Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday Morning, December 16, 2011

To Dear Eva and Joe,
Puffin, and Bambu


  1. I put another black fishy in Puffin's Pond just for Boomer.... lovies.

  2. I am so sorry for you. I am never good at picking comforting words. Just know that I pray that Our Father in heaven will comfort you hearts.

  3. Thank you both SO much for your words and, Froggy, this lovely tribute. It was sad, but very, very easy. We have a wonderful vet.

    We picked out a simple little box for his ashes and told them what we wanted engraved on the plaque. They also will give us a paw print.

    Joe insists we keep his bed in his room while we're gone in case Bambu & Puffin want to visit. I'm glad we don't leave until Sunday. It would be awful if those guys thought they were being left by everyone all at once.

    I have to re-do my notes for the pet sitter who is coming tomorrow morning for a "walk-through". Then I'm going to join Joe who has already started drinking. We both need to pass out tonight.

    Again, thank you sweethearts for all your love and support. G-d gave me the sign and He made this transition very peaceful.

    p.s. Froggy, I told Boomer to look for your cats and to say 'hi' from you and the 'Wog.

  4. Dear Eva, Boomer was much loved. I'm sure he will be much missed. I cried when Froggy told me. He will always be part of our Pond.

  5. Eva, I'm so sorry. I know the pain of losing a beloved pet. :(

    God be with you and Joe.
