Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Good Morning, Pond Friends!


  1. Well, 'Woggy and I are posting from the depths of coughing hell. Eva, if this is what you had/have, I sure hope you're taking good care of yourself. The Wog and I are down for the count... How's our boys doing this a.m.?

    Gloria, how are you this fine Wed. hon? Where's our Paget? Phoo--let us know about your test--was it that one you hate?

    Hikergal, I forgot to ask you about Kaniah the other day... How's she doing?

    Surfie, where are you? We miss you and Magdalene here, you know.

    7GenTex, we miss your posts too; we need you! Roxe, you ever post? We think about you a lot.

    TexTeaLady, please check in--we'd love to hear from you, too!

  2. I feel for you both! All I can say is that you must take care of yourselves by staying in bed. If I had done that, I know I wouldn't still be dealing with it. I'm a lot better, but it's still with me. My glands have shrunk, my cough has lessened quite a bit and my head has continued to clear. The trouble with clearing my stuffy head has been the constant nose-blowing. I've also cornered the market on tissue. Thank goodness for Vicks-infused Puffs. I love them!

    Thinking about you, Phoo.

    Feel better, girls (and stay in bed!!)

  3. Boy, do I feel for all of you. No fun. I stay at home so much that I don't come into contact with sick folks. I am wanting to hear Phooey's results. We are all praying and believing for good news.
    You have mentioned a bunch of people but what about Freddie? Who is Freddie? Is he a drive by. If you are still there please come back.
    I think I read a while back that Magdalene is very ill and that the most she can do is read right now.
    I read that Surfie got a job that she likes and doesn't post too much now.

  4. God Bless you frogs! Quit worrying about me. It was only a blood test. All indicators say the Gleevec is killing the bad buggers. Here is the bad part, my Doc needs to do another bone marrow biopsy. I only agreed after she wrote a prescript. for a couple of pain pills. As Daffy Duck said: I can't stand pain, it hurts me! 1/24/12 is the date to have a camera go into my bladder. Do not expect physical pain... only emotional. "You are going to stick that tube where!!!!!!!??????"
    I love you all, Good Night and Get Well!

  5. Eva, honey, I had no idea you were so ill--I'm so sorry! You get better quick. That sounds miserable!

    I'm sorry Magdalene is ill; I'm going to pray for her. Surfie, you need to come and tell us about your job!

    Phooey, I will not stop worrying about you--I love my PhooFrog and I have to look out for you!

    'Woggy's been coughing all day. My COPD meds keeps mine in check some, but my appetite is gone with the wind and my throat is raw. I'm kinda worried about Wog; she's 71 and even a little cold isn't anything to play around with. We've been playing cards and trying to sleep. My legs hurt and card games keep my mind off of it. I made her a cheese sandwich and some chix soup... I hope this gets gone soon--I feel like hell.

  6. P.S. Gloria, hon, I sure hope you and Paget stay well--this thing moves like wildfire...

  7. Okay, I'm giving in and calling my doctor tomorrow morning. Everyone is yelling at me, my husband, my father, my niece. I guess 3 weeks is too long for this thing to have hung on. Maybe it's something else. I'll see if I can get an appt. asap. Everyone else please take care of yourselves!

    I'm with you on the pain thing, Phooey. I don't like it. I don't want it to happen to me. I don't want it to be. I'm all for preempting it, so good for you and the pain pills.

  8. Looks like me and PhooFrog are the only ones gettin' better! The rest of you Ponders better shape up. Take your medicine and rest. Eva.. get to the doctor just to be sure. At least a doctor can give you something to make you more comfortable.

  9. Hi everybody! I'm sick, too. Think I got it from my brother. He's had it for nearly 3 weeks. Hope it doesn't take me that long to get well.

    I'm settled into my new apartment. Sure is good to have my own place again. Living out of a suitcase at my brother's and then my sister's was no fun.

    Love my new job. It's for a company that manufactures and repairs hydraulic machinery for the oil & gas industry, steel mills, amusement parks ... anyplace that has hydraulic equipment. It isn't glamorous, but I love it. It's a small, family-owned company. I'm doing accounts payable, receivable, payroll. I Like everybody I work with, and get to wear jeans to work!

    Magdalene was doing better a few weeks ago, but I think she's had a set-back. Think I'll email her to see if she feels like getting together (we're neighbors now!)

    Take care and get well, Ponders!

  10. Forgot to mention that my son and Liz spent a week with me during the holidays. I'm so proud of him. Get to see him in May when he graduates from college, then he's going to Korea for at least a year to teach English. Liz is going back home (Seoul) at the end of the month, so they'll be back together soon. I need to get a passport!

  11. Surfie, great news! Not the sick part :(. There's nothing like having a job where you like the people you're working with! Sounds like everything is finally falling into place. About time, huh?

    Tell Mags that we're thinking of her and she's in our prayers.

  12. Well, the doc's visit was probably a waste of time, but I guess it was better to have gone. He did a throat culture and the results will be in on Monday. Otherwise, I just have a bad cold and it'll have to run it's course. Sigh.

    Froggy? 'Wog? How are you two feeling today?

  13. This is Thursday, I think. Lost track of the days since I've been sick with a cold. I'm getting better; Froggy's getting worse. Can't do much with a cold but wait it out.

    Didn't know that you did accounting. Sounds like you do everything in accounting. Do you have a degree? I'm asking because I don't have a degree. A lot of the accounts payable jobs want a BS. Wondered if I should take some classes to get another job. Seems that a lot of accounts payable jobs want QuickBooks.

  14. Don't know why my name is so screwy. I'll just try using WOG.

  15. I am hoping everyone gets better soon. Sounds like you are all suffering.

    Here is something that I recently learned from Dr Oz or someone. Mushrooms are good for immunity. You don't have to eat more than 2 button mushrooms a day! I really like them so I have been stepping it up a little. My husband hates mushrooms unless they are on pizza.

  16. WOG, I do NOT have a degree. I have a high-school diploma and have been self-employed since forever and finally found a company that realized my self-employment knowledge is worth a lot. I HATE MATH AND ACCOUNTING, but I'm pretty good at it. Lord Help Me!

  17. Surfie, Glad you found work at a company you like. Almost every job I've had, I learned on the job. Hope my next job is friendly and fun. That's important.

    Eva and everyone who is coughing...including Froggy and me .. hope next week finds us all well and hopping ..or at least, hopping and better.

  18. Hello Froggy and friends,

    I'm so sorry so many of you are sick! :( Hubby has a cold, and I'm trying to stay away from him. ;)

    Surfie, I'm glad you found a job you like. That makes all the difference in the world!

    'Wog, you are always willing to learn and you have such a great attitude that I know you'll find a job soon! :)

    I hope everyone is taking vitamin C. I know that helps with a cold. Gloria, I will start eating more mushrooms. I love them so it will be a pleasure!

    Phoo, sure hope and pray that your blood test has good results!

    It's late, and tomorrow is a workday, so I'm off to bed.

    Good night and God bless!

  19. Poor Froggy! I know you must be feeling bad because we're stuck on Wednesday. Praying for you to get better soon! Isn't it nice, though, to have your sister with you? That has to make you feel less sick.

    I had the best night's sleep last night that I've had in a month. There IS light at the end of the tunnel! Hang in there everyone!

  20. Good morning and praying for you all to get better. Just rest and heal.

    Don't worry about this place. We can all pitch in and keep things going. Though nobody can do what you do. I'll check in later.
