh? Good grief. Sometimes you just have to wonder.

    The White House says it's now locking the front door. There's so much I could say...

    1. What a fun game. That's why we love football. It's not over until the last minute, the last second! I have a t-shirt for both the Seahawks and the Broncos. But I don't wear my Bronco s in public! I watched the game with Froggy at rehab. Couldn't yell too loud on the touchdowns.

    2. Here it is almost Thursday again, and time for another football game...Redskins and Eli Manning's Giants. Froggy told me about it. I can't keep up with anything right now. Today I fell asleep on bus to see Froggy. Woke up just in time to pull the cord to let driver know that it was my stop. I didn't tell Froggy. She would worry.

  5. Paget, thought you'd like to know that Froggy put up your card on her bulletin board. It's the one with frog driving the big semi. Cute!!!

    1. Wog, I haven't sent a card recently, but it sounds cute! Please give Froggy my love. I'm praying for you both.

    2. Paget, it's a long fold-out card that you sent to Froggy when she was in rehab before. She loved it, and wanted to put on her bulletin board at the new place. I think it makes her feel close to you and The Ponders.

  6. Hi Ponders. Just spent some time reading the last few posts. Can't believe it's been a while since hanging out with great friends here. Even if I don't post, Froggy and Wog and all Ponders, you are all in my prayers every single day.

    I have a great picture in my mind of Froggy doing leg exercises. Love it! I started a real exercise program, too, when Wog and I had a birthday. Hey, 60 isn't too old to restart exercising!

    I'll tell you a little story. Last Friday, after work, I went to the State Fair with my brother, sister, and their spouses. We all piled into my sister's SUV together for the drive. The drive itself was hilarious, with us kidding each other and remembering childhood memories of the fair. We were there from 6pm to 9:30pm. We had so much fun together. Made memories. At the end of the night, our feet hurt and we were worn out beyond belief. It was a good time.

    My job has become extremely stressful again. Good changes are coming, but it's a lot of work. Haven't heard from Magdalene. I'll call her soon. Love to you all.

    1. Surfie, You always cheer us up with your stories. I haven't been to a fair or anything fun in a long time. When Froggy comes home, I should rent a car, toss Froggy into the front seat, and drive us to visit relatives. It's so much fun to reminisce. (I couldn't spell that one; computer fixed it for me!)

    2. Surfie, State Fairs are soooo nostalgic. I envy you.

  7. Good Morning, Froggy called this morning, and got me up. She finally got her meds ordered yesterday from dentist. This rehab place is a little, shall we say, "slow." Seems that the very back tooth has an infection. It's always something! Get one thing fixed, and something else in life glitches.

    Anybody else getting Fall weather. Seattle got its rain back. Not pouring rain, just steady. I am not ready for winter and cold. Fall is the best time of year. Cooler and the tree leaves are changing.

    Surfie, do check on our Mags. We worry when we don't hear from our friends for a while.

    Holder quit??? What's up with that? What other news have I missed? Froggy said that The Great O wants to run the United Nations. Perfect job for him...the U.N. doesn't do anything useful.

  8. It's Friday after work! My favorite time of every week. I'm in a great mood.

    I do hope you are doing better, Froggy. Reading about your tooth made my head hurt! I've spent a fortune taking care of my teeth. For me, it's like getting my car fixed: Fix one thing and two more problems suddenly appear. Hang in there, Frog, and keep doing those exercises. Love you!

    I'm glad Eric Holder quit but am so suspicious of our political class. He quit right now for a reason. We've all read the news and pundit opinions about why and why now. We'll see!

    I guess you've read about the beheading here in Oklahoma yesterday. The government and national media will probably call it workplace violence. It was an outright Islamic radical beheading. I work a few miles North of the place where this happened at 4:30 pm. At 5:00 pm, I started driving home. Saw a group of men in middle eastern dress standing in a corner, arms crossed, glaring at drivers. Wondered what that was about until I turned on the radio. Those men were standing there about 30 minutes after that attack happened. I got beyond irritated when I read that the local mosque is calling in security in case there is a retaliation against muslims. Grrrrrrr.

    Love you Deers. See you tomorrow!

  9. Stay safe, Surfie. I've been watching the news and they are, indeed, calling it workplace violence. In spite of all evidence to the contrary. These people drive me crazy! I recommend Andrew McCarthy's latest article (NRO, I think. I got it from Lucianne). It's about the Khorasan Group not existing. Makes sense to me.

    Nothing worse than a toothache, Froggy. Take your meds and hopefully, it'll get fixed soon. We still haven't gotten a new dentist. I keep putting it off, but I'd better not push it much longer. Sigh.

    Love you all deer Ponders :)

    1. Froggy, hope they can repair the tooth. I lost a front tooth crown, and they couldn't replace it on the 'stub' that was there, so they made me a 'flipper', took out the tooth next door and designed this blasted denture, I hate it, makes you spit and slobber. Said it would go away after a month, ha, humbug.
      Workplace violence, my Aunt Fanny. Zero sucks up to these guys and sends our tax money to them. That UN speech made me upchuck, apology tour just never ends with the imposter.

  10. Good morning deer Ponders.

    So much has been happening this week. It is overwhelming. Holder resigning? How convenient. They are trying to squeeze out Ginsburg and put Holder in that place.

    Now that incident in OK. Unbelievable. Right here in our own country. I agree with EC that it is not workplace violence.

    1. I am trying very hard not to contaminate this blog with politics, but I have spent the last 6 yrs as a keyboard warrior to educate and motivate against this regime. So if you don't hear from me, I am biting my tongue. I have lost most of my family, just a brother left, so don't have reunion fun stuff to share, although they just had a second grandbaby and are going to renew their vows in Oct so I am looking forward to that, her parents are coming up from the great state of Texas to give her away to my bro. Hope they have a grand reception, I like to eat !!!!!

    2. Hi EC. We used to talk politics in the beginning but other issues have taken precedence over politics. Namely the well being of fellow Ponders. We all just care about one another.

      I wonder how Mags is doing.

  11. I find myself trying not to talk about politics simply because it just makes me so angry lately. Sometimes it just boils over though. I mean, how can we make it through 2 more years of this guy? Thank goodness the Pond is here. It's nice to be able to blow off some steam from time to time and not worry someone will get bent out of shape. Except our troll, maybe, but he/she makes for amusement.

  12. It's midnight in Seattle...and I made a mistake! I put on my headphones and went on YouTube. Listening to old favorites, and feeling good. Donna Summer, Bee Gees, Iron Butterfly, Doug Kershaw and his Cajun fiddle, Booker T and the M Gs playing "Green Onions," music from "Flashdance."

    1. Hi Wog,

      I'm still up too. We just watched a real tear jerker movie, "The Faults in our Stars" and I cried through most of the show. It was still very good.

      Oh, I'm glad Froggy still enjoys that card! I thought you were referring to a recent card. That reminds me, tell Froggy she would love my friend's house. She lives next to a wildlife preserve by the Snake river, and has numerous frogs in her yard all the time!

      I also wanted to thank deer Phooey and all of the ponders for your prayers. My hubby is well again, and back to work. It was 3 long weeks of misery, as he dealt with that kidney stone. He's been telling all his co-workers. Drink lots of water! That's what the doc says is the best prevention.

      In reference to the state of our country; I download the Mark Levin show onto my iPad everyday. It's free! Hubby was on swing shift this week so I set my iPad to play for 15 minutes at bedtime, as I thought it would be a good background to help me fall asleep. Not at all! I was so agitated at his conversation about Holder, etc. that I had to turn him off and calm down! I hear you, Eva, EC, and Gloria. I just pray that the 47% will wake up and see what is happening to our country!

      Wog, that music would make me want to get up and dance. I need to get to sleep, but I'm wide awake. I think I'll try some chamomile tea.

      Goodnight and God bless you all. Froggy, still praying for your recovery!

      Love from Paget

    2. Hi Paget, Just a quick note before I run for bus. Froggy would love to live near game preserve and animals...especially froggys, though they do get noisy in the night! The long, fold-out card is the thing she asked for first. It makes her happy to look at it. Froggy had kidney stones a long time ago. Said it was the most painful thing she ever had to deal with. Glad your hubby survived that ordeal, and is on the mend. Such a miserable thing. Yes, everyone...drink lots of water.

      About the music, Jackie Evancho singing was wonderful. When they showed pics of our wounded vets, then I cried. So sad, and should never happen. What brave men we have. They deserve all the prayers, love, respect and care we can give them.

    3. Hi Wog, the "dance" music I referred to were the old favorites you mentioned above. I just now listened to the Jackie Evancho/Susan Boyle song and it was incredibly beautiful! My heart breaks for our wounded vets. They, and all the veterans are the true heroes!

    4. Hi Paget, glad you took time to watch the video. It's very special.

      I was going to put up a new pic on the Pond on Sunday...and I just realized that it is Sunday NOW! Don't know if I can stay awake til midnight.
