Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Pond remembers 9/11 with all Americans

Image result for 911 pictures
"...and our Flag was still there"


  1. 'WOG says: Some people have no honor, no love for this beautiful country called the United States of America. They don't know in their hearts what a special country this is, a country like no other.
    This is a story from Seattle. Lake City is a few miles north.

    Lions Club has U.S. flags stolen before Sept. 11
    By KIRO 7 STAFF / Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015

    Flags that have been placed along Lake City Way on holidays for years were stolen Monday from a group of Lake City Lions Club members.

    Read story:

  2. So true, Wog. It is scary that only 14 years after that horrible day, so many people don't remember and don't care. Contrast the condition of the country now to what it was like 14 years after Pearl Harbor. Dwelling on it could get me very depressed and I don't want to be depressed today, so I'll just move on with life.

    Yesterday was my son's first 9/11 living in NYC. I called to ask him what it was like to be in the city on that day. Haven't heard back from him yet. He was 11 years old at the time (old enough to remember everything). Should be interesting to see what he has to say.

    I met my sister and adorable niece at sis's new house after everyone got off work yesterday. The remodel is coming along. The house will be so perfect for them once it's finished. The 3 of us had so much fun playing with paint and flooring samples, visioning how everything will look when the house is finished. My niece lives with sis and BIL but will move to her own place when they move. I think she will rent from my new landlord (he owns about 40 houses in this neighborhood). It will be so nice to have her living close to me. Love that girl!

    I'm getting a ton of "welcome to the neighborhood" mail. Just around the corner from my house is a 1940'ish theater. The original neon sign is still there, and I love looking at from my front porch at night. Anyway, the front of the building now houses little cafes. The main auditorium is a church. Who knew? I am a woman of faith but not a regular church-goer. Think I'll walk over tomorrow morning and check out church! It would be wonderful if it turns out to be my kind of church.

    Some advice from personal experience: When anything in life seems impossible, just keep on having faith. I truly believe that, if you love the Lord, the desires of your heart are from Him and He will bring you into realizing them. But the timing is His!!! Finding the perfect job here in OKC only took a month. Finding the perfect place to live that I envisioned took a year. Restoring my relationship with my sister took 4 years.

    BTW, I can hardly wait for Christmas. I didn't unpack my Christmas stuff last year because I thought I would be moving January 1. So, I haven't played with my Christmas treasures for 2 years. Going to be fun!

    I love you Deers so much. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Surfie, always love to hear about your adventures, and about your family. Your new neighborhood sounds delightful. I'd love to see that old theatre. The old movie houses were special.

  3. Surfie, I was going to ask you about your son's first 9/11 in NYC. It's always such an emotional time in the northeast. Joe & I flew into Kennedy airport December 2001 as we usually did for Christmas with his family in Yonkers. Very tense then. Flying over the city in years past I always looked for the Towers as a site point. This time there was only a blank space. So unsettling, especially for Joe. The Towers went up during his college years (Fairleigh Dickinson U in NJ). He communted from Yonkers and every day as he went over the George Washington Bridge, he watched the Towers go up.

    We spent a day in the City that year and bought stuff in our little way to help the city's economy. Didn't go down to the site, but the entire area was covered in sadness and trying so hard to project strength and optimism.

    14 years later and it seems as though the current generations have forgotten or have erroneous ideas of what happened. Has anyone watched the documentary "First Pitch"? You can find 25 minutes of it on Hot Air. When I watched it, it made me ill to think of how divided our nation is now.

    The area where we live now lost 6 people. Yesterday was the Lavallette Founders Day celebration. The streets were lined with food booths and local business vendors. There were bands playing and kids on rides. The festivities started off with the Pledge of Allegiance. Everyone stopped and with hands over hearts loudly recited. Patriotic songs were sung, veterans and current military celebrated and a moment of silence for those lost both in 9/11 and the wars. Joe & I looked at each other and rejoiced in the normalcy of it. We made sure to thank every police officer and fireman we saw.

    There are pockets of good still around. It's just getting harder and harder to find them.

    1. Love your post, Eva, especially about the Founders Day celebration. There absolutely are pockets of good around the country. Just look at where Ponders live. We are all over the country!

      I believe the pockets of good are actually huge oceans of good. We have been ignored and bullied and made fun of for decades by the elites in media and politics. We are still here and are finally fed up. I think that is why Donald Trump is being so successful. Don't know what will happen but am very thankful that he is speaking up and making a lot of the elite class uncomfortable.

    2. Eva, It warmed my heart that you made a special effort to thank police officers. They need to know that thousands of Americans love them and support them and appreciate the difficult job that they do. They protect us; we need to protect them.
