Sunday, December 7, 2014

Fun in the sun. OOPs, I mean snow!

~Newest fashions from Paris~


  1. Paget, Gloria, Surfie...glad to hear from Ya'll. Yes, this is a busy time for businesses. And then the tax season starts. EC, Phooey, Eva and Joe. The Pond loves all of you. We won't worry if you are off for a few days, but don't stay away too long. The Frog Mother will start up a ribbet like you've never heard.

    We need to remember Pearl Harbor today. I would like to be in Honolulu for the remembrance.

  2. Survivors commemorate 73rd anniversary of Pearl Harbor attack
    By Treena Shapiro / HONOLULU Sun Dec 7, 2014

    (Reuters) - For the fifth year in a row, Lou Conter made the trip to Honolulu from his Alta Sierra, California, home to remember his USS Arizona shipmates who died in the surprise air attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.

    Before the 73rd commemoration ceremony started on the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center's main lawn on Sunday morning, Conter said that he and other survivors started gathering in Honolulu in 1991, and he now plans to come every year that he's able.

    It's not about him, he noted. "It's to pay respects to the 2,400 who died that day, 1,177 on the Arizona," the 93-year-old Conter said.


  3. Good Morning Ponders
    No Snow in Central Florida !
    We finally had a Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner yesterday. It has been a roller coaster of Doctors, Fri I had a 7 am dentist, DH had 8:45 Orthopedic and the beaglie had a 4:20 Vet appt. Ortho can't do anything until Workers Comp sets up an MRI, the dentist adjusted this stupid denture and beaglie is on anti-inflammatory, he has a sprained knee, who knew dogs have knees ? always thought is was an elbow ! Wog, wish we had some of your dressing, I used Stove Top. DH is not a good patient, but he managed to prepare the turkey from his crutches, I just get out of the way. I am going for a hair cut tomorrow to get out of the house, seriously I am thankful he got home OK and we were able to get our personal vehicle out of the company Orlando yard yesterday, don't know where the rig is , with all our stuff, somewhere between Lynchburg, Va and Atlanta, they will box up our stuff and Fed X from Atlanta. Have to trust they will get everything. They have been great so far.

  4. Surfie, know you are super busy, but check your inbox for news of Bill

  5. Good Morning EC...We are moving to Florida. I miss the sun more than anything. Didn't we just say that we were happy it was Friday. It just can't be Monday. I am up and dressed for work. Got Froggy up. She is starting the day with turkey and dressing. She said a "Big Hi." to her Pond Family.

    1. Are you serious???? Are you really moving to Florida?

  6. If Bambu was a dog, he would need to be dressed like this. Big fat snow flakes coming down sideways since this morning. I guess it's too "warm" to stick, but boy, is it nasty and messy out there. They say there's a nor'easter coming in tomorrow, so I had to go out and do a big shopping trip. All was okay going to the store, but on the way home I was driving directly into the snow. If I wasn't so worried about being able to see the road, I'd have kept myself company by pretending to be inside a snowglobe. Oh well, got home and got the groceries inside with minimal discomfort.

    Bambu just digs his way under the comforter in the warmest room and stays there... until he has to pee. This time, he got into the litter box... but the pee didn't :( Poor old man. When you gotta go, you gotta go. I'm doing laundry (sigh).

  7. Ah, I bet the little guy was embarrassed. When Shiloh got hurt and wouldn't come in the house, I went out to pick him up, and he squirted on me. We thought it was his whole left side, but turned out, just the knee/elbow was sprained. They probably get 'red faced' but we can't see through the fur.

    1. Well, we're going to take him to the vet tomorrow just to check him out. He seems pretty subdued. I'm wondering if he doesn't have a urinary infection or something like that. This morning he got in the litter box and stood there for awhile, then got out without doing anything. Or he could be arthritic and having trouble squatting. I hate taking him to the vet (he doesn't like it either), but it's better to make sure. I made the appt. for a time when Joe can go with us. It'll be a family affair.

  8. Sorry. I didn't mean to scare anyone. NO, we are not moving to Florida. Everything is set up here in Seattle. We are in senior housing. Close to all the hospitals and doctors. Buses run a block on both sides of us. Shuttles come and take Froggy to places. Close to grocery store and drug store. Seattle is easy to get around. Weather is not too bad here. Gets a little gloomy sometimes, then the sun pops out, and puts a smile on your face.

  9. Good day, frog sisters. Good day to all my pond friends. Wog, are you prepared for the upcoming storm? California is expected to get hit with high winds and lots of rain/snow. It amazes me how far ahead they can predict the weather now.

    I think I am going to bring some wood in to dry out just in case.

    1. Hi Gloria, Hope you got that wood stored in time. It poured in Seattle, then the rain stopped, and the winds came. Froggy was afraid that we would lose electricity, but we were okay. We have lots of flashlights in the house, and lots of blankets to wrap up in. I bought some rain boots a week ago...just in time. My feet get wet if I wear my shoes.

      Paget, did you get some of that bad weather too? Ponders worry about our little Family.

  10. Hope Frog, Wog, Paget, and Eva all weathered the storms.
    Frog, how are you feeling?
    Wog, so happy you got some rain boots!
    Eva, how is our Bambu?
    EC, how is hubs? Did you get your rig back yet?
    Phooey, where art thou?

    I have so much on my plate! Sometimes I get worn out and say to myself "I'm too old for this ****" But once I get myself dressed and start tackling the "to do" list, I feel like a much younger woman and launch myself into getting things done. Anyone else go through this cycle? :=)

    I have a list a mile long for this weekend, and will be happy if I accomplish 1/3 of it. Today, for sure, I'm getting a haircut, looking at 4 apartments, going to the grocery store.

    Love you, Deers.

    1. Hi Surfie, I know what you mean about too much to do. I always have a list going...and adding to it. In the meantime, Froggy and I are sleeping in this morning. Froggy is feeling better, and snoozing. Don't know why I am on the Internet. Just couldn't resist having a look. Speaking of haircuts, the 'WOG needs a haircut. It has gone way past "just needs a trim" stage. My hair is straight so it is hanging in my eyes. That's a big clue to get hair cut. Will be back on Pond later this afternoon.

  11. Hi ladies,
    I feel terrible about not posting. Have really been in a foul mood and didn't want to spread it!
    The link below did cheer me. I love you all !! (esp. Froggy)

  12. Hi, Phooey. So sorry about the foul mood. Just hang around the Pond with us and we'll do our level best to cheer you up!

    Wog, I also have straight hair. Plus it is baby fine and I have 3 cowlicks! I have to keep it cut short in order to look half-way decent.

    I'm ticked off at the owner of our company. He came to work with the flu 2 weeks ago. Coughed and sneezed all over everything and everyone. People have been getting sick in waves. Thought I had dodged it until yesterday. I have body aches, a huge headache, low-grade fever, coughing, sneezing, etc. I'll be on the chicken soup and sleeping regimen today.

  13. Deer Phooey, We love you, no matter what's going on. You can't spread foul moods to the Pond, but we can spread smiles and a warm heart to you and Miss Page. I read the link that you sent commemorating the Battle of the Bulge or the Ardennes Offensive 70 years ago. Wonderful pictures of the Belgians throwing nuts. I will post a clip of the festivities below.

    Surfie, Sorry that you and your group are getting the flu. It’s a day for hot, chicken soup! The owner can't get any work done if his people are sick. I get a flu shot every year and have been lucky so far. I ride a lot of buses, and it's a miracle that I haven't caught something.

    Froggy got her new mattress yesterday. It’s not as high as the other one, and it is softer for her back. She loves it. Sears made us keep the first purchase for 30 days before they would exchange it for a different mattress. What a stupid rule! Froggy knew within three days that the mattress hurt her back. It's no wonder that Sears is slowly going out of business. Mr. Sears and Mr. Roebuck worked so hard to start their little company in 1886.

    I planned to change The Pond picture last night for Hanukkah, but I fell asleep. Then there were already posts this morning. So Sis and I will watch football all day, and I will change pic tonight.

  14. Deer Ponders, Our beloved Phooey has sent us a link commemorating the Battle of the Bulge or the Ardennes Offensive 70 years ago. Here are a few lines from the article posted on

    Belgian royals turned out in blustery wind and snow today to commemorate the Battle of Bulge fought between the Nazis and allied forces 70 years ago.The country's King Philippe and his wife, Queen Mathilde, threw nuts into crowds of revelers as veterans were pushed in wheelchairs through the streets of Bastogne in southern Belgium.

    Well-wishers dressed in GI uniforms to pay tribute to the American divisions which tirelessly defended the 70-mile stretch of woodland in the 1944 battle, known for having been fought under thick, cold mist.

    In homage to the U.S. Army General Anthony McAuliffe, who responded: 'Nuts!' when confronted with an ultimatum by the German army, the Belgian royal family threw nuts into the crowds today.

    READ AND ENJOY this article and pictures from Sir Phooey:

  15. Froggy just had an interesting question: What does the royal baby George call his great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth? There are pictures of this adorable baby on Daily Mail Online.

    1. I wonder if the Queen has even held him in her arms one time.

      Nana? Mimi? Grammy? Gram? Your Majesty?

    2. I wonder if they make their children call grandparents by newsworthy "respectful" names like Grandmother in case little kid enthusiasm gets caught on tape. Hope not.
