Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Friday...


Hello friends. I guess everyone will have to post here if they wish to talk to me; Gerty, EscapedCommieNY and Yottyhere etc. flagged enough of my perfectly decent posts, so I can't post at Lucianne anymore. Please pray for them...and anyone else they got to join in. I suggest anyone on the Connection be very careful in posting to these gals; if they decide to mind what you say, they will conspire to have you removed--and it will happen. I'd love to be able to tell them that they made the last days of my life absolutely terrible--and so many more ugly things... for Sissy, too... I don't have much time left.

Please tell Magdalene, Jen, Nu, Charzi/Mrs. Cow that I wish to include them in my thoughts and prayers, but they'll need to come over here to share in them.

If you have trouble posting here, as I did yesterday, myself!, you may need to enable 3rd party cookies. Write me and I'll find out what you need to do to fix that, if I can.

I have lost most of my ability to walk, so I need other places to post to keep in touch with the outside world--2-3 hrs. a day with an exhausted sister is not enough; I send her to bed as soon as I can... 22 hrs. a day alone feels like I'm already dead. Any suggestion for sites that are nice and easy to use, let me know. We are not doing well, and I have nowhere to go--mentally or physically. I'm sorry for that. I really just can't do this anymore..

Love, Froggy


  1. Trying to post again after enabling 3rd party cookies.

  2. Yay!!!! It's working.

    Okay, now that I'm back, I want to say how sorry I am, Froggy! I know you didn't say anything wrong over there. I'll take your lead and pray for them, but I'm afraid I don't feel much forgiveness in my heart. I guess that'll be something else I'll have to work on this evening and tomorrow over Yom Kippur.

  3. Nope no problems for me. I'm doing a lot of praying

  4. Good morning dear Froggy. We're hugging you right back!

  5. Foggy, you are a very forgiving person. Like Eva, I'm afraid I'll have to work on that. Very sad on their part. I just don't understand why they act that way. :( I am very concerned about your health, and will keep you in my prayers. Love you.

  6. Thank you, folks--right now I'm rather desperate about my health. My health insurance has just been cancelled and I have to find another doctor, but I can't go out of the house, so how does that happen? I desperately need to see another doctor...

    And I'm not all that forgiving--it's just hard not to keep Yom Kippur in mind--and I try to put only decent stuff up on my board. Besides, I don't know any voodoo spells... LOL!

  7. 2 Kings 6:16
    English Standard Version (ESV)

    He said, "Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them."

  8. That's a lovely quote, Phooey!

    "Nope no problems for me" Hikergal?

    P.S. Sigh, I've been questioned as to how do I know those 3 were involved... Well, I have someone who told me--and I cannot break that confidence--so this is not assumption, or idle speculation on my part. Flags and letters were sent. Case closed.

  9. Who is 'Dusty' in the avatar section? Nice cat...

  10. Paget--did you call me 'Foggy'? tee hee!

  11. Yes it was me. I, getting ready to make an 11 hour drive Mom's nurse says she has days.So you all keep me in your prayers. I am not ready but I know she is.

  12. I'm so sorry, hon--I'll keep you in my prayers for sure. I'm sorry.

  13. Since we have some hours left before sundown, Froggy, I'm going to continue to vent. The fact that there was nothing you did to cause it, but these few deliberately flagged you so you got kicked off the site again is venomous. They aren't good people and I don't see why we should treat them as such. There are so many decent, honorable people who need our prayers (like hiker right now, like you and Polliwog, like Phooey) that I don't have the time for people like those 3.

    Okay, I'm angry and I need to calm it down soon. Froggy, we love you and we'll be here for you as long as you need us.

  14. Thank you, Eva--you're a rare jewel! I love you! Have a blessed Yom Kippur and Good Sabbath to you!

  15. Geez, Froggy, I need a delete button on here!

    I'm in Spokane at a scrapebooking retreat with a bunch of crafty ladies. I just checked in to see the latest on your blog, and was so upset at those 3 culprits that I didn't preview my comment. I'm the one who is foggy!

    I dont understand how Luis, and Miss Lucianne would let those 3 get away with their lies and viciousness! That is just wrong!

    Sorry, I hope they get what they deserve.

  16. Hmmmm, 'foggy'.... nope, not going to use it.
    Everybody, it's the Sabbath. Let it go. In time they will realize their mistakes. We MUST forgive.

  17. Ok, Phooey, you are right. Sigh. I guess I got carried away. Yes, forgiveness is the answer. Goodnight friends.

  18. It is after 10 pm and I just got done reading your post. I am shocked at all that has transpired.
    I have been working more hours and so it is harder for me to keep up with all that is going on.
    Left home this morning at 6:30 to drive to eastern Wash. not far from where Paget is, heading home sometime Sunday. Am helping out DD and SIL.
    This year has been a hard one. Felt a lot of emotion and hurt that others and my own have been going through. Then there is all that is going on in our country. Now this hurtful thing with Froggy. I am so sorry for this to happen.
    Even if I do not comment I read and pray.

  19. No, Phooey--I am not so quick to jump into the passivity of forgiveness; they have made what I am very afraid are my last days something awful and alone--and they have done this deliberately. I will pray for them--that's as much as I can do right now.

  20. P.S. They have not asked for forgiveness--they don't think they've done anything wrong. In fact, after reading EC's post exulting in getting rid of me ('thanking the monitors') they are rejoicing. That's nothing that deserves forgiveness, Phoo.

    Here's part of the email I wrote you:

    Those ladies have so much--EC, Gerty, Yotty... They have husbands and beautiful retirement homes and money and health care.

    Here, I'm living in one room with my 71 year old sister who still has to work. She's so tired at the end of the day, she can't get to the grocery store and we end up eating bread and butter. We have nothing. I have my few friends on the net and that's it--and they've gone and scotched that even...

    I know this stems from me shooting off my mouth the first time on Lucianne--but when I got back on, they didn't have to ruin it for me. And I can't believe there is not more forgiveness even with Lucianne. Now, I have nothing, absolutely nothing. Most days, I can't even walk. I've been out of this apt. 3 times this year--and now I don't even have a doctor. I see those 3 gals so active on the Faith wall, but never for me--and look at EC gloating on the Blessings wall! Unconscionable.

    I just want to die... die...
