Thursday, October 6, 2011

The content of his character.

Obama’s Premeditated Murder of America

By Judi LcLeod

Why is no one stepping forward to halt the murder of America? As surely as the Bolsheviks murdered the Romanov family at Ekateringburg on July 17, 1918, Barack Obama and his handlers are murdering America. Why is no elected official stepping forward to halt the murder of America; the assassination of 300 million lifestyles, not even counting the untold millions of freedom lovers who depend on the USA worldwide? It is now crystal clear that Obama is pushing America into the certainty of a socialist state.

Pretending it isn’t happening is not doing anything to stop the greatest nation ever paid for in blood and sacrifice from disappearing forever from a predator weary world. It is patently clear that Obama is as much “your agent of change” as Raila Odinga, the despot he actively campaigned for one year before he ran for his own presidential election in 2008. This Nobody in any kind of worthwhile stature is deliberately trying to scrub America’s noble history from the books; is erasing in big swipes off the chalkboard,  American exceptionalism that for centuries made life better for so many in other corners of the world.

Even dreamers know that a Ronald Reagan only come along once in a lifetime, but where are the statesmen of the day decrying loudly against the deliberate decline of America? Did striving to save America from the political front die off in 2007 with Congressman Henry Hyde? Sen. Hyde, who served in the Navy during WW 11, where he served in combat in the Philippines, was the congressman known for his leadership role in managing the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton. Did the dream of a better day die with the passionate pleas of Martin Luther King?

The American Space Race that kindled the imaginations of youngsters everywhere   ended with the grounding of the Space Shuttle.  The Space Shuttle didn’t die a natural death but was willfully killed off by Obama in July,  2011.  The Constitution is in tatters;  American patriots are shunned by a regime-complicit mainstream media and are held back from the fight to save their country by a president whose minions, many of them appointed and not elected, get to smear them as “terrorists”.

Even as this is being written, Obama’s barbarians at the gate, being fed on site three square meals a day, while out in the streets calling for anarchy at the expanding Wall Street protests. Obama can choose from any one of his running dog alphabet networks to grab headlines,  as he did again only today demanding the passage of a “jobs bill” which is, in reality,  just another tax bill.

The screams are already renting the air with House Speaker John Boehner concluding “We’re legislating.  He’s campaigning.  It’s very disappointing.” What Obama is doing to America transcends disappointment, Mr. Boehner.  It’s premeditated murder. And most tragic of all, the life is being squeezed from America with no elected voice—not even one—calling out loudly to save her.



  1. Some really bad seeds were sown during the 60's and now the bitter harvest. Even our places of worship are caricatures of The Church of What's Happening Now(Flip Wilson). Self-esteem(pride) is the new god. I refuse to bow my knee.

  2. Hi Phooey, I have been having problems posting lately. So I am posting everything I can think of in case I can't get on for a few days.

    In Obama's case, you could say "if the shoe fits..."

    I made a comment about the protesters downtown Seattle further down on The Pond. But I'll repeat some of it here. Isn't it odd that protesters protest against a government that they will surely vote FOR.

  3. This is for everyone!

    Now I can post, but Froggy can't post.
    She'll be back as soon as she's fixed the problem.

    Please, keep posting. Froggy can still read your posts.

  4. You've always know what true faith is, Phooey. That's something I love about you!

  5. Froggy, no ma'am, have as many doubts and changes of belief as anyone else. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." is the definition I use. It is substance and evidence not wishful thinking. For instance; I have faith in you. Have witnessed your brilliance, gracious character, willingness to give all, to share in someone's sorrow/grief while at the same time being in pain, sorrow and fear. Froggy, I love you, God loves you, Sis loves you. Goodnight sweetheart.

  6. You're the sweetest guy I know, Phooey. Thank you so much--this has been a truly awful day.
